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Stage Races Classics
Paris-Nice 2020 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

Crosswinds and echelons defined the first two days of racing in the 2019 race. The Race to the Sun, Paris-Nice, is one of the best one week stage races of the year and is traditionally the real start to the (stage) racing season. 2020 race updates are posted below.

Photos from previous editions: 2019. 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 (Stages 4 and on), 2013 (Stages 3 through 7), 2012, 2011, 2010

Show All Profile Thumbnails
1Sunday, March 8154 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Monday, March 9167 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Tuesday, March 10213 km 
Chalette-sur-LoingLa Châtre
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Wednesday, March 1115.1 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
5Thursday, March 12227 km 
GannatLa Côte-Saint-André
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
6Friday, March 13161 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
7Saturday, March 14167 km 
NiceValdeblore La Colmiane
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance1104 km 

2020 Paris-Nice Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  1PORTE  RichieAUS
  6NIBALI  VincenzoITA
  8THEUNS  EdwardBEL

  12ANACONA  Winner AndrewCOL
  13BARGUIL  WarrenFRA
  15MCLAY  DanielGBR
  17ROSA  DiegoITA
  18SWIFT  ConnorGBR

  21PINOT  ThibautFRA
  22DUCHESNE  AntoineCAN
  23KÜNG  StefanSUI
  24LADAGNOUS  MatthieuFRA
  25LE GAC  OlivierFRA

  31SAGAN  PeterSVK
  33DRUCKER  Jean-PierreLUX
  35KONRAD  PatrickAUT
  36SAGAN  JurajSVK
  37SCHACHMANN  MaximilianGER

  42ASGREEN  KasperDEN
  47MØRKØV  MichaelDEN
  48ŠTYBAR  ZdeněkCZE

  51BARDET  RomainFRA
  52CHEREL  MikaelFRA
  55LATOUR  PierreFRA
  56NAESEN  OliverBEL

  61GILBERT  PhilippeBEL
  62ARMEE  SanderBEL
  63DE BUYST  JasperBEL
  64DE GENDT  ThomasBEL
  66EWAN  CalebAUS
  67FRISON  FrederikBEL
  68KLUGE  RogerGER

  73EDET  NicolasFRA
  75MARTIN  GuillaumeFRA
  76PEREZ  AnthonyFRA
  77TOUZE  DamienFRA
  78VERMOTE  JulienBEL

  81TEUNS  DylanBEL
  83CARUSO  DamianoITA
  85HAUSSLER  HeinrichAUS
  86NOVAK  DomenSLO

  91MATTHEWS  MichaelAUS
  92ARNDT  NikiasGER
  93BENOOT  TiesjBEL
  94BOL  CeesNED
  95DENZ  NicoGER
  97HAMILTON  ChristopherAUS

  101HIGUITA GARCIA  Sergio AndresCOL
  102BETTIOL  AlbertoITA
  103CRADDOCK  G LawsonUSA
  104KANGERT  TanelEST
  108WOODS  MichaelCAN

  112BONIFAZIO  NiccolòITA
  113HIVERT  JonathanFRA
  114PETIT  AdrienFRA
  115SIMON  JulienFRA
  117TURGIS  AnthonyFRA

  121NIZZOLO  GiacomoITA
  124GOGL  MichaelAUT
  125VALGREN  MichaelDEN
  128WALSCHEID  Maximilian RichardGER

  131POLITT  NilsGER
  133BIERMANS  JentheBEL
  134BOIVIN  GuillaumeCAN
  136NEILANDS  KristsLAT

  141EL FARES  JulienFRA
  142BARBIER  PierreFRA
  143COMBAUD  RomainFRA
  144FINETTO  MauroITA
  148TRARIEUX  JulienFRA

  151MEURISSE  XandroBEL
  152DE DECKER  AlfdanBEL
  154DOUBEY  FabienFRA

  161COQUARD  BryanFRA
  162BACKAERT  FrederikBEL
  163BARTHE  CyrilFRA
  165GAUTIER  CyrilFRA
  166PACHER  QuentinFRA
  167REZA  KevinFRA
  168SCHÖNBERGER  SebastianAUT

