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Vuelta a San Juan 2020 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

Julian Alaphilippe returns to Argentina's Vuelta a San Juan Internacional where he won two stqages in 2019. 2020 Vuelta a San Juan details posted below
Big Photos from Vuelta a San Juan 2020corvos/getty
Big Photos from Vuelta a San Juan 2019globesport/corvos
Big Photos from Vuelta a San Juan 2018astorga
Big Photos from Tour de San Luis 2016 (all stages) — astorga
Big Photos from Tour de San Luis 2015astorga/veloimages
Big Photos from the 2013 Tour de San Luisveloimages

Show All Profile Thumbnails
1Sunday, January 26164 km 
San JuanSan Juan
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Monday, January 27169 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Tuesday, January 2815 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Wednesday, January 29186 km 
JáchalValle Fértil
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
RThursday, January 30 
Rest day
5Friday, January 31175 km 
CauceteAlto Colorado
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
6Saturday, February 1175 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
7Sunday, February 2141 km 
San JuanSan Juan
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance1025 km 

2020 Vuelta a San Juan Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  2MORA VEDRI  SebastianESP

  11SAGAN  PeterSVK
  12BODNAR  MaciejPOL
  13FABBRO  MatteoITA
  14GATTO  OscarITA
  15OSS  DanielITA

  21LAPORTE  ChristopheFRA
  22MARTIN  GuillaumeFRA

  33HODEG CHAGUI  Alvaro JoseCOL
  34SERRY  PieterBEL
  35ŠTYBAR  ZdeněkCZE

  42EINHORN  ItamarISR
  45VAHTRA  NormanEST
  46MCCABE  TravisUSA

  53MCNULTY  BrandonUSA
  55RICHEZE  Maximiliano ArielARG
  56TROIA  OlivieroITA

  62BAIS  MattiaITA
  63FLOREZ LOPEZ  Miguel EduardoCOL

  75TONELLI  AlessandroITA
  76ZACCANTI  FilippoITA


  91STOJNIĆ  VeljkoSRB
  92MARENGO  UmbertoITA
  93BUSATO  MatteoITA
  95GAROSIO  AndreaITA
  96DI RENZO  AndreaITA

  101BRITTON  RobertCAN
  102BROWN  NathanUSA
  104JOYCE  ColinUSA
  105MANNION  GavinUSA
  106MURPHY  KyleUSA

  112TIZZA  MarcoITA
  113MARCHESINI  RiccardoITA
  114ZULLO  AntonioITA
  115LUKSEVICS  ViestursLAT

  121FIGUEIREDO  FredericoPOR
  122GRIGOREV  AleksandrRUS
  125SIMÃO  RúbenPOR
  126MARQUE PORTO  AlejandroESP

  131QUIROZ AYALA  Oscar AdalbertoCOL
  134CAMARGO PINEDA  Diego AndresCOL
  135MUÑOZ PEREZ  William DavidCOL
  136CASALLAS RINCON  Yeisson FerneyCOL

  141SEVILLA RIVERA  Oscar MiguelESP
  142ROLDAN ORTIZ  Weimar AlfonsoCOL
  144VARGAS ALZATE  Walter AlejandroCOL
  145SANCHEZ VERGARA  Brayan StivenCOL

  151TIVANI PEREZ  German NicolasARG
  152NARANJO SANCHEZ  Nicolas JavierARG
  153ESCUELA  RicardoARG
  154VELARDEZ  Leandro JavierARG
  155JUAREZ VERON  Gabriel NicolasARG
  156JUAREZ VERON  Gabriel NicolasARG
  157GOMEZ  Oscar AlfredoARG

  161TIVANI  Gerardo MatiasARG
  162NAVARRETE  Maximiliano EzequielARG
  163MELIVILLO  Juan JavierARG
  164ATENCIO  Gerardo ExequielARG
  165RAMOS  RubénARG
  166CONTTE  TomasARG
  167REYES  Jose MartinARG

