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Stage Races Classics
Abu Dhabi Tour 2018 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

This is the 4th year of the Abu Dhabi Tour and like last year many big names are making their way to this late season desert stage race. 2018 info posted below.

Big Photos from 2017 (all stages) — rcs
Big Photos from 2016 (all stages) — rcs
Big Photos from 2015 (all stages) — rcs

Show All Profile Thumbnails
1Wednesday, February 21189 km 
Madinat ZayaAdnoc School
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Thursday, February 22154 km 
Yas MallYas Beach
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Friday, February 23133 km 
Nation TowersBig Flag
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Saturday, February 2411 km 
Al Maryah IslandAl Maryah Island
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
5Sunday, February 25199 km 
Qasr Al MuwaijiJebel Hafeet
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance686 km 

2018 Abu Dhabi Tour Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  2ARU  FabioITA
  3BYSTRØM  Sven ErikNOR
  4FERRARI  RobertoITA
  5KRISTOFF  AlexanderNOR
  6MORI  ManueleITA

  13CHEVRIER  ClementFRA
  14FRANK  MathiasSUI
  16GENIEZ  AlexandreFRA

  21LOPEZ MORENO  Miguel AngelCOL
  24HANSEN  JesperDEN
  25MINALI  RiccardoITA
  27ZEITS  AndreyKAZ

  31POZZOVIVO  DomenicoITA
  37NOVAK  DomenSLO

  42ALBANESE  VincenzoITA
  44CICCONE  GiulioITA
  47TONELLI  AlessandroITA

  51DENNIS  RohanAUS
  52BEVIN  PatrickNZL
  54CARUSO  DamianoITA

  61MAJKA  RafalPOL
  63BASKA  ErikSVK
  64BUCHMANN  EmanuelGER
  65FORMOLO  DavideITA
  67SAGAN  JurajSVK

  72MAIKIN  RomanRUS
  73NYCH  ArtemRUS
  74PORSEV  AlexanderRUS
  76TRUSOV  NikolayRUS
  77VLASOV  AleksandrRUS

  82ARMEE  SanderBEL
  83FRISON  FrederikBEL
  84HANSEN  Adam JamesAUS
  86MERTZ  RemyBEL
  87SIEBERG  MarcelGER

  91YATES  SimonGBR
  92EWAN  CalebAUS
  93BAUER  JackNZL
  96KLUGE  RogerGER
  97TUFT  SveinCAN

  101VALVERDE  AlejandroESP
  102BENNATI  DanieleITA
  103DE LA PARTE  VictorESP
  104PEDRERO  AntonioESP
  105ROJAS  JoséESP

  112HODEG CHAGUI  Alvaro JoseCOL
  113KNOX  JamesGBR
  115MORKOV  MichaelDEN

  122CUMMINGS  StephenGBR
  123DAVIES  ScottGBR
  124DEBESAY  MeksebERI
  125MORTON  LachlanAUS
  127VENTER  JacoRSA

  131ROLLAND  PierreFRA
  132CLARKE  WilliamAUS
  133CRADDOCK G  LawsonUSA
  135MCLAY  DanielGBR
  136MORENO  DanielESP
  137WOODS  MichaelCAN

  141KITTEL  MarcelGER
  142BELKOV  MaximRUS
  144HALLER  MarcoAUT
  146ZABEL  RickGER
  147ZAKARIN  IlnurRUS

  154TOLHOEK  AntwanNED
  157WAGNER  Robert ThomasGER

  161PERON  AndreaITA
  162BRAND  SamGBR
  163GIOUX  RomainFRA
  164HENTTALA  JoonasFIN
  166PLANET  CharlesFRA

  172BASSO  LeonardoITA
  173HALVORSEN  KristofferNOR
  175HENAO GOMEZ  SebastianCOL
  177ROWE  LukeGBR

  182ARNDT  NikiasGER
  184FRÖHLINGER  JohannesGER
  185HOFSTEDE  LennardNED

  191BRAMBILLA  GianlucaITA
  192BRÄNDLE  MatthiasAUT
  193EG  NiklasDEN
  194FRAME  AlexNZL
  195GOGL  MichaelAUT
  196GRMAY  Tsgabu GebremaryamETH