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Paris-Nice 2020

Stage 7 Post-Race Coverage

12 Big Photos from Stage 7corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 7 Results
1  QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                 4:27:01
2  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                   +    46
3  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  +    56
4  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
5  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
6  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          +    58
7  MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)               +  1:19
8  KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  +  1:22
9  BARDET, Romain (ALM)                  +  1:32
10 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
11 DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)                +  1:48
12 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           +  2:10
13 GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           +  3:36
14 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                   +  3:40
15 HAMILTON, Christopher (SUN)           +  3:54
16 MEURISSE, Xandro (CWG)                
17 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  +  3:58
18 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                 +  4:44
19 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
20 LE GAC, Olivier (GFC)                 
21 ELISSONDE, Kenny (TFS)                +  5:40
22 PARET PEINTRE, Aurélien (ALM)         +  6:04
23 JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                    +  6:35
24 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)               +  7:06
25 COMBAUD, Romain (NDP)                 +  7:31
26 BOL, Cees (SUN)                       +  7:50
27 KREUZIGER, Roman (NTT)                +  8:10
28 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  
29 PACHER, Quentin (VCB)                 +  9:19
30 BARTHE, Cyril (VCB)                   
31 DECLERCQ, Tim (DQT)                   
32 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             +  9:56
33 ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)                   
34 ANACONA, Winner Andrew (ARK)          
35 KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)                    + 12:27
36 DENZ, Nico (SUN)                      + 13:07
37 EDET, Nicolas (COF)                   + 13:40
38 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)                + 14:19
39 ARMEE, Sander (LTS)                   + 14:59
40 GIBBONS, Ryan (NTT)                   

Final General Classification
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          27:14:23
2  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                    +    18
3  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)    +    59
4  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                 +  1:16
5  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                   +  1:24
6  QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                  +  1:30
7  MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                     +  2:03
8  KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                   +  2:16
9  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)            +  3:39
10 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)            +  4:36
11 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                   +  5:36
12 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                +  6:37
13 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                  +  8:10
14 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)                +  8:57
15 JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                     + 10:36
16 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)              + 11:00
17 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                  + 11:36
18 LE GAC, Olivier (GFC)                  + 12:01
19 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                   + 12:44
20 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                   + 13:14
Full Official Stage 7 Results and Final General
Schachmann holds on to win Paris-Nicecyclingnews
Tiesj Benoot - interview at the finish - stage 7 (01:15 English)CyclingProNet
Last Km of Stage 7 (03:45 Ambient)aso
Last Km of Stage 7 (01:04 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Winner's Interview from Stage 7 (01:25 Spanish)CyclingProNet
Stage 7 Highlights (05:23 English)GCNRacing
Official Stage 7 Highlights (03:46 English)aso
Résumé: Étape 7 (03:46 English)aso
On-Demand Broadcast Stage 7 (1:25:44 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
12 Big Photos from Stage 7corvos/aso/bettini

Stage 7 preview: Nice → Valdeblore La Colmiane, 167 km (Mountain)

March 13 update:
Stage 7 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 7 Flythrough (00:47 Music)TourdeFrance
Paris-Nice to end on Saturday to help fight the spread of coronaviruscyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 7 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 7 start time: Saturday 09:50 CET (8:50:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Nice, France
Earliest live video: 13:00 CET (12:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:55 CET (1:55:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Valdeblore La Colmiane, France

Stage 6 Post-Race Coverage

15 Big Photos from Stage 6corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 6 Results
1  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                   3:57:02
2  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               +    22
3  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
4  JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                    
5  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             
6  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
7  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
8  MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)               
9  MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
10 QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                 
11 GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
12 SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          
13 CALMEJANE, Lilian (TDE)               +    43
14 MEURISSE, Xandro (CWG)                
15 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  
16 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  
17 DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)                +    53
18 CHEREL, Mikael (ALM)                  +  1:01
19 VALGREN, Michael (NTT)                
20 PARET PEINTRE, Aurélien (ALM)         
21 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)               
22 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           +  2:48
23 KREUZIGER, Roman (NTT)                +  3:18
24 COMBAUD, Romain (NDP)                 
25 POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    
26 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  
27 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
28 FINETTO, Mauro (NDP)                  
29 DE DECKER, Alfdan (CWG)               
30 ELISSONDE, Kenny (TFS)                
31 LE GAC, Olivier (GFC)                 
32 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                 +  5:54
33 DECLERCQ, Tim (DQT)                   
34 SCHÖNBERGER, Sebastian (VCB)          
35 ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)                   
36 ANACONA, Winner Andrew (ARK)          
37 TOUZE, Damien (COF)                   +  8:23
38 PETERS, Nans (ALM)                    
39 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                  +  8:25
40 EDET, Nicolas (COF)                   + 11:01

