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Stage Races Classics
Tour de France 2019 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

The game face and winner's smile of 22-year old Egan Bernal (INEOS), the youngest Tour de France champion since WWII and the first Colombian winner. More photos from all stages below. This is the 2019 Tour de France live dashboard with access to everything you should need for the 2019 race.
Big Photos from 2018corvos/aso/flockton/bettini/reuters
Big Photos from 2017sirotti/flockton/reuters/aso/smith
Big Photos from 2016sirotti/flockton/reuters/aso
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Show All Profile Thumbnails
1Saturday, July 6192 km 
Bruxelles (BE) → Brussels (BE)
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Sunday, July 727 km 
Bruxelles (BE) → Brussels (BE)
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Monday, July 8214 km 
Binche (BE) → Epernay
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Tuesday, July 9215 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
5Wednesday, July 10169 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
6Thursday, July 11157 km 
MulhousePlanche des Belles Filles
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
7Friday, July 12230 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
8Saturday, July 13199 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
9Sunday, July 14170 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
10Monday, July 15218 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
RTuesday, July 16 
Rest day
11Wednesday, July 17167 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
12Thursday, July 18202 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
13Friday, July 1927 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
14Saturday, July 20117 km 
TarbesCol du Tourmalet
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
15Sunday, July 21185 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
RMonday, July 22 
Rest day
16Tuesday, July 23177 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
17Wednesday, July 24206 km 
Pont du GardGap
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
18Thursday, July 25207 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
19Friday, July 26123 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
20Saturday, July 2760 km 
AlbertvilleVal Thorens
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
21Sunday, July 28127 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance3389 km 

2019 Tour de France Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  1THOMAS  GeraintGBR
  3CASTROVIEJO  Nicolás JonathanESP
  5MOSCON  GianniITA
  7ROWE  LukeGBR

  11SAGAN  PeterSVK
  12BUCHMANN  EmanuelGER
  14KONRAD  PatrickAUT
  16OSS  DanielITA
  18SCHACHMANN  MaximilianGER

  22ASGREEN  KasperDEN
  26MØRKØV  MichaelDEN
  27RICHEZE  Maximiliano ArielARG

  31BARDET  RomainFRA
  32CHEREL  MikaelFRA
  34FRANK  MathiasSUI
  37NAESEN  OliverBEL

  41NIBALI  VincenzoITA
  42CARUSO  DamianoITA
  44DENNIS  RohanAUS
  47TEUNS  DylanBEL

  51PINOT  ThibautFRA
  52BONNET  WilliamFRA
  53GAUDU  DavidFRA
  54KÜNG  StefanSUI
  55LADAGNOUS  MatthieuFRA
  58ROUX  AnthonyFRA

  62VALVERDE  AlejandroESP
  63AMADOR  AndreyCRC
  64ERVITI  ImanolESP
  67SOLER  MarcESP

  74HOULE  HugoCAN
  78SANCHEZ  Luis LeónESP

  82BENNETT  GeorgeNZL
  83DE PLUS  LaurensBEL
  85JANSEN  Amund GrøndahlNOR

  91URAN  RigobertoCOL
  92BETTIOL  AlbertoITA
  93CLARKE  SimonAUS
  95LANGEVELD  SebastianNED
  98WOODS  MichaelCAN

  101YATES  AdamGBR
  103HAIG  JackAUS
  104HEPBURN  MichaelAUS
  105IMPEY  DarylRSA
  106JUUL JENSEN  ChristopherDEN
  107TRENTIN  MatteoITA
  108YATES  Simon PhilipGBR

  112BEVIN  PatrickNZL
  113DE MARCHI  AlessandroITA
  114GESCHKE  SimonGER
  115PAUWELS  SergeBEL
  116ROSSKOPF  JosephUSA
  117SCHÄR  MichaelSUI

  121MARTIN  DanielIRL
  122ARU  FabioITA
  123BYSTRØM  Sven ErikNOR
  124COSTA  RuiPOR
  125HENAO MONTOYA  Sergio LuisCOL
  126KRISTOFF  AlexanderNOR
  127LAENGEN  Vegard StakeNOR

  131PORTE  RichieAUS
  132BERNARD  JulienFRA
  133CICCONE  GiulioITA
  134DE KORT  KoenNED
  135FELLINE  FabioITA
  136MOLLEMA  BaukeNED
  138STUYVEN  JasperBEL

  141MATTHEWS  MichaelAUS
  142ARNDT  NikiasGER
  143BOL  CeesNED
  144HAGA  ChadUSA
  145KÄMNA  LennardGER
  148ROCHE  NicolasIRL

  151LAPORTE  ChristopheFRA
  152BERHANE  NatnaelERI
  153EDET  NicolasFRA
  154HERRADA  JesusESP
  155PEREZ  AnthonyFRA
  156PERICHON  Pierre LucFRA
  157ROSSETTO  StéphaneFRA
  158SIMON  JulienFRA

  161EWAN  CalebAUS
  162BENOOT  TiesjBEL
  163DE BUYST  JasperBEL
  164DE GENDT  ThomasBEL
  166KLUGE  RogerGER
  167MONFORT  MaximeBEL