  181DOTTI  Juan PabloARG
  182NAZARET  MagnoBRA
  183COBARRUBIA LUCERO  Leonardo FrancoARG
  184DURAN  Alejandro AntonioARG
  185TOLOZA  Efrain EnriqueARG
  186MAGGIORA  MatiasARG
  187LUCERO  Hector MaximilianoARG

  191MESSINEO  LeandroARG
  192DIAZ  DanielARG
  193IBARRA  EmilianoARG
  194RICHEZE  Mauro AbelARG
  195DIAZ  DanielARG
  196ROSAS  LaureanoARG
  197CONTRERAS  EmilianoARG

  201FRAYSSE  AgustinARG
  202BAZAN  OscarARG
  203CIANCI  SebastianARG
  204GADAY  Lucas ManuelARG
  205MONTE  FranciscoARG
  206OBANDO  RenzoARG
  207CURUCHET  Juan IgnacioARG

  211LAMON  FrancescoITA
  213PLEBANI  DavideITA
  214MILAN  JonathanITA
  215GANNA  FilippoITA
  216BASSO  LeonardoITA

  221EVTUSHENKO  AlexanderRUS
  222ILCHENKO  VladimirRUS
  223STASH  MamyrRUS
  225MAIKIN  RomanRUS
  226MAMYKIN  MatveiRUS

  231RONZANI  Felipe Aparecido BriBRA
  232FINKLER  Leonardo HenriqueBRA
  233GUIMARAES  AlessandroBRA
  234RANGEL COSTA  ViniciusBRA
  235GOHR  AndreBRA
  236QUADRI  RenanBRA

  241LORENZO  Randish AbdulPAN
  242JURADO  CristoferPAN
  243CASTELBLANCO  Jorge AmadidPAN
  244ARCHIBOLD  FranklinPAN
  245ESPINOSA SERRANO  Bolivar GabrielPAN
  246SAMUDIO  Carlos ArielPAN

  251NAVARRO  RoynerPER
  252RUIZ CALLE  Hugo NestorPER
  253QUISPE  AlainPER
  254RUIZ CALLE  RobinsonPER
  255GÁRATE GUARNIZ  César EnriquePER

  262BECERRA  EduinVEN
  264PAREDES  AndersonVEN
  265ROJAS  MaximoVEN
  266RUJANO  JoséVEN

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Vuelta a San Juan 2020

Stage 7 Post-Race Coverage

12 Big Photos from Stage 7corvos/getty
Stage 7 Results
1  GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)       2:58:03
2  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                   
3  HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)      
4  BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)               
5  HOFSTETTER, Hugo (ISN)               
6  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)                  
7  APPOLLONIO, Davide (AMO)             
8  MORA VEDRI, Sebastian (MOV)          
9  SOTO MARTINEZ, Nelson (CTA)          
10 BENFATTO, Marco (BCF)                
11 ALLEGAERT, Piet (COF)                
12 ALONSO FLORES, Mikel (FOR)           
13 RUIZ CALLE, Robinson (PER)           
14 MARTINGIL, César (ATM)               
15 MARENGO, Umberto (THR)               
16 MILAN, Jonathan (ITA)                
17 GADAY, Lucas Manuel (ARG)            
18 QUISPE, Alain (PER)                  
19 NARANJO SANCHEZ, Nicolas (AVF)       
20 VAN LERBERGHE, Bert (DQT)            
21 GUIMARAES, Alessandro (BRA)          
22 MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)                  
23 CONTTE, Tomas (EMP)                  
24 ROSTOVCEV, Sergei (RUS)              
25 BOGDANOVICS, Maris (AMO)             
26 ARANBURU ARRUTI, Jokin (FOR)         
27 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (UAD)     
28 WACKERMANN, Luca (THR)               
29 RICHEZE, Mauro Abel (TPC)            
30 OSS, Daniel (BOH)                    
31 STASH, Mamyr (RUS)                   
32 GRIGOREV, Aleksandr (ATM)            
33 NAVARRETE, Maximiliano (EMP)         
34 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)              
35 EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)               
36 MARQUE PORTO, Alejandro (ATM)        
37 BARCELO ARAGON, Fernando (COF)       
38 ESCUELA, Ricardo (AVF)               
39 RAVANELLI, Simone (ANS)              
40 FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)   