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Abu Dhabi Tour 2018

Live Saturday,
2018 Omloop Het Nieuwsblad Live: course info, startlist, broadcasters.
Live Sunday, 2018 Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne Live (BEL 1.HC): race info, startlist, broadcasters, updates

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

22 Big Photos from Stage 5rcs
Stage 5 Results
1  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)           4:38:47
2  LOPEZ MORENO, Miguel Angel (AST)    
3  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (QST)            +   15
4  MAJKA, Rafal (BOH)                  
5  KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)              
6  FORMOLO, Davide (BOH)                +   37
7  EG, Niklas (TFS)                     +   47
8  ULISSI, Diego (UAD)                  +   55
9  FARIA DA COSTA, Rui Alberto (UAD)   
10 TOLHOEK, Antwan (TLJ)               
11 FRANK, Mathias (ALM)                
12 KREUZIGER, Roman (MTS)               +   59
13 LAMBRECHT, Bjorg (LTS)               + 1:01
14 CICCONE, Giulio (BRD)                + 1:03
15 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)             
16 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                     + 1:05
17 VALLS FERRI, Rafael (MOV)            + 1:23
18 WOODS, Michael (EFD)                 + 1:26
19 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (TBM)           
20 CASTROVIEJO, Jonathan (SKY)          + 1:41
21 IZAGIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (TBM)       + 1:43
22 CARUSO, Damiano (BMC)               
23 DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                 
24 GENIEZ, Alexandre (ALM)              + 2:01
25 ZAKARIN, Ilnur (TKA)                 + 2:03
26 MORTON, Lachlan (DDD)                + 2:09
27 DAVIES, Scott (DDD)                  + 2:28
28 MORENO, Daniel (EFD)                
29 BOOKWALTER, Brent (BMC)              + 2:47
30 HANSEN, Jesper (AST)                
31 GRMAY, Tsgabu Gebremaryam (TFS)     
32 BRAMBILLA, Gianluca (TFS)            + 3:20
33 KOCHETKOV, Pavel (TKA)              
34 HENAO GOMEZ, Sebastian (SKY)        
35 ROLLAND, Pierre (EFD)               
36 SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)                  + 3:33
37 MONTAGUTI, Matteo (ALM)              + 3:41
38 CHEVRIER, Clement (ALM)             
39 ROJAS, José (MOV)                    + 4:26
40 DE LA PARTE, Victor (MOV)           

Final General Classification
1  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)           16:00:01
2  KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)                +   17
3  LOPEZ MORENO, Miguel Angel (AST)      +   29
4  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (QST)             +   31
5  MAJKA, Rafal (BOH)                    +   45
6  FORMOLO, Davide (BOH)                 + 1:13
7  ULISSI, Diego (UAD)                   + 1:18
8  FARIA DA COSTA, Rui Alberto (UAD)     + 1:28
9  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                   + 1:29
10 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)               + 1:37
Full Official Stage 5 Results and General Classificationrcs
Valverde wins Abu Dhabi Tour with final stage victorycyclingnews
Valverde continues comeback with Abu Dhabi winvelonews
Valverde: I don't know if I'm the best rider in the world, but I'm always up therecyclingnews
Dennis loses jersey but keeps morale at Abu Dhabi Tourcyclingnews
Valverde continues comeback with Abu Dhabi winvelonews
Kelderman rides onto final Abu Dhabi Tour podiumcyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 5 (02:23 English)eurosport
Official Stage 5 Highlights (03:15 English)AbuDhabiTour
Extended Official Stage 5 Highlights (05:16 English)inCycle
Stage 5 Highlights (04:18 Ambient)espn
Stage 5 Race Report (03:11 English)gcn
22 Big Photos from Stage 5rcs
GoPro/Bikecam Stage 5 highlights (03:32 Ambient)VelonCC