  172BONIFAZIO  NiccolòITA
  173GRELLIER  FabienFRA
  175SICARD  RomainFRA
  178TURGIS  AnthonyFRA

  181ZAKARIN  IlnurRUS
  185HALLER  MarcoAUT
  186POLITT  NilsGER
  188ZABEL  RickGER

  191MARTIN  GuillaumeFRA
  192BACKAERT  FrederikBEL
  193DE DECKER  AlfdanBEL
  194EIKING  Odd ChristianNOR
  195MEURISSE  XandroBEL
  196OFFREDO  YoannFRA

  203CUMMINGS  StephenGBR
  205KING  BenjaminUSA
  207NIZZOLO  GiacomoITA

  211BARGUIL  WarrenFRA
  212BOUET  MaximeFRA
  213DELAPLACE  AnthonyFRA
  215GREIPEL  AndréGER
  217MOINARD  AmaelFRA
  218VACHON  FlorianFRA

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Tour de France 2019

Stage 21 Post-Race Coverage

31 Big Photos from Stage 21aso/corvos
Stage 21 Results
1  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                     3:04:08
2  GROENEWEGEN, Dylan (TJV)              
3  BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)              
4  RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)      
5  BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)           
6  GREIPEL, André (PCB)                  
7  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)                 
8  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
9  ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)                   
10 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                    
11 COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)                
12 HALLER, Marco (TKA)                   
13 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)               
14 SIMON, Julien (COF)                   
15 HOULE, Hugo (AST)                     
16 DEBUSSCHERE, Jens (TKA)               
17 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)             
18 VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                   
19 BONNET, William (GFC)                 
20 BYSTRØM, Sven Erik (UAD)              
21 GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)            
22 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)               
23 SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)                   
24 BACKAERT, Frederik (WGG)              
25 KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)                    
26 PERICHON, Pierre Luc (COF)            
27 TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)                 
28 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)               
29 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)        
30 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                 
31 CASTROVIEJO, Nicolás Jonathan (INS)   
32 DE KORT, Koen (TFS)                   
33 MØRKØV, Michael (DQT)                 
34 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)                
35 LANGEVELD, Sebastian (EF1)            
36 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)              
37 IZAGIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (AST)        
38 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)                 
39 CLARKE, Simon (EF1)                   
40 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)                 

Final General Classification
1  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   82:57:00
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  1:11
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  1:31
4  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  1:56
5  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)         +  4:05
6  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  4:23
7  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  5:15
8  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  5:30
9  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  6:12
10 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:32
11 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               + 12:43
12 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 22:08
13 GAUDU, David (GFC)                + 24:03
14 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 27:41
15 BARDET, Romain (ALM)              + 30:28
16 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 36:09
17 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)      + 44:29
18 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)              + 45:21
19 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)            + 48:52
20 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)              + 51:57
Full Official Stage 21 Results and Final General
Egan Bernal wins 2019 Tour de Francecyclingnews
Thomas philosophical in missed chance to repeatvelonews
Stage 21 finish line quotescyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 21 (02:42 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 21 (01:58 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Overhead Replay of the Stage 21 finish (00:26 No Audio)TourdeFrance
Riding by Arc de Triomphe - Stage 21 (00:18 Ambient)TourdeFrance
First lap on the Champs-Elysées - Stage 21 (00:15 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Riders ride through the Louvre - Stage 21 (00:41 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Colombian riders - Stage 21 (00:18 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Team INEOS victory photo op (00:07 Ambient)@TeamINEOS
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 21 Analysis (18:00 English)Eurosport
Onboard camera - Stage 21 (01:26 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Official Stage 21 Highlights (04:03 English)TourdeFrance
Résumé - Étape 21 (04:03 French)TourdeFrance
Stage 21 Highlights (06:50 English)GCNRacing
Stage 21 Highlights (06:33 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 21 (04:03 German)TourdeFrance
Best of - Tour de France 2019 (11:25 French/Music)TourdeFrance
31 Big Photos from Stage 21aso/corvos
Tour winner Egan Bernal awarded yellow jersey (01:53 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Stage 21 Extended Highlights (10:13 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Stage 21 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (1:24:49 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 21 Analysis with Ned and Matt (34:15 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 20 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (33:38 English)WEDŪ
Final ceremonies from the 2019 Tour de France (11:14 English)NBCSports

Stage 21 preview: Rambouillet → Paris, 127 km (flat)

July 27 update:
Stage 21 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 21 with Christian Prudhomme (01:31 French/English)aso
Bernal poised for breakthrough Tour de France win for Colombiacyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 21 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 21 start time: Sunday 18:05 CET (4:05:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Rambouillet, France
Earliest live video: 18:05 CET (4:05:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 21:19 CET (7:19:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Paris, France