General Classification after Stage 6
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          22:46:24
2  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                     +   36
3  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)     + 1:01
4  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
5  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)                 + 1:10
6  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                  + 1:18
7  MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                      + 1:29
8  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                    + 1:30
9  KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                    + 1:52
10 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)               + 2:04
11 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                    + 2:36
12 QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                   + 2:38
13 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)                 + 2:49
14 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)             + 3:24
15 POLITT, Nils (ISN)                      + 4:01
16 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                   + 4:24
17 JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                      + 4:59
18 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                    + 6:02
19 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)                 + 6:16
20 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                   + 7:50
Full Official Stage 6 Results and General
Benoot wins stage 6cyclingnews
Bardet frustrated with riding on during coronavirus pandemiccyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 6 (01:55 Ambient)TourDeFrance
Last 2 Km of Stage 6 (4:50 Spanish, restricted to Spain)rtve
Winner's Interview from Stage 6 (01:06 English)CyclingProNet
Stage 6 Highlights (05:29 English)GCNRacing
Official Stage 6 Highlights (04:07 English)aso
15 Big Photos from Stage 6corvos/aso/bettini

Stage 6 preview: Sorgues → Apt, 161 km (lumpy)

March 12 update:
Stage 6 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 6 Flythrough (00:46 Music)TourdeFrance
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 6 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 6 start time: Friday 12:15 CET (11:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Sorgues, France
Earliest live video: 14:00 CET (1:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:26 CET (3:26:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Apt, France

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

12 Big Photos from Stage 5corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 5 Results
1  BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)              5:18:02
2  GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)            
3  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                    
4  BOUHANNI, Nacer (ARK)                 
5  HOFSTETTER, Hugo (ISN)                
6  PASQUALON, Andrea (CWG)               
7  DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                 
8  VIVIANI, Elia (COF)                   
9  COQUARD, Bryan (VCB)                  
10 SARREAU, Marc (GFC)                   
11 NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                
12 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
13 TRATNIK, Jan (TBM)                    
14 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  
15 NAVARDAUSKAS, Ramunas (NDP)           
16 BOL, Cees (SUN)                       
17 SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          
18 SISKEVICIUS, Evaldas (NDP)            
19 HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
20 MØRKØV, Michael (DQT)                 
21 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
22 GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
23 ANACONA, Winner Andrew (ARK)          
24 VAN ASBROECK, Tom (ISN)               
25 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
26 POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    
27 QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                 
28 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
29 MEURISSE, Xandro (CWG)                
30 BILBAO, Pello (TBM)                   
31 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  
32 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
33 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                    
34 TRARIEUX, Julien (NDP)                
35 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
36 GIBBONS, Ryan (NTT)                   
37 CHEREL, Mikael (ALM)                  
38 DUCHESNE, Antoine (GFC)               
39 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           
40 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                 

General Classification after Stage 5
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          18:49:00
2  KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)             +   58
3  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)             + 1:01
4  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                      + 1:05
5  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)     + 1:06
6  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                      + 1:09
7  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                     + 1:11
8  SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
9  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                  + 1:15
10 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)                 + 1:16
11 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                  + 1:18
12 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                   + 1:28
13 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                      + 1:29
14 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                    + 1:30
15 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                    + 1:31
16 NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                  + 1:32
17 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                      + 1:36
18 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)               + 2:04
19 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                   + 2:06
20 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)                 + 2:10
Full Official Stage 5 Results and General
Bonifazio wins stage 5cyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 5 (01:28 Ambient)TourDeFrance
Last Km of Stage 5 (02:11 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Winner's Interview from Stage 5 (01:27 Italian)CyclingProNet
Race Leader's Interview from Stage 5 (00:54 English)CyclingProNet
Highlights - Étape 5 - Résumé (04:17 French)TourdeFrance
Stage 5 Highlights (05:13 English)GCNRacing
Extended Stage 5 Highlights (15:50 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
12 Big Photos from Stage 5corvos/aso/bettini