Stage 5 preview: Qasr Al Muwaiji → Jebel Hafeet, 199 km (Mountain)

February 24 update:
Stage 5 Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Sunday 11:45 GST (7:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Qasr Al Muwaiji, Abu Dhabi
Earliest live video: 11:45 GST (7:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:44 GST (12:44:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Jebel Hafeet, Abu Dhabi

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

15 Big Photos from Stage 4rcs
Stage 4 Results
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                 14:21
2  CASTROVIEJO, Jonathan (SKY)          + 14
3  SCOTSON, Miles (BMC)                 + 16
4  VAN EMDEN, Jos (TLJ)                
5  KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)              
6  BOOKWALTER, Brent (BMC)              + 17
7  ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)                  + 22
8  BEVIN, Patrick (BMC)                 + 23
9  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)            + 27
10 DOWSETT, Alex (TKA)                  + 29
11 CRADDOCK G, Lawson (EFD)             + 30
12 DUMOULIN, Tom (SUN)                  + 31
13 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (QST)            + 34
14 BRÄNDLE, Matthias (TFS)              + 37
15 ULISSI, Diego (UAD)                 
16 ROSSKOPF, Joseph (BMC)               + 38
17 SÜTTERLIN, Jasha (MOV)              
18 CLARKE, William (EFD)                + 40
19 ZAKARIN, Ilnur (TKA)                
20 BAUER, Jack (MTS)                   
21 HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (QST)      + 44
22 MAJKA, Rafal (BOH)                  
23 CARUSO, Damiano (BMC)                + 45
24 FARIA DA COSTA, Rui Alberto (UAD)    + 47
25 FRAME, Alex (TFS)                   
26 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)              + 48
27 KLUGE, Roger (MTS)                   + 49
28 LOPEZ MORENO, Miguel Angel (AST)    
29 YATES, Simon (MTS)                  
31 VIVIANI, Elia (QST)                 
32 FORMOLO, Davide (BOH)                + 50
33 GOGL, Michael (TFS)                 
34 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                     + 51
35 VAN HOECKE, Gijs (TLJ)              
36 NAVARDAUSKAS, Ramunas (TBM)          + 52
37 VAN POPPEL, Danny (TLJ)              + 54
38 TEUNISSEN, Mike (SUN)               
39 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (TBM)           
40 FRANK, Mathias (ALM)                 + 56

General Classification after Stage 4
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)           11:21:10
2  CASTROVIEJO, Jonathan (SKY)       + 14
3  SCOTSON, Miles (BMC)              + 16
4  VAN EMDEN, Jos (TLJ)          
5  KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)        
6  BOOKWALTER, Brent (BMC)           + 17
7  BEVIN, Patrick (BMC)              + 23
8  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         + 24
9  DUMOULIN, Tom (SUN)               + 31
10 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (QST)         + 34
Full Official Stage 4 Results and General Classificationrcs
Dennis takes Abu Dhabi lead after time trial victorycyclingnews
Tom Dumoulin's first outing as world champion ruined by mechanical problemcyclingnews
Official Stage 4 Highlights (04:01 English)inCycle
Resumen: Stage 4 Highlights (01:25 Spanish)espn
Dumoulin rages after bike malfunction ruins Stage 4 time trial (00:32 English)eurosport
15 Big Photos from Stage 4rcs
GoPro/Bikecam Stage 4 highlights (03:32 Ambient)VelonCC

Stage 4 preview: Al Maryah Island → Al Maryah Island, 11 km (ITT)

February 23 update:
Stage 4 Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 4 ITT Start Order and Times (GST) — rcs
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Saturday 13:15 GST (9:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi
Earliest live video: 13:15 GST (9:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:45 GST (11:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

11 Big Photos from Stage 3rcs
Stage 3 Results
1  BAUHAUS, Phil (SUN)         3:02:55
2  KITTEL, Marcel (TKA)        
3  ACKERMANN, Pascal (BOH)     
4  VIVIANI, Elia (QST)         
5  EWAN, Caleb (MTS)           
6  GREIPEL, André (LTS)        
7  BARBIER, Rudy (ALM)         
8  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)   
9  VAN POPPEL, Danny (TLJ)     
10 GUARDINI, Andrea (BRD)      