Stage 20 Post-Race Coverage

26 Big Photos from Stage 20corvos/aso/flockton/bettini
Stage 20 Results
1  NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)             1:51:53
2  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)           +   10
3  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)            +   14
4  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)      +   17
5  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              
6  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)               +   23
7  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            
8  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)            +   25
9  POELS, Wout (INS)                   +   30
10 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              
11 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)               +   46
12 MÜHLBERGER, Gregor (BOH)            + 1:09
13 KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)                + 1:30
14 SOLER, Marc (MOV)                   + 1:33
15 YATES, Adam (MTS)                   + 1:49
16 YATES, Simon Philip (MTS)           + 1:52
17 ZAKARIN, Ilnur (TKA)                + 1:56
18 GESBERT, Elie (PCB)                 + 2:07
19 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)                + 2:10
20 IMPEY, Daryl (MTS)                 
21 FRAILE MATARRANZ, Omar (AST)        + 2:26
22 GAUDU, David (GFC)                  + 3:01
23 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)               
24 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)        + 3:13
25 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                 
26 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)           + 3:17
27 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                + 3:45
28 AMADOR, Andrey (MOV)               
29 CORT NIELSEN, Magnus (AST)         
30 GALLOPIN, Tony (ALM)               
31 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                    + 4:10
32 VERONA QUINTANILLA, Carlos (MOV)    + 4:25
33 DE PLUS, Laurens (TJV)              + 4:59
34 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           
35 ROSSKOPF, Joseph (CPT)              + 5:06
36 WOODS, Michael (EF1)               
37 SICARD, Romain (TDE)                + 5:20
38 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                 + 5:54
39 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)             + 6:07
40 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)               

General Classification after Stage 20
1  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   79:52:52
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  1:11
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  1:31
4  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  1:56
5  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)         +  3:45
6  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  4:23
7  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  5:15
8  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  5:30
9  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  6:12
10 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:32
11 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               + 12:05
12 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 22:08
13 GAUDU, David (GFC)                + 23:29
14 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 27:07
15 BARDET, Romain (ALM)              + 29:54
16 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 35:49
17 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)      + 43:41
18 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)              + 44:30
19 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)            + 48:32
20 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)              + 51:16
Full Official Stage 20 Results and General
Bernal one stage from overall victory, Nibali wins atop Val Thorenscyclingnews
Thomas: We've taken flak, but we've proven ourselves again (02:07 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Egan Bernal proud to make history as first Colombian winnercyclingweekly
Nibali ends drought on victories with Tour de France win at Val Thorenscyclingnews
Patience pays off for Jumbo-Visma as Kruijswijk hits podiumvelonews
Bernal makes Tour history backed by teammate Thomasvelonews
Landa: I'll be back at the Tour de France to fight againcyclingnews
Stage 20 finish line quotescyclingnews
No regrets: Alaphilippe slips off podium but takes pride in wild Tour de Francecyclingnews
We're going to take the fight to Team Ineos in the future – Kruijswijkcyclingnews
Bernal poised for breakthrough Tour de France win for Colombiacyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 20 (04:10 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 20 (02:19 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 20 (04:13 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 20 (10:51 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last 2 Km of Stage 20 (06:07 Ambient)eitb
GC Leader Celebrates after Stage 20 (00:48 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 20 Analysis (16:24 English)Eurosport
Stage 20 Highlights (06:06 English)GCNRacing
Stage 20 Highlights (05:17 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Official Stage 20 Highlights (05:02 English)TourdeFrance
Résumé - Étape 20 (05:02 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 20 (05:02 German)TourdeFrance
Race Leader Interview after Stage 20 (02:25 Spanish)eitb
Race Leader Interview after Stage 20 (01:09 Spanish/English)aso
Onboard camera: Stage 20 (01:04 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Extended Stage 20 Highlights (13:56 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
26 Big Photos from Stage 20corvos/aso/flockton/bettini
Backstage - Stage 20 (03:55 English/Music)MitcheltonSCOTT
Podcast: Post-Stage 20 Analysis with Ned and Matt (30:20 English)itv
Stage 20 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (56:10 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Stage 20 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (42:16 English)WEDŪ

Stage 20 preview: Albertville → Val Thorens, 60 km (Mountain)

July 26 update:
Stage 20 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 20 with Bernard Thevenet (01:00 French/English)aso
Judgement Day | Stage 20 Preview (08:52 English)gcn
Will anyone catch Egan Bernal in final stages? (07:16 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 20 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 20 start time: Saturday 14:30 CET (12:30:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Albertville, France
Earliest live video: 14:30 CET (12:30:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:44 CET (2:44:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Val Thorens, France

Stage 19 Post-Race Coverage

23 Big Photos from Stage 19aso/corvos/flockton/bettini

General Classification after Stage 19
1  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   78:00:42
2  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)         +    48
3  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  1:16
4  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  1:28
5  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  1:55
6  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  4:35
7  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  5:14
8  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  5:17
9  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  6:25
10 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               +  6:28
11 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:03
12 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 16:18
13 GAUDU, David (GFC)                + 20:45
14 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 23:14
15 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 26:10
16 BARDET, Romain (ALM)              + 26:26
17 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)            + 40:17
18 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)      + 40:45
19 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)              + 42:37
20 BENNETT, George (TJV)             + 44:27
Full Official Stage 19 Results and General
Bernal awarded win on truncated stage 19cyclingnews
Bernal takes Tour yellow as hailstorm stops stagereuters
Roundtable: Which is weirder: Ice on l'Iseran or Froome running up Ventoux?velonews
Stage 19 stopped at top of Col d'Iseran due to freak hailstorm and landslidecw
Alaphilippe furious as Stage 19 stopped due to hail (01:27 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Alaphilippe dejected after the losing yellow jersey (00:38 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Hailstorm halts Stage 19 (01:45 Ambient)eitb
Stage 19 halted after bad weather (02:49 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Egan Bernal Post Race Interview (00:59 English/Spanish)@VelonCC
Astonishing weather conditions at the finish of Stage 19 (01:22 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Race radio announces Stage 19 is halted (01:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Riders, teams made aware of Stage 19 stoppage (04:49 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 19 Analysis (16:33 English)Eurosport
Stage 19 Highlights (07:44 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Stage 19 Highlights (05:55 English)GCNRacing
Résumé - Étape 19 - Tour de France 2019 (03:44 French)TourdeFrance
Will anyone catch Egan Bernal in final stages? (07:16 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
23 Big Photos from Stage 19aso/corvos/flockton/bettini
Stage 19 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (52:17 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 19 Analysis with Ned and Matt (23:46 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 19 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (39:15 English)WEDŪ
Extended Stage 19 Highlights (17:14 English)NBCSports