Stage 5 preview: Gannat → La Côte-Saint-André, 227 km (rolling)

March 11 update:
Stage 5 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 5 Flythrough (00:53 Music)TourdeFrance
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Thursday 10:45 CET (9:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Gannat, France
Earliest live video: 14:00 CET (1:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:24 CET (3:24:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for La Côte-Saint-André, France

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

12 Big Photos from Stage 4corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 4 Results
1  KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           18:51
2  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          +    6
3  ASGREEN, Kasper (DQT)                 +   12
4  DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)                +   13
5  BILBAO, Pello (TBM)                   +   15
6  CAMPENAERTS, Victor (NTT)             +   17
7  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               +   18
8  KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)                    +   26
9  LUDVIGSSON, Tobias (GFC)              +   27
10 CRADDOCK, G Lawson (EF1)              +   29
11 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  +   33
12 JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                    
13 TRATNIK, Jan (TBM)                    
14 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                   +   34
15 BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                   +   36
16 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                    
17 GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
18 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             
19 CARUSO, Damiano (TBM)                 +   40
20 LATOUR, Pierre (ALM)                  
21 VAN GARDEREN, Tejay (EF1)             +   42
22 POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    +   43
23 GOUGEARD, Alexis (ALM)                +   45
24 HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   +   46
25 EEKHOFF, Nils (SUN)                   +   48
26 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  +   50
27 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
28 QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                 +   51
29 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             +   52
30 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                +   53
31 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                 
32 PARET PEINTRE, Aurélien (ALM)         +   56
33 ANACONA, Winner Andrew (ARK)          +   58
34 FRISON, Frederik (LTS)                
35 EDET, Nicolas (COF)                   + 1:01
36 TOUZE, Damien (COF)                   
37 COSNEFROY, Benoit (ALM)               + 1:02
38 O'CONNOR, Ben (NTT)                   + 1:03
39 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                  + 1:04
40 LAMPAERT, Yves (DQT)                  + 1:05

General Classification after Stage 4
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          13:30:58
2  KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)             +   58
3  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)             + 1:01
4  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                      + 1:05
5  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)     + 1:06
6  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                      + 1:10
7  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                     + 1:11
8  SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
9  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                  + 1:15
10 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)                 + 1:16
11 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                  + 1:18
12 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                   + 1:28
13 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                      + 1:29
14 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                    + 1:30
15 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                    + 1:31
16 NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                  + 1:32
17 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                      + 1:40
18 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                    + 1:59
19 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)               + 2:04
20 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                   + 2:06
Full Official Stage 4 Results and General
Søren Kragh Andersen wins individual time trialcyclingnews
Last Km of the Winning Stage 4 TT Ride (00:41 Ambient)TourDeFrance
Last Km of the Stage 4 Winner and Race Leader (01:31 Ambient)TourDeFrance
Winner's Interview from Stage 4 (01:45 English)CyclingProNet
Race Leader's Interview after Stage 4 (01:14 English)CyclingProNet
Official Stage 4 Highlights (03:37 English)aso
Stage 4 Highlights (05:08 English)GCNRacing
12 Big Photos from Stage 4corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 4 Highlights (12:15 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

Stage 4 preview: Saint-Amand-Montrond → Saint-Amand-Montrond, 15.1 km (TT)

March 10 update:
Stage 4 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 4 Flythrough (00:31 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 4 Start Order and Times (CET) — aso
Riders at Paris-Nice face ‘surreal’ conditions, racing without fansvelonews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Wednesday 13:38 CET (12:38:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Amand-Montrond, France
Earliest live video: 14:00 CET (1:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:25 CET (3:25:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Amand-Montrond, France