General Classification after Stage 3
1  VIVIANI, Elia (QST)         11:06:36
2  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)       +  3
3  BAUHAUS, Phil (SUN)         
4  ACKERMANN, Pascal (BOH)         +  5
5  VAN POPPEL, Danny (TLJ)         +  7
6  KITTEL, Marcel (TKA)        
7  EWAN, Caleb (MTS)               +  9
8  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)       + 10
9  SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)         
10 TONELLI, Alessandro (BRD)   
Full Official Stage 3 Results and General Classificationrcs
Bauhaus edges out Kittel on stage 3cyclingnews
Kittel: Today was the first day where I felt normal againcyclingnews
Bauhaus lays foundations with Abu Dhabi Tour victorycyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 3 (01:53 Ambient)eurosport
Last 14 Km of Stage 3 (17:07 French)lequipe
Official Stage 3 Highlights (04:13 English)inCycle
Resumen: Stage 3 Highlights (01:44 Spanish)espn
11 Big Photos from Stage 3rcs
Stage 3 Race Report (02:59 English)gcn

Stage 3 preview: Nation Towers → Big Flag, 133 km (flat)

February 22 update:
Stage 3 Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Friday 13:40 GST (9:40:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Nation Towers, Abu Dhabi
Earliest live video: 13:40 GST (9:40:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:42 GST (12:42:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Big Flag, Abu Dhabi

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

10 Big Photos from Stage 2rcs
Stage 2 Results
1  VIVIANI, Elia (QST)           3:15:30
2  VAN POPPEL, Danny (TLJ)       
3  ACKERMANN, Pascal (BOH)       
4  HALVORSEN, Kristoffer (SKY)   
5  EWAN, Caleb (MTS)             
6  BAUHAUS, Phil (SUN)           
7  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)     
8  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (TBM)      
9  BARBIER, Rudy (ALM)           
10 RENSHAW, Mark (DDD)           

General Classification after Stage 2
1  VIVIANI, Elia (QST)         8:03:44
2  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)   
3  VAN POPPEL, Danny (TLJ)         + 4
4  GUARDINI, Andrea (BRD)      
5  EWAN, Caleb (MTS)               + 6
6  ACKERMANN, Pascal (BOH)     
7  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)       + 7
8  SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)         
9  TONELLI, Alessandro (BRD)   
10 RENSHAW, Mark (DDD)             + 8
Full Official Stage 2 Results and General Classificationrcs
Viviani wins stage 2 and takes race leadcyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 2 (02:24 Ambient)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 2 (00:54 Arabic)@ADSportsTV
Official Stage 2 Highlights (03:31 English)inCycle
Finish Line Clip and Winner's Reaction, Stage 2 (00:40 Ambient)@VelonCC
GoPro/On-Board Stage 2 highlights (02:30 Ambient)VelonCC
10 Big Photos from Stage 2rcs
Stage 2 Race Report (02:40 English)gcn

Stage 2 preview: Yas Mall → Yas Beach, 154 km (flat)

February 21 update:
Stage 2 Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Ewan: To win, I really had to nail the timingcyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Thursday 12:00 GST (8:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Yas Mall, Abu Dhabi
Earliest live video: 12:00 GST (8:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:30 GST (11:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Yas Beach, Abu Dhabi

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

12 Big Photos from Stage 1rcs
Stage 1 Results
1  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)     4:48:24
2  GUARDINI, Andrea (BRD)        
3  EWAN, Caleb (MTS)             
4  VIVIANI, Elia (QST)           
5  MCLAY, Daniel (EFD)           
6  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (TBM)      
7  BRESCIANI, Michael (BRD)      
8  VAN POPPEL, Danny (TLJ)       
9  BARBIER, Rudy (ALM)           
10 GREIPEL, André (LTS)          
11 BAUHAUS, Phil (SUN)           
12 ACKERMANN, Pascal (BOH)       
13 HALVORSEN, Kristoffer (SKY)   
14 BASSO, Leonardo (SKY)         
15 KITTEL, Marcel (TKA)          
16 PERON, Andrea (TNN)           
17 MAIKIN, Roman (GAZ)           
18 BEVIN, Patrick (BMC)          
19 ROJAS, José (MOV)             
20 FRAME, Alex (TFS)             