Final General Classification
1  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                23:13:59
2  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                    +   33
3  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)      + 1:01
4  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                  + 1:21
5  FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)      + 2:11
6  OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                  + 2:27
7  MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                 + 2:28
8  PAREDES AVELLANEDA, Cesar (MED)         + 2:36
9  MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                    + 2:53
10 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)                 + 3:05
11 TIVANI PEREZ, German Nicolas (AVF)      + 3:14
12 MELIVILLO, Juan Javier (EMP)            + 3:27
13 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                  + 3:41
14 FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                    + 4:00
15 PELLAUD, Simon (ANS)                    + 4:24
16 ESCUELA, Ricardo (AVF)                  + 4:36
17 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)     + 4:42
18 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)      + 4:53
19 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)                + 4:54
20 ELOSEGUI MOMEÑE, Iñigo (MOV)            + 4:56
Remco Evenepoel wins Vuelta a San Juancyclingnews
Stage 7 Highlights (03:50 English)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 7 (50:30 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
12 Big Photos from Stage 7corvos/getty

Stage 7 preview: San Juan → San Juan, 141 km (flat)

February 1 update:
Oscar Sevilla hails benefits of training with Egan Bernalcyclingnews
Stage 7 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 7 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 7 start time: Sunday 17:14 ART (8:14:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for San Juan, Argentina
Earliest live video: 17:14 ART (8:14:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:10 ART (11:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for San Juan, Argentina

Stage 6 Post-Race Coverage

12 Big Photos from Stage 6corvos/getty
Stage 6 Results
1  ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                 3:56:51
2  MOLANO BENAVIDES, Juan (UAD)         
3  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)                  
4  BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)               
5  OSS, Daniel (BOH)                    
6  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                   
7  HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)      
8  NARANJO SANCHEZ, Nicolas (AVF)       
9  SOTO MARTINEZ, Nelson (CTA)          
10 JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                   
11 VAN LERBERGHE, Bert (DQT)            
12 GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)       
13 BASSO, Leonardo (ITA)                
14 ALONSO FLORES, Mikel (FOR)           
15 MORA VEDRI, Sebastian (MOV)          
16 BENFATTO, Marco (BCF)                
17 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (UAD)     
18 MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)                  
19 MARTINGIL, César (ATM)               
20 BOGDANOVICS, Maris (AMO)             
21 GADAY, Lucas Manuel (ARG)            
22 JACOBS, Johan (MOV)                  
23 TIZZA, Marco (AMO)                   
24 MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)               
25 CONTTE, Tomas (EMP)                  
26 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)              
27 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)               
28 EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)               
29 ESCUELA, Ricardo (AVF)               
30 OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)               
31 TIVANI PEREZ, German Nicolas (AVF)   
32 BUSATO, Matteo (THR)                 
33 SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)   
34 MATE MARDONES, Luis Angel (COF)      
35 MARENGO, Umberto (THR)               
36 APPOLLONIO, Davide (AMO)             
37 PELLAUD, Simon (ANS)                 
38 CASALLAS RINCON, Yeisson (CTA)       
39 FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)   
40 FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                 

General Classification after Stage 6
1  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                20:15:56
2  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                    +   33
3  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)      + 1:01
4  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                  + 1:21
5  FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)      + 2:11
6  OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                  + 2:27
7  MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                 + 2:28
8  PAREDES AVELLANEDA, Cesar (MED)         + 2:36
9  MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                    + 2:53
10 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)                 + 3:05
11 TIVANI PEREZ, German Nicolas (AVF)      + 3:14
12 MELIVILLO, Juan Javier (EMP)            + 3:27
13 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                  + 3:41
14 FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                    + 4:00
15 PELLAUD, Simon (ANS)                    + 4:24
16 ESCUELA, Ricardo (AVF)                  + 4:36
17 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)     + 4:42
18 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)      + 4:53
19 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)                + 4:54
20 ELOSEGUI MOMEÑE, Iñigo (MOV)            + 4:56
Stybar wins stage 6 at Autódromo Villicumcyclingnews
Last 10 Km of Stage 6 (21:00 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 6 (54:49 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 6 (4:28:17 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 6 Highlights (03:53 English)GCNRacing
12 Big Photos from Stage 6corvos/getty