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

19 Big Photos from Stage 3corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 3 Results
1  GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)            5:49:55
2  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                    
3  PASQUALON, Andrea (CWG)               
4  BOL, Cees (SUN)                       
5  BOUHANNI, Nacer (ARK)                 
6  BARBIER, Rudy (ISN)                   
7  TURGIS, Anthony (TDE)                 
8  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                
9  SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
10 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                  
11 NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                
12 SARREAU, Marc (GFC)                   
13 SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          
14 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                    
15 SWIFT, Connor (ARK)                   
16 GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
17 POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    
18 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
19 BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                   
20 HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
21 VAN ASBROECK, Tom (ISN)               
22 QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                 
23 SISKEVICIUS, Evaldas (NDP)            
24 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)               
25 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  
26 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  
27 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           
28 BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)              
29 ALLEGAERT, Piet (COF)                 
30 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
31 ROSA, Diego (ARK)                     
32 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
33 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
34 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             
35 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                 
36 MARTIN, Guillaume (COF)               
37 KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)                    
38 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
39 JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                    
40 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                  

General Classification after Stage 3
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          13:12:01
2  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                  +   13
3  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                   +   24
4  SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)               +   25
5  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)     +   26
6  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                      +   28
7  NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                
8  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)             +   31
9  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
10 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                      +   36
11 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                      +   40
12 BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                     +   41
13 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                    +   43
14 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                      +   45
15 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                    +   46
16 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)                 + 1:04
17 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  
18 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  
19 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           
20 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
Full Official Stage 3 Results and General
Garcia Cortina wins stage 3cyclingnews
Sam Bennett fined for shouldering in crash-marred Paris-Nice sprintcyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 3 (01:32 Ambient)TourDeFrance
Last Km of Stage 3 (02:59 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
No Contest: Sam Bennett shoulders Nairo Quintana, Stage 3 (00:05 No Audio)CyclingTB
Winner's Interview from Stage 3 (01:19 Spanish)CyclingProNet
Highlights: Étape 3 - Résumé (03:24 French)TourDeFrance
Official Stage 3 Highlights (03:24 English)TourDeFrance
Stage 3 Highlights (05:27 English)GCNRacing
19 Big Photos from Stage 3corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 3 Highlights (12:59 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

Stage 3 preview: Chalette-sur-Loing → La Châtre, 213 km (lumpy)

March 9 update:
Stage 3 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 3 Flythrough (00:51 Music)TourdeFrance
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Tuesday 11:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Chalette-sur-Loing, France
Earliest live video: 14:40 CET (1:40:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:23 CET (3:23:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for La Châtre, France

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

15 Big Photos from Stage 2corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 2 Results
1  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                3:49:57
2  ACKERMANN, Pascal (BOH)               
3  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
4  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    
5  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
6  SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
7  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                   +  3
8  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          
9  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
10 NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                
11 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                    
12 WALSCHEID, Maximilian Richard (NTT)      + 18
13 VIVIANI, Elia (COF)                   
14 HOFSTETTER, Hugo (ISN)                
15 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                  
16 SISKEVICIUS, Evaldas (NDP)            
17 KIRSCH, Alex (TFS)                    
18 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                  
19 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                 
20 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
21 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
22 PEDERSEN, Mads (TFS)                  
23 GOGL, Michael (NTT)                   
24 CHEREL, Mikael (ALM)                  
25 VANMARCKE, Sep (EF1)                  
26 PARET PEINTRE, Aurélien (ALM)         
27 LADAGNOUS, Matthieu (GFC)             
28 KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)                    
29 PASQUALON, Andrea (CWG)                  + 36
30 NAVARDAUSKAS, Ramunas (NDP)           
31 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                 
32 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
33 LUDVIGSSON, Tobias (GFC)              
34 BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                   
35 GIBBONS, Ryan (NTT)                   
36 TOUZE, Damien (COF)                   
37 DUCHESNE, Antoine (GFC)               
38 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           
39 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)               
40 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  