Pinot abandons - Stage 19 (00:37 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Thibaut Pinot forced to abandon due to a leg injury (02:10 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Thibaut Pinot abandons Tour de Francecyclingnews

Stage 19 preview: Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne → Tignes, 123 km (Mountain)

July 25 update:
Stage 19 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 19 - Bernard Thevenet (01:10 French/English)aso
Alaphilippe: If I crack I want Pinot to win the Tour de Francecyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 19 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 19 start time: Friday 13:45 CET (11:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France
Earliest live video: 13:45 CET (11:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:45 CET (2:45:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Tignes, France

Stage 18 Post-Race Coverage

36 Big Photos from Stage 18aso/corvos/bettini
Stage 18 Results
1  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)            5:34:15
2  BARDET, Romain (ALM)             +  1:35
3  LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)           +  2:28
4  KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)             +  2:58
5  CARUSO, Damiano (TBM)            +  3:00
6  BENOOT, Tiesj (LTS)              +  4:46
7  WOODS, Michael (EF1)             
8  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
9  PAUWELS, Serge (CPT)             
10 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)         +  5:18
11 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)          
12 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)             
13 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)            
14 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        
15 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)            
16 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)         
17 PORTE, Richie (TFS)              
18 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)            +  5:43
19 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        +  6:16
20 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)          +  6:47
21 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                 +  7:24
22 GAUDU, David (GFC)               +  8:22
23 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)     +  8:53
24 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)           + 10:12
25 CHEREL, Mikael (ALM)             + 10:23
26 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)         + 10:57
27 BENNETT, George (TJV)            + 10:58
28 BERNARD, Julien (TFS)            + 12:27
29 DE PLUS, Laurens (TJV)           
30 GESCHKE, Simon (CPT)             + 13:11
31 YATES, Adam (MTS)                
32 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)         + 13:21
33 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)             
34 ROSSETTO, Stéphane (COF)         + 13:41
35 VAN BAARLE, Dylan (INS)          + 13:55
36 SOLER, Marc (MOV)                + 14:01
37 MÜHLBERGER, Gregor (BOH)         + 15:17
38 POELS, Wout (INS)                + 16:32
39 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)           + 16:53

General Classification after Stage 18
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        75:18:49
2  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)    +  1:30
3  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  1:35
4  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  1:47
5  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)              +  1:50
6  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  2:14
7  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  3:54
8  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  4:54
9  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  5:33
10 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  5:58
11 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               +  6:30
12 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:47
13 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 15:11
14 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 16:21
15 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 17:00
Full Official Stage 18 Results and General
Quintana wins stage 18cyclingnews
'Ineos left it too late!' - Wiggins and Smith react to Stage 18 (01:15 English)eurosport
Alaphilippe: I gave it my all in 'very tough' Stage 18 (01:56 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Quintana reflects on 'emotional' Stage 18 win (01:58 Spanish/English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Julian Alaphilippe: I had to take risks on the Galibier descentcyclingweekly
Bernal says Thomas OK'd Galibier attackcyclingnews
Alaphilippe defends yellow with daredevil descent as Quintana wins stage 18cyclingnews
Stage 18 finish line quotescyclingnews
‘It was Geraint’s decision’, says Egan Bernal after attack on Col du Galibiertheguardian
Pinot 'not on a great day' during first Alpine stagecyclingnews
Quintana: I'll never surrender at the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Kruijswijk upbeat despite losing Tour de France podium spotcyclingnews
Movistar's tactical shift opened the door for Quintana's winvelonews
Last Km of Stage 18 (03:19 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 18 (03:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 18 (04:21 French)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 18 (02:00 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 18 (09:26 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last 4 Km of Stage 18 (07:08 Basque)eitb
Alaphilippe catches back on to the GC group - Stage 18 (00:39 Ambient)TourdeFrance
16 km to go: Thomas attacks from thr GC group - Stage 18 (00:22 Ambient)TourdeFrance
18 km to go: Quintana solos Col du Galibier - Stage 18 (00:35 Ambient)TourdeFrance
26 km to: Quintana Attacks - Stage 18 (00:22 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 18 Analysis (10:02 English)Eurosport
Stage 18 Highlights (06:36 English)GCNRacing
Stage 18 Highlights (06:51 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Official Stage 18 Highlights (04:48 English)TourdeFrance
Résumé - Étape 18 (04:48 French)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 18 (04:48 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 18 (04:48 German)TourdeFrance
Onboard camera - Stage 18 (01:20 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Podcast: Post-Stage 18 Analysis with Ned and Matt (25:55 English)itv
Stage 18 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (46:36 English)cyclingpodcast
Analysis: Stage 18 | Fireworks On The Galibier (15:24 English)GCNRacing
Podcast: Stage 18 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (47:37 English)WEDŪ
36 Big Photos from Stage 18aso/corvos/bettini
Backstage Pass - Stage 18 (05:28 English/Music)MitcheltonSCOTT
Extended Stage 18 Highlights (14:34 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