Stage 6 preview: Villicum → Villicum, 175 km (rolling)

January 31 update:
Stage 6 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 6 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 6 start time: Saturday 16:10 ART (7:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Villicum, Argentina
Earliest live video: 16:10 ART (7:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:10 ART (11:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Villicum, Argentina

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

11 Big Photos from Stage 5corvos
Stage 5 Results
1  FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)    4:36:23
2  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)     +    2
3  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                
4  MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                +    4
5  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                
6  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                  
7  PAREDES AVELLANEDA, Cesar (MED)        +   18
8  MELIVILLO, Juan Javier (EMP)           +   36
9  TIVANI PEREZ, German Nicolas (AVF)    
10 OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                 + 1:05
11 MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                   + 1:13
12 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)                + 1:15
13 ESCUELA, Ricardo (AVF)                 + 1:29
14 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                 + 1:36
15 BARCELO ARAGON, Fernando (COF)         + 2:11
16 PELLAUD, Simon (ANS)                  
17 BRAVO OIARBIDE, Garikoitz (FOR)       
18 MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)                    + 2:22
19 MATE MARDONES, Luis Angel (COF)       
20 FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                  
21 RUJANO, José (VEN)                     + 2:35
22 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)    
23 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)   
24 ELOSEGUI MOMEÑE, Iñigo (MOV)           + 2:38
25 BUSATO, Matteo (THR)                   + 2:40
26 ROSAS, Laureano (TPC)                  + 2:53
27 TIZZA, Marco (AMO)                     + 3:00
28 RANGEL COSTA, Vinicius (BRA)           + 3:01
29 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)              
30 ALARCON, Jose (VEN)                    + 3:04
31 REYES, Jose Martin (EMP)               + 3:24
32 JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                     + 3:41
33 CASTELBLANCO, Jorge Amadid (PAN)       + 3:59
34 CASALLAS RINCON, Yeisson (CTA)         + 4:01
35 BECERRA, Eduin (VEN)                   + 4:02
36 FIGUEIREDO, Frederico (ATM)            + 4:09
37 BAZAN, Oscar (ARG)                     + 4:32
38 SCHELLING, Patrick (ISN)               + 5:36
39 BAIS, Mattia (ANS)                     + 6:36
40 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                     + 7:13

General Classification after Stage 5
1  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                16:19:05
2  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                    +   33
3  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)      + 1:01
4  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                  + 1:21
5  FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)      + 2:11
6  OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                  + 2:27
7  MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                 + 2:28
8  PAREDES AVELLANEDA, Cesar (MED)         + 2:36
9  MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                    + 2:53
10 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)                 + 3:05
11 MELIVILLO, Juan Javier (EMP)            + 3:12
12 TIVANI PEREZ, German Nicolas (AVF)      + 3:14
13 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                  + 3:41
14 FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                    + 4:00
15 PELLAUD, Simon (ANS)                    + 4:24
16 ESCUELA, Ricardo (AVF)                  + 4:36
17 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)      + 4:38
18 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)     + 4:42
19 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)                + 4:54
20 ELOSEGUI MOMEÑE, Iñigo (MOV)            + 4:56
Vuelta a San Juan: Florez wins on Alto Coloradocyclingnews
Last 15 Km of Stage 5 - The Final Climb (43:00 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 5 (1:28:00 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 5 (4:02:33 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 5 Highlights (04:13 English)GCNRacing
11 Big Photos from Stage 5corvos

Stage 5 preview: Caucete → Alto Colorado, 175 km (Mountain)