General Classification after Stage 2
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          7:22:06
2  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                 +   15
3  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                  +   21
4  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)    +   23
5  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                     +   25
6  SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
7  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)            +   28
8  NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                
9  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
10 BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                    +   38
11 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                     +   40
12 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                     +   42
13 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                    
14 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                   +   43
15 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
16 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                  + 1:01
17 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)               
18 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
19 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  
20 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           
Full Official Stage 2 Results and General
Nizzolo wins stage 2cyclingnews
Julian Alaphilippe Stage 2 Post Race Interview (00:34 English)CyclingProNet
Last Km of Stage 2 (01:38 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 2 (01:21 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Winner's Interview from Stage 2 (00:51 English)CyclingProNet
Race Leader's Interview after Stage 2 (01:21 English)CyclingProNet
Highlights: Étape 2 - Résumé (04:08 French)TourdeFrance
Official Stage 2 - Highlights (04:08 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 2 Highlights (05:21 English)GCNRacing
Extended Stage 2 Highlights (14:33 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
15 Big Photos from Stage 2corvos/aso/bettini

Stage 2 preview: Chevreuse → Chalette-sur-Loing, 167 km (rolling)

March 8 update:
Stage 2 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 2 Flythrough (00:45 Music)TourdeFrance
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Monday 12:25 CET (11:25:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Chevreuse, France
Earliest live video: 14:40 CET (1:40:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:27 CET (3:27:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Chalette-sur-Loing, France

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

24 Big Photos from Stage 1corvos/aso/bettini
Stage 1 Results
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          3:32:19
2  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                    
3  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                   
4  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)              +    3
5  BOL, Cees (SUN)                        +   15
6  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    
7  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                
8  HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
9  GROSSSCHARTNER, Felix (BOH)           
10 LAMPAERT, Yves (DQT)                  
11 DEGENKOLB, John (LTS)                 
12 ŠTYBAR, Zdeněk (DQT)                  
13 GILBERT, Philippe (LTS)               
14 ASGREEN, Kasper (DQT)                 
15 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
16 NEILANDS, Krists (ISN)                
17 BILBAO, Pello (TBM)                   
18 DOUBEY, Fabien (CWG)                  
19 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
20 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  
21 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TFS)                
22 WOODS, Michael (EF1)                  
23 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)           
24 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (ISN)             
25 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
26 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
27 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                  
28 QUINTANA, Nairo (ARK)                 
29 ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)                   
30 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                     +   30
31 CAMPENAERTS, Victor (NTT)              +   39
32 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                  +   48
33 LEMOINE, Cyril (COF)                   + 1:36
34 GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)             + 1:44
35 SWIFT, Connor (ARK)                   
36 DE BUYST, Jasper (LTS)                
37 VAN GARDEREN, Tejay (EF1)             
38 JUNGELS, Bob (DQT)                     + 2:00
39 LE GAC, Olivier (GFC)                  + 2:16
40 KREUZIGER, Roman (NTT)                 + 2:42

General Classification after Stage 1
1  SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          3:32:09
2  BENOOT, Tiesj (SUN)                      +  2
3  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                       +  4
4  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)                +  7
5  BILBAO, Pello (TBM)                      + 24
6  MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    
7  BOL, Cees (SUN)                          + 25
8  POLITT, Nils (ISN)                    
9  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (NTT)                
10 HIGUITA GARCIA, Sergio Andres (EF1)   
Full Official Stage 1 Results and General
Paris-Nice: Schachmann wins stage 1cyclingnews
Julian Alaphilippe - interview d'arrivée - 1e étape (00:47 French)CyclingProNet
Nibali loses time but survives first test at Paris-Nicecyclingnews
Barguil disqualified from Paris-Nice for draftingcyclingnews
Bardet and others down and out as puncheurs steal a march on climbers in crosswindscyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 1 (01:37 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 1 (01:47 English)eurosport
Highlights - Résumé Étape 1 (03:31 French)TourdeFrance
Winner's Interview from Stage 1 (01:34 English)CyclingProNet
Official Stage 1 Highlights (03:32 English)aso
Stage 1 Highlights (04:59 English)GCNRacing
Extended Stage 1 Highlights (14:30 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
On-Demand Stage 1 Broadcast (1:26:53 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
24 Big Photos from Stage 1corvos/aso/bettini