Landscape of Stage 18 (00:27 Ambient)TourdeFrance

Stage 18 preview: Embrun → Valloire, 207 km (Mountain)

July 24 update:
Stage 18 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 18 with Vicent Lavenu (01:23 French/English)aso
Geraint Thomas expects a battle in the Alps: "Teams will try and make it hard all day"velonews
Landa on a mission to land on Tour podiumvelonews
Alaphilippe defiant and ready for yellow jersey defencecyclingnews
Pinot: It's up to Thomas and Bernal to attack in final Tour de France stagescyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 18 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 18 start time: Thursday 11:10 CET (9:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Embrun, France
Earliest live video: 11:10 CET (9:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:17 CET (3:17:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Valloire, France

Stage 17 Post-Race Coverage

34 Big Photos from Stage 17aso/corvos/flockton/bettini
Stage 17 Results
1  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)                 4:21:36
2  ASGREEN, Kasper (DQT)                 +    37
3  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)              +    41
4  MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)                  
5  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                    
6  IZAGIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (AST)        
7  OSS, Daniel (BOH)                     +    44
8  PERICHON, Pierre Luc (COF)            +    50
9  SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)                   
10 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)                  +    55
11 CLARKE, Simon (EF1)                   +  1:23
12 PÖSTLBERGER, Lukas (BOH)              
13 BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)           +  1:26
14 LAENGEN, Vegard Stake (UAD)           
15 HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (UAD)      +  1:35
16 ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)                  +  1:44
17 KING, Benjamin (TDD)                  +  2:53
18 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
19 BYSTRØM, Sven Erik (UAD)              
20 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)                
21 SCHÄR, Michael (CPT)                  
22 PEREZ, Anthony (COF)                  
23 POLITT, Nils (TKA)                    +  3:00
24 OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)                +  3:02
25 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)               +  3:55
26 BERHANE, Natnael (COF)                
27 DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)                +  5:49
28 COSTA, Rui (UAD)                      
29 GOUGEARD, Alexis (ALM)                +  6:59
30 JUUL JENSEN, Christopher (MTS)        +  8:04
31 FRAILE MATARRANZ, Omar (AST)          
32 KEUKELEIRE, Jens (LTS)                
33 SCULLY, Tom (EF1)                     +  9:23
34 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             + 20:10
35 DEVENYNS, Dries (DQT)                 
36 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)              
37 KWIATKOWSKI, Michal (INS)             
38 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                 
39 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)        
40 CASTROVIEJO, Nicolás Jonathan (INS)   

General Classification after Stage 17
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        69:39:16
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:35
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:47
4  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               + 1:50
5  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 2:02
6  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 2:14
7  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 4:54
8  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)          + 5:00
9  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 5:33
10 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 6:30
Full Official Stage 17 Results and General
Trentin solos to victory on stage 17 in Gapcyclingnews
Luke Rowe and Tony Martin disqualified after incident in stage 17velonews
Asgreen hopes he has energy for Alaphilippe and the Alps after unplanned breakawaycn
Last Km of Stage 17 (02:55 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 17 (00:57 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 17 (04:38 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last 9 km of Stage 17 (16:34 Basque)eitb
14 km to go: Trentin Attacks - Stage 17 (00:21 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 17 Analysis (13:55 English)eurosport
Stage 17 Highlights (06:31 English)GCNRacing
Official Stage 17 Highlights (04:15 English)TourdeFrance
Résumé - Étape 17 (04:15 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 17 (04:15 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 17 (04:15 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Onboard camera - Stage 17 (01:48 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Martin and Rowe comment on incident that led to explusion from Tour (05:54 English)JumboV
Extended Stage 17 Highlights (26:03 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Extended Stage 17 Highlights (07:38 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Stage 17 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (47:55 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 17 Analysis with Ned and Matt (27:46 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 17 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (33:44 English)WEDŪ
The fallout from Rowe and Martin being expelled from the Tour (20:11 English)cyclingnews
34 Big Photos from Stage 17aso/corvos/flockton/bettini
Backstage Pass - Stage 17 (06:40 English/Music)MitcheltonSCOTT

Stage 17 preview: Pont du Gard → Gap, 206 km (hilly)