January 30 update:
Sevilla the biggest threat to Evenepoel’s lead on Alto Coloradocyclingnews
Stage 5 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Photos from Alto Colorado 2019 - Winner winsglobesport
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Friday 15:34 ART (6:34:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Caucete, Argentina
Earliest live video: 15:34 ART (6:34:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:10 ART (11:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Alto Colorado, Argentina
Thursday is a rest day

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

6 Big Photos from Stage 4corvos/bettini
Stage 4 Results
1  GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)       4:08:03
2  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)                  
3  HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)      
4  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                   
5  ALLEGAERT, Piet (COF)                
6  VAN LERBERGHE, Bert (DQT)            
7  BENFATTO, Marco (BCF)                
8  BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)               
9  NARANJO SANCHEZ, Nicolas (AVF)       
10 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (UAD)     
11 MCCABE, Travis (ISN)                 
12 GADAY, Lucas Manuel (ARG)            
13 RICHEZE, Mauro Abel (TPC)            
14 APPOLLONIO, Davide (AMO)             
15 JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                   
16 MILAN, Jonathan (ITA)                
17 SOTO MARTINEZ, Nelson (CTA)          
18 GRIGOREV, Aleksandr (ATM)            
19 BOGDANOVICS, Maris (AMO)             
20 STASH, Mamyr (RUS)                   
21 MARENGO, Umberto (THR)               
22 MOLANO BENAVIDES, Juan (UAD)         
23 DALLA VALLE, Nicolas (BCF)           
24 FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)   
25 CONTTE, Tomas (EMP)                  
26 MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)               
27 MAESTRI, Mirco (BCF)                 
28 EINHORN, Itamar (ISN)                
29 MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)                  
30 LEMOINE, Cyril (COF)                 
31 RAMOS, Rubén (EMP)                   
32 ALONSO FLORES, Mikel (FOR)           
33 OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)               
34 TIZZA, Marco (AMO)                   
35 FRAPPORTI, Mattia (ANS)              
36 EVTUSHENKO, Alexander (RUS)          
37 GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                 
38 BASSO, Leonardo (ITA)                
39 MARQUE PORTO, Alejandro (ATM)        
40 JACOBS, Johan (MOV)                  

General Classification after Stage 4
1  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                11:42:38
2  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                    +   33
3  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)      + 1:09
4  OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                  + 1:26
5  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                  + 1:27
6  BODNAR, Maciej (BOH)                    + 1:28
7  EVTUSHENKO, Alexander (RUS)             + 1:29
8  JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                      + 1:41
9  FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                    + 1:42
10 MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                    + 1:44
11 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)                 + 1:54
12 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)                + 1:57
13 BRITTON, Robert (RLY)                   + 1:58
14 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                    + 2:05
15 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)      + 2:07
16 SANCHEZ VERGARA, Brayan (MED)           + 2:08
17 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                  + 2:09
18 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)     + 2:11
19 SCARTEZZINI, Michele (ITA)            
20 OSS, Daniel (BOH)                       + 2:14
Gaviria wins Stage 4cyclingnews
Fernando Gaviria strikes again in Vuelta a San Juancyclingpub
Last 8 Km of Stage 4 (15:00 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 4 (50:30 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 4 (4:05:20 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 4 Highlights (03:53 English)GCNRacing
6 Big Photos from Stage 4corvos/bettini

Stage 4 preview: Jáchal → Valle Fértil, 186 km (hilly)

January 28 update:
Stage 4 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Wednesday 15:17 ART (6:17:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Jáchal, Argentina
Earliest live video: 16:00 ART (7:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 19:43 ART (10:43:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Valle Fértil, Argentina