General Classification after Stage 1
1  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)   4:48:14
2  GUARDINI, Andrea (BRD)         +  4
3  EWAN, Caleb (MTS)              +  6
4  TRUSOV, Nikolay (GAZ)       
5  ALBANESE, Vincenzo (BRD)    
6  SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)            +  7
7  CARUSO, Damiano (BMC)          +  9
8  VIVIANI, Elia (QST)            + 10
9  MCLAY, Daniel (EFD)         
10 BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (TBM)    
Full Official Stage 1 Results and General Classificationrcs
Kristoff wins opening stagecyclingnews
Cavendish out of Abu Dhabi Tour following stage 1 crashvelonews
Abu Dhabi Tour organisers blame automatic brake sensor for Cavendish crashcyclingnews
Mark Cavendish suffers concussion and whiplash but serious neck injury ruled outcyclingweekly
Guardini sprints to second in Abu Dhabi Tour openercyclingnews
Kristoff: I usually don't win stages like thiscyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 1 (02:47 English)eurosport
Official Stage 1 Highlights (03:02 English)AbuDhabiTour
Mark Cavendish abandons after neutral zone crash, Stage 1 (00:54 English)eurosport
12 Big Photos from Stage 1rcs
Stage 1 Race Report (02:41 English)gcn
GoPro/On-Board Stage 1 Highlights (02:51 Ambient)VelonCC
Resumen: Stage 1 Highlights (01:33 Spanish)espn

Stage 1 preview: Madinat Zaya → Adnoc School, 189 km (flat)

February 17 update:
Stage 1 Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Wednesday 12:10 GST (8:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Madinat Zaya, Abu Dhabi
Earliest live video: 15:00 GST (11:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:44 GST (12:44:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Adnoc School, Abu Dhabi

2018 Abu Dhabi Tour Preview

February 20 update:
16 Big Photos from Pre-Race Training and Press Conferencercs
Dumoulin takes a familiar, fruitful road to 2018 Girovelonews
Tom Dumoulin Pre-Race Interview (01:30 English)CyclingJournos
Kittel: We saw where our mistakes were in Dubaicyclingnews
Lotto Soudal aiming for Abu Dhabi Tour stage winscyclingnews

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
February 19 update:
Overall Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional

February 16 update:
2018 Abu Dhabi Tour previewcyclingnews

February 14 update:
Provisional Startlist w/ bib

January 23 update:
Abu Dhabi Tour 2018 includes ITT, attracts big starsvelonews
2018 Route Flythrough (08:48 Music)cyclingnewstv

Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

February 26 update: A work in progress for 2018 Abu Dhabi Tour live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
   live video (english)
   live video (arabic)
  tv schedule
English and Arabic; live from the race start on Abu Dhabi Sports Channel 6
   live video (english)
 tv schedule
English; United States/Canada. Live HD and on-demand (DVR) coverage without a cable, satellite or telco contract. A monthly subscription includes DVR after a free 7 day trial. Plus access to many other races and channels.
eurosport    live videom (english)
   live videom (english)
  tv schedule (british)
  tv schedule (int'l/cet)
English; Only Stage 5 will be live on tv
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
English,restricted to South Africa
L'Equipe    live videom (french)
   live videom (french)
  tv schedule
French <
live text updates English,
 steephill txt updates
 official tweets
short text updates from any and everyone
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2018 Abu Dhabi Tour Route Map

2018 Route Flythrough (08:48 Music)cyclingnewstv
Stage maps are posted in the race summary table .

2017 Abu Dhabi Tour Archived Coverage

2016 Abu Dhabi Tour Archived Coverage

2015 Abu Dhabi Tour Archived Coverage