July 23 update:
Stage 17 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 17 with Hugo Houle (00:51 French/English)aso
Emanuel Buchmann quietly climbs the Tour de France leaderboardvelonews
Photos from Gap finish in 2010 - Sergio Paulinho winssirotti/reuters
Photos from Gap finish in 2011 - Thor Hushovd winssirotti/reuters
Photos from Gap finish in 2013 - Rui Costa winssirotti/reuters
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 17 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 17 start time: Wednesday 12:25 CET (10:25:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Pont du Gard, France
Earliest live video: 12:25 CET (10:25:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:25 CET (3:25:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Gap, France

Stage 16 Post-Race Coverage

23 Big Photos from Stage 16aso/corvos/bettini
Stage 16 Results
1  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                    3:57:08
2  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                  
3  GROENEWEGEN, Dylan (TJV)             
4  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                   
5  BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)             
6  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)              
7  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)                
8  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                
9  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)            
10 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)              
11 DEBUSSCHERE, Jens (TKA)              
12 BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)          
13 COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)               
14 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)     
15 GREIPEL, André (PCB)                 
16 JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Reinardt (TDD)   
17 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                 
18 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)                
19 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)             
20 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)            
21 GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)           
22 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)              
23 ERVITI, Imanol (MOV)                 
24 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)             
25 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                
26 MØRKØV, Michael (DQT)                
27 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)             
28 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)       
29 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                 
30 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)              
31 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)               
32 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)            
33 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)               
34 PERICHON, Pierre Luc (COF)           
35 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)                
36 CLARKE, Simon (EF1)                  
37 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)                 
38 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                  
39 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                     
40 CALMEJANE, Lilian (TDE)              

General Classification after Stage 16
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        64:57:30
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  1:35
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  1:47
4  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)              +  1:50
5  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)    +  2:02
6  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  2:14
7  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  4:54
8  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  5:00
9  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  5:33
10 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               +  6:30
11 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:22
12 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  9:30
13 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)              + 11:39
14 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 12:06
15 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 13:42
16 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 14:15
17 GAUDU, David (GFC)                + 15:33
18 BARDET, Romain (ALM)              + 27:33
19 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)            + 28:25
20 BENNETT, George (TJV)             + 30:33
Full Official Stage 16 Results and General
Second win for Ewan on stage 16 in Nimescyclingnews
Thomas suffers third Tour crash in 'freak' accidentvelonews
Last Km of Stage 16 (01:37 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 16 (02:44 French, restricted to Belgiums)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 16 (04:50 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Winner's Interview from Stage 16 (01:22 English)aso
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 16 Analysis (13:15 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 16 Highlights (04:06 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 16 Highlights (05:52 English)GCNRacing
Résumé - Étape 16 (04:06 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 16 (04:06 German)TourdeFrance
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 16 (25:10 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
Bikecam: Onboard camera - Stage 16 (02:19 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Extended Stage 16 Highlights (10:11 English)NBCSports
Extended Stage 16 Highlights (26:09 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Stage 16 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (46:44 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 16 Analysis with Ned and Matt (21:01 English)itv
23 Big Photos from Stage 16aso/corvos/bettini
Backstage Pass - Stage 16 (04:17 English)MitcheltonSCOTT

Fuglsang crashes out of Tour on Stage 16 (02:17 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Fuglsang crashes out of Tour on Stage 16 (01:49 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Wiggins predicts winner, doubts Alaphilippe (10:24 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

Stage 16 preview: Nîmes → Nîmes, 177 km (rolling)

July 21 update:
Stage 16 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 16 with Stephane Goubert (00:34 French/English)aso
Photos from Nîmes finish in 2014 - Alexander KRISTOFF winssirotti/flockton/reuters
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 16 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 16 start time: Tuesday 13:20 CET (11:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Nîmes, France
Earliest live video: 13:20 CET (11:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:26 CET (3:26:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Nîmes, France

2019 Tour de France Rest Day 2

Monday is the second and final rest day
July 21 update:
Index to 615 Photos from the first 15 stages (so far)corvos/flockton/aso/bettini/veloimages
Best commentator calls from second week of TD (13:37 English)NBCSports
Alaphilippe 'starting to pay' for Tour de France effortscyclingnews
Pinot rises as Thomas and Bernal politely tussle for Tour leadership (38:41 English)cyclingnews
Alaphilippe promises to 'give everything' to hold yellow to Parisvelonews
Julian Alaphilippe: 'My yellow jersey is hanging by a thread'cyclingweekly
How the six main contenders shape up for final stagestheguardian
Podcast: Rest 2 Day with Ned and Matt (33:26 English)itv
Commentary: Why this year’s Tour is quickly becoming one of the best evervelonews
Roundtable: You are Groupama-FDJ's director sportif. How do you win the Tour?velonews
2010 Winner Andy Schleck Reflects on Career and Retirement (04:35 English)inCycle
Race News Show: The Closest Tour de France In Decades? (10:42 English)gcn
Landa: I'll fight for every second in the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Quintana: I told the team I was in difficulty before the Tourmaletcyclingnews
Dave Brailsford reveals why he thinks this year's Tour has been so breathtakingcyclingweekly
Geraint Thomas: There's more than one way to win a Tour de Francecyclingnews
Alaphilippe: I don't want to dream about Tour de France glorycyclingnews
Kruijswijk: The Tour de France podium is on the horizoncyclingnews
Bernal: Thomas is still Ineos' primary leader at Tour de Francecyclingnews
Dan Martin: The person whose bad day is the least bad will win the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Rest day podcast – Thomas, Alaphilippe, Adam Yates and Brailsford (40:34 English)cyclingnews
The Press Conference | Rest Day 2 (1:00:28 English)cyclingpodcast