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

5 Big Photos from the Stage 3 ITTcorvos/getty
Stage 3 Results
1  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                19:16
2  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                  +   32
3  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)    + 1:08
4  OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                + 1:25
5  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                + 1:26
6  BODNAR, Maciej (BOH)                  + 1:27
7  EVTUSHENKO, Alexander (RUS)           + 1:28
8  JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                    + 1:40
9  FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                  + 1:41
10 MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                  + 1:43
11 COBARRUBIA LUCERO, Leonardo (SEP)     + 1:53
12 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)               
13 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)              + 1:56
14 BRITTON, Robert (RLY)                 + 1:57
15 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)    + 2:06
16 SANCHEZ VERGARA, Brayan (MED)         + 2:07
17 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  
18 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                + 2:08
19 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)   + 2:10
20 SCARTEZZINI, Michele (ITA)            
21 OSS, Daniel (BOH)                     + 2:13
22 PELLAUD, Simon (ANS)                  + 2:16
23 SCHELLING, Patrick (ISN)              + 2:17
24 VARGAS ALZATE, Walter (MED)           + 2:19
25 NAZARET, Magno (SEP)                  
26 STOJNIĆ, Veljko (THR)                 
27 DIAZ, Daniel (TPC)                    + 2:20
28 PAREDES AVELLANEDA, Cesar (MED)       + 2:21
29 ELOSEGUI MOMEÑE, Iñigo (MOV)          
30 MESSINEO, Leandro (TPC)               
31 FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)    + 2:24
32 ROSAS, Laureano (TPC)                 + 2:26
33 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)               + 2:27
34 MURPHY, Kyle (RLY)                    
35 BOHLI, Tom (UAD)                      
36 HERNANDEZ JARAMILLO, Jose (MED)       + 2:28
37 TRUEBA DIEGO, Alvaro (ATM)            + 2:29
38 RUJANO, José (VEN)                    + 2:30
39 JACOBS, Johan (MOV)                   + 2:34
40 GRIGOREV, Aleksandr (ATM)             + 2:36

General Classification after Stage 3
1  EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                7:34:36
2  GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                   +   32
3  SEVILLA RIVERA, Oscar Miguel (MED)     + 1:08
4  OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                 + 1:25
5  MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                 + 1:26
6  BODNAR, Maciej (BOH)                   + 1:27
7  EVTUSHENKO, Alexander (RUS)            + 1:28
8  JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                     + 1:40
9  FABBRO, Matteo (BOH)                   + 1:41
10 MANNION, Gavin (RLY)                   + 1:43
11 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)                + 1:53
12 SEPULVEDA, Eduardo (MOV)               + 1:56
13 BRITTON, Robert (RLY)                  + 1:57
14 CAMARGO PINEDA, Diego Andres (CTA)     + 2:06
15 SANCHEZ VERGARA, Brayan (MED)          + 2:07
16 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  
17 POLJANSKI, Pawel (BOH)                 + 2:08
18 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)    + 2:10
19 SCARTEZZINI, Michele (ITA)            
20 OSS, Daniel (BOH)                      + 2:13
Evenepoel wins stage 3 time trialcyclingnews
On-Demand Broadcast: Stage 3 ITT (56:57 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast: Stage 3 ITT (4:00:00 English)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 3 Highlights (03:50 English)GCNRacing
5 Big Photos from the Stage 3 ITTcorvos/getty

Stage 3 preview: Ullum → Ullum, 15 km (TT)

January 28 update:
Stage 3 ITT Start Order and Times (ART) — biciciclismo
Julian Alaphilippe abandons first race of the yearcyclingweekly
Stage 3 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Tuesday 17:17 ART (8:17:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Ullum, Argentina
Earliest live video: 17:17 ART (8:17:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:10 ART (11:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Ullum, Argentina