30 km to go: Stage 1 - Intermediate Sprint (00:25 Ambient)TourdeFrance
43 km to go: 16 rider break on Stage 1 (00:23 Ambient)TourdeFrance

Stage 1 preview: Plaisir → Plaisir, 154 km (rolling)

March 5 update:
Stage 1 preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Stage 1 Flythrough (00:44 Music)TourdeFrance
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Sunday 11:00 CET (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Plaisir, France
Earliest live video: 12:00 CET (11:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:54 CET (1:54:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Plaisir, France

2020 Paris-Nice Preview

March 7 update:
Overall Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
Alaphilippe, Bennett, Jungels in action as Deceuninck-Quick-Step pulls no punches at Paris-Nicevelonews
Change of plan for Peter Sagan as Bora-Hansgrohe rider joins Paris-Nice rostercyclingnews
Official Startlist w/ bib
Pinot: coronavirus situation has been blown out of proportioncyclingnews

March 6 update:
Special measures introduced at Paris-Nice to reduce spread of coronaviruscyclingweekly
Why Israel Start-Up Nation decided to start Paris-Nicevelonews
Paris-Nice start list rapidly growing as other races cancel due to COVID-19 concernsvelonews

March 5 update:
Ochowicz laments UCI's 'lack of direction' on coronavirus as CCC Team withdraw from Paris-Nice and Tirreno-Adriaticocyclingnews
ASO look to fill places for Paris-Nice after multiple teams suspend March racingcyclingweekly

March 3 update:
Paris-Nice set to take place despite coronavirus concernscyclingnews

March 2 update:
Teaser Paris-Nice 2020 (00:57 English/French/Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 1 Flythrough (00:44 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 2 Flythrough (00:45 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 3 Flythrough (00:51 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 4 Flythrough (00:31 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 5 Flythrough (00:53 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 6 Flythrough (00:46 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 7 Flythrough (00:47 Music)TourdeFrance
Stage 8 Flythrough (00:38 Music)TourdeFrance

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
January 8 update:
Paris-Nice follows familiar formula in 2020cyclingnews
Bernal and Alaphilippe head star-studded Paris Nice castfrance24
See stage profiles, right

Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

February 26 update: A work in progress for 2020 Paris-Nice live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
france3-tv    live video (french)
  tv schedule
Daily live coverage, official feed likely restricted to France and french-speaking countries
eurosport    live video (english, UK only)
  tv schedule (british)
  tv schedule (spanish)
Europe; English. Amazon Prime UK subscribers can sign-up to a seven-day free trial for the Eurosport Player through Amazon Channels. After the seven-day trial, Eurosport is £6.99 per month. Amazon Prime is £7.99 per month after a 30-day free Amazon Prime UK trial
   live video (english)
  tv schedule(see comments)
United States; live online only
   live video (english)
Canada, Live and On-Demand. A flobikes $150 USD subscription for the full year includes access to many upcoming races + access to all FloSports sites. More details...
   live video (dutch)
  tv schedule
Belgium; Dutch.
rtbf    live video (french)
  tv schedule
Live on French TV restricted to Belgium.
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
Australia; Live on SBS 2
   live video (luxembourgish)
  tv schedule
   live video (spanish)
   live videom (spanish)
  tv schedule
Spanish; Teledeporte feed.
   live video (italian)
   live videom (italian)
  tv schedule
Italy; starting with Stage 1
   live video (dutch)
  tv schedule
likely restricted to Netherlands; Dutch
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
South Africa; English
   live video (spanish)
  tv schedule
Colombia; Spanish; live coverage of Paris-Nice for the first time
 live text updates English
 live ticker
official live updates
 steephill text updates
 official tweets
updates for results, photos and video
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2020 Paris-Nice Route Map

Stage maps will be posted in the race summary table
Route Flythrough - Paris-Nice 2020 (01:09 Music)TourdeFrance

2019 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2018 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2017 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2016 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2015 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2014 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2013 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2012 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2011 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2010 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2009 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage

2008 Paris-Nice Archived Coverage