Stage 15 Post-Race Coverage

49 Big Photos from Stage 15aso/flockton/corvos/bettini
Stage 15 Results
1  YATES, Simon Philip (MTS)             4:47:04
2  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  +    33
3  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)              
4  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)               +    51
5  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)        
6  KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)                  +  1:03
7  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                 +  1:22
8  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)              
9  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)             
10 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                   +  1:30
11 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             +  1:49
12 POELS, Wout (INS)                     
13 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)                 +  1:54
14 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)                 
15 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)               +  2:08
16 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)          +  2:55
17 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)                +  2:58
18 BARDET, Romain (ALM)                  
19 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)                 
20 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)                 
21 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)                  +  3:38
22 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)                +  3:45
23 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  
24 GALLOPIN, Tony (ALM)                  +  4:02
25 GESCHKE, Simon (CPT)                  +  4:24
26 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                      +  4:45
27 GAUDU, David (GFC)                    +  5:20
28 HAIG, Jack (MTS)                      +  6:24
29 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)                +  6:59
30 CASTROVIEJO, Nicolás Jonathan (INS)   +  9:59
31 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    + 10:06
32 BERNARD, Julien (TFS)                 
33 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)                  + 10:08
34 BENNETT, George (TJV)                 + 11:42
35 WOODS, Michael (EF1)                  
36 MÜHLBERGER, Gregor (BOH)              

General Classification after Stage 15
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        61:00:22
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  1:35
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  1:47
4  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)              +  1:50
5  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)    +  2:02
6  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  2:14
7  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  4:54
8  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  5:00
9  FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)             +  5:27
10 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  5:33
11 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               +  6:30
12 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:22
13 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  8:28
14 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 11:04
15 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)              + 11:39
16 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 13:42
17 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 14:15
18 GAUDU, David (GFC)                + 14:31
19 BARDET, Romain (ALM)              + 27:12
20 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)            + 28:25
Full Official Stage 15 Results and General
Simon Yates takes a second stage win on Prat d'Albiscyclingnews
Thomas profits from Alaphilippe’s late struggle on stage 15theguardian
Pinot surges back into contention with stunning attacksvelonews
Analysis: A dramatic battle on Foix Prat d’Albisvelonews
Stage 15 finish line quotescyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 15 (03:23 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 15 (03:50 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 15 (01:07 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 15 (04:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last 500m of Stage 15 (01:07 English)Velon
Last 5 Km of Stage 15 (14:24 Ambient)eitb
Résumé/Highlights - Étape 15 (03:50 French)rtbf
9 km to go: Simon Yates goes solo on Stage 15 (00:24 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 15 Analysis (14:54 English)Eurosport
Winner's Interview from Stage 15 (01:30 English)nos
Official Stage 15 Highlights (04:42 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 15 Highlights (06:52 English)GCNRacing
Résumé - Étape 15 (04:42 French)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 15 (04:42 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 15 (04:42 German)TourdeFrance
Bikecam: Stage 15 on-bike highlights (01:43 Ambient)Velon
On-Demand Stage 15 Broadcast (5:25:10 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
Stage 15 Extended Highlights (16:16 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Podcast: Post-Stage 15 Analysis with Ned and Matt (24:57 English)itv
Stage 15 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (55:01 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Stage 15 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (51:45 English)WEDŪ
49 Big Photos from Stage 15aso/flockton/corvos/bettini
Backstage Pass - Stage 15 (07:28 English)MitcheltonSCOTT
Extended Stage 15 Highlights (26:16 English, restricted to Australia)sbs

Stage 15 preview: Limoux → Foix, 185 km (Mountain)

July 20 update:
Stage 15 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 15 with Thierry Gouvenou (00:54 French/English)aso
Cycling Foix and
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 15 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 15 start time: Sunday 12:05 CET (10:05:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Limoux, France
Earliest live video: 12:05 CET (10:05:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:00 CET (3:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Foix, France

Stage 14 Post-Race Coverage

70 Big Photos from Stage 14flockton/aso/bettini/corvos
Stage 14 Results
1  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  3:10:20
2  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             +     6
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)              
4  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)               +     8
5  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)        
6  LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)              +    14
7  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)                 +    30
8  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                 +    36
9  BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)                 +    38
10 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)                 +    53
11 BENNETT, George (TJV)                 +    58
12 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)             
13 DE PLUS, Laurens (TJV)                +  1:19
14 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                   +  2:05
15 GAUDU, David (GFC)                    +  2:26
16 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)              +  2:54
17 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)                 +  3:24
18 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)                  +  3:29
19 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                      +  3:33
20 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)                +  3:48
21 POELS, Wout (INS)                     +  4:10
22 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)               +  4:21
23 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)                  +  4:48
24 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)                  +  5:35
25 YATES, Adam (MTS)                     +  6:42
26 SOLER, Marc (MOV)                     +  7:12
27 IZAGIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (AST)        +  9:34
28 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                    +  9:59
29 VAN BAARLE, Dylan (INS)               
30 CASTROVIEJO, Nicolás Jonathan (INS)   + 10:56
31 GESBERT, Elie (PCB)                   + 11:15
32 CARUSO, Damiano (TBM)                 
33 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)          + 11:21
34 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)                  + 11:22
35 BILBAO, Pello (AST)                   + 11:39
36 HAIG, Jack (MTS)                      
37 DEVENYNS, Dries (DQT)                 + 12:04
38 VUILLERMOZ, Alexis (ALM)              + 12:20
39 MÜHLBERGER, Gregor (BOH)              + 12:39
40 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)                 