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

7 Big Photos from Stage 2corvos
Stage 2 Results
1  GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)            3:30:06
2  NARANJO SANCHEZ, Nicolas (AVF)            
3  BENFATTO, Marco (BCF)                     
4  ALLEGAERT, Piet (COF)                     
5  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                        
6  MCCABE, Travis (ISN)                      
7  RICHEZE, Mauro Abel (TPC)                 
8  MARTINGIL, César (ATM)                    
9  VAN LERBERGHE, Bert (DQT)                 
10 HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)           
11 HOFSTETTER, Hugo (ISN)                    
12 BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)                    
13 LEMOINE, Cyril (COF)                      
14 GADAY, Lucas Manuel (ARG)                 
15 ALONSO FLORES, Mikel (FOR)                
16 MARENGO, Umberto (THR)                    
17 BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)                       
18 MORA VEDRI, Sebastian (MOV)               
19 ROLDAN ORTIZ, Weimar Alfonso (MED)        
20 WACKERMANN, Luca (THR)                    
21 GATTO, Oscar (BOH)                        
22 JOYCE, Colin (RLY)                        
23 SOTO MARTINEZ, Nelson (CTA)               
24 BASSO, Leonardo (ITA)                     
25 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                   
26 MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                    
27 QUISPE, Alain (PER)                       
28 RANGEL COSTA, Vinicius (BRA)              
29 MAESTRI, Mirco (BCF)                      
30 TIVANI PEREZ, German Nicolas (AVF)        
31 CASTRO, Kevin (Municipalidad de Rawson)   
32 GRIGOREV, Aleksandr (ATM)                 
33 ROSAS, Laureano (TPC)                     
34 MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)                       
35 APPOLLONIO, Davide (AMO)                  
36 TROIA, Oliviero (UAD)                     
37 MENDOZA CARDONA, Omar Alberto (CTA)       
38 GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                      
39 NAVARRETE, Maximiliano (EMP)              
40 EVENEPOEL, Remco (DQT)                    

General Classification after Stage 2
1  GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)    7:15:10
2  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)               
3  BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)               +  4
4  NARANJO SANCHEZ, Nicolas (AVF)    
5  BENFATTO, Marco (BCF)                +  6
6  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                   + 10
7  HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)   
8  MCCABE, Travis (ISN)              
9  LEMOINE, Cyril (COF)              
10 MARTINGIL, César (ATM)            
Gaviria wins stage 2, takes overall leadcyclingnews
Gaviria: I can't deny that I'm in good formcyclingnews
Last 5 Km of Stage 2 (10:00 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
Last 25 Km of Stage 2 (30:00 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast: Stage 2 (56:57 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast: Stage 2 (4:00:04 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 2 Highlights (03:56 English)GCNRacing
Resumen: Etapa 2 Highlights (02:23 Spanish, restricted to Latin America)espn
7 Big Photos from Stage 2corvos

Stage 2 preview: Pocito → Pocito, 169 km (lumpy)

January 26 update:
Stage 2 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Monday 16:00 ART (7:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Pocito, Argentina
Earliest live video: 16:00 ART (7:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:10 ART (11:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Pocito, Argentina

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

9 Big Photos from Stage 1corvos
Stage 1 Results
1  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)                   3:45:14
2  BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)                
3  CONTTE, Tomas (EMP)                   
4  MOLANO BENAVIDES, Juan (UAD)          
5  HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)       
6  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                    
7  MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)                   
8  WACKERMANN, Luca (THR)                
9  GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)        
10 LEMOINE, Cyril (COF)                  
11 FILOSI, Iuri (BCF)                    
12 VAHTRA, Norman (ISN)                  
13 MORA VEDRI, Sebastian (MOV)           
14 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)               
15 BARCELO ARAGON, Fernando (COF)        
16 MCCABE, Travis (ISN)                  
17 HOFSTETTER, Hugo (ISN)                
18 ROSAS, Laureano (TPC)                 
19 BAZAN, Oscar (ARG)                    
20 MARTINGIL, César (ATM)                
21 MCNULTY, Brandon (UAD)                
22 TROIA, Oliviero (UAD)                 
23 VAN LERBERGHE, Bert (DQT)             
24 TONELLI, Alessandro (BCF)             
25 DOTTI, Juan Pablo (SEP)               
26 CASTELBLANCO, Jorge Amadid (PAN)      
27 RAMOS, Rubén (EMP)                    
28 EVTUSHENKO, Alexander (RUS)           
29 MAESTRI, Mirco (BCF)                  
30 GANNA, Filippo (ITA)                  
32 FRAPPORTI, Mattia (ANS)               
33 FLOREZ LOPEZ, Miguel Eduardo (ANS)    
34 RONZANI, Felipe Aparecido Bri (BRA)   
35 LUKSEVICS, Viesturs (AMO)             
36 MATE MARDONES, Luis Angel (COF)       
37 ELOSEGUI MOMEÑE, Iñigo (MOV)          
38 REYES, Jose Martin (EMP)              
39 RUJANO, José (VEN)                    
40 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  

General Classification after Stage 1
1  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)               3:45:04
2  BELLETTI, Manuel (ANS)               +  4
3  CONTTE, Tomas (EMP)                  +  6
4  MOLANO BENAVIDES, Juan (UAD)         + 10
5  HODEG CHAGUI, Alvaro Jose (DQT)   
6  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                
7  MAIKIN, Roman (RUS)               
8  WACKERMANN, Luca (THR)            
9  GAVIRIA RENDON, Fernando (UAD)    
10 LEMOINE, Cyril (COF)              
Barbier sprints to stage 1 victory at Vuelta a San Juancyclingnews
Rudy Barbier wins first stage of Vuelta a San Juancyclingpub
Spectator causes huge crash on stage onecyclingweekly
Last 10 Km of Stage 1 (20:00 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
Last 10 Km of Stage 1 (20:00 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 1 (1:14:30 English, restricted to North/Latin America)GCNRacing
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 1 (4:00:00 Spanish)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 1 Highlights (03:29 English)GCNRacing
Official Stage 1 Highlights (02:35 Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
9 Big Photos from Stage 1corvos

Stage 1 preview: San Juan → San Juan, 164 km (lumpy)

January 25 update: preview coming... — Steve
Stage 1 Flythrough (00:34 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Sunday 16:15 ART (7:15:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for San Juan, Argentina
Earliest live video: 16:30 ART (7:30:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:10 ART (11:10:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for San Juan, Argentina

2020 Vuelta a San Juan Preview

8 Big Photos from Pre-Race Trainingcorvos/getty
January 25 update:
Preview: Vuelta a San Juan 2020cyclingnews
Official Startlist w/ bib
8 Big Photos from Pre-Race Trainingcorvos/getty

January 20 update:
Gaviria kicks off 2020 in Vuelta a San Juancyclingnews
Movistar debuts two neo-pros in San Juancyclingnews

January 15 update:
Evenepoel upping ante in sophomore seasonvelonews

January 8 update:
Peter Sagan to start 2020 season at Vuelta a San Juancyclingnews
Alaphilippe to start 2020 in Vuelta a San Juan, Tour Colombiacyclingnews
Peter Sagan y Fernando Gaviria, las figuras de La Vuelta de San Juanespndeportes.espn

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
Stage 1 Flythrough (00:34 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 2 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 3 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 4 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 5 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 6 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Stage 7 Flythrough (00:37 Spanish/Music)GobiernodeSanJuan
Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

February 26 update: A work in progress for 2020 Vuelta a San Juan live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
   live video (spanish)
Spanish, restricted to Latin America
   live video (spanish)
   live video (spanish)
  tv schedule
Spanish; Stage 1 on ESPN3, Weekday Stages on ESPN in South/Latin America
eurosport    live video (english, UK only)
  tv schedule (british)
  tv schedule (int'l/cet)
Europe; English. Amazon Prime UK subscribers can sign-up to a seven-day free trial for the Eurosport Player through Amazon Channels. After the seven-day trial, Eurosport is £4.99 per month. Amazon Prime is £7.99 per month after a 30-day free Amazon Prime UK trial
 live video (English, restricted)

English, restricted to North and Latin America, France and other others

 live text updates Cyclingnews English text updates
 steephill text updates
 official tweets
updates on results, photos, live video and highlights
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2020 Vuelta a San Juan Route Map

Stage maps are posted in the race summary table .

2019 Vuelta a San Juan Archived Coverage

2018 Vuelta a San Juan Archived Coverage