General Classification after Stage 14
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        56:11:29
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +  2:02
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +  2:14
4  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)    +  3:00
5  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)           +  3:12
6  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)             
7  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +  4:24
8  FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)             +  5:22
9  VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)         +  5:27
10 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)          +  5:38
11 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)          +  6:14
12 PORTE, Richie (TFS)               +  6:49
13 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             +  7:17
14 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             +  7:19
15 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)              +  9:03
16 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)              +  9:50
17 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            +  9:55
18 YATES, Adam (MTS)                 + 10:37
19 GAUDU, David (GFC)                + 11:00
20 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 11:19
Full Official Stage 14 Results and General
Pinot wins stage 14 atop Tourmaletcyclingnews
Geraint Thomas left disappointed after losing time on Col du Tourmaletcyclingweekly
Disappointed Thomas: I just felt quite weak from the start (01:45 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Alaphilippe: I was at the limit today (01:58 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
The French revolution continues: Alaphilippe increases his advantagevelonews
A watershed moment: Alaphilippe tames the Tourmalet to keep leadcyclingnews
Jumbo-Visma show their strength on the Tourmaletcyclingnews
Torment on the Tourmalet: Bardet's Tour de France unravels, France moves oncyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 14 (04:10 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 14 (02:26 English)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 14 (02:38 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 14 (04:17 French)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 14 (12:44 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Overhead view of the Stage 14 finish (02:30 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last 5 Km of Stage 14 (15:09 Ambient)eitb
The winner celebrates Post Stage 14 (00:50 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 14 Analysis (14:37 English)Eurosport
Stage 14 Highlights (08:21 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 14 (05:09 French)TourdeFrance
Official Stage 14 Highlights (05:09 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 14 Highlights (07:11 English)GCNRacing
On-Demand Stage 14 Broadcast (4:01:42 French, restricted to France)rtbf
Extended Stage 14 Highlights (12:06 English)NBCSports
Stage 14 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (49:21 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 14 Analysis with Ned and Matt (30:25 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 14 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (39:12 English)WEDŪ
Bikecam: Stage 14 on-bike highlights (01:16 Ambient)Velon
70 Big Photos from Stage 14flockton/aso/bettini/corvos
Extended Stage 14 Highlights (57:34 English, restricted to Australia)sbs

56 km to go: The break crests Col du Soulor - Stage 14 (00:26 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Cow plows over motorcycle at Stage 14 (00:56 English)NBCSports

Stage 14 preview: Tarbes → Col du Tourmalet, 117 km (Mountain)

July 19 update:
Stage 14 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 14 with Thierry Gouvenou (00:51 French/English)aso
Cycling The French Pyrenees (Col du Tourmalet and Luz-Ardiden)
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 14 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 14 start time: Saturday 13:30 CET (11:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Tarbes, France
Earliest live video: 13:30 CET (11:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:02 CET (3:02:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Col du Tourmalet, France

Stage 13 Post-Race Coverage

36 Big Photos from Stage 13corvos/flockton/aso
Stage 13 Results
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        35:00
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)            +   14
3  DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)           +   36
4  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)            
5  PORTE, Richie (TFS)              +   45
6  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)         
7  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)             +   49
8  ASGREEN, Kasper (DQT)            +   52
9  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)         +   58
10 ROSSKOPF, Joseph (CPT)           + 1:01
11 OLIVEIRA, Nelson (MOV)           + 1:03
12 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)            + 1:07
13 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)             + 1:09
14 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        + 1:11
15 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)          + 1:19
16 TRATNIK, Jan (TBM)               
17 HAGA, Chad (SUN)                 + 1:22
18 POLITT, Nils (TKA)               + 1:25
19 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)           + 1:26
20 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (TKA)        + 1:31
21 DOWSETT, Alex (TKA)              + 1:32
22 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   + 1:36
23 MOHORIC, Matej (TBM)             + 1:44
24 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)         + 1:45
25 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)            + 1:48
26 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                 + 1:49
27 KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)               + 1:50
28 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)            + 1:51
29 PEREZ, Anthony (COF)             + 1:53
30 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)           + 1:54
31 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)      + 2:05
32 GOUGEARD, Alexis (ALM)           + 2:06
33 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)             
34 YATES, Adam (MTS)                + 2:08
35 KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)             + 2:13
36 FELLINE, Fabio (TFS)             + 2:15
37 ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)              + 2:25
38 MONFORT, Maxime (LTS)            
39 BARDET, Romain (ALM)             + 2:26
40 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)           + 2:28

General Classification after Stage 13
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        53:01:09
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:26
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 2:12
4  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 2:44
5  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 2:52
6  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 3:04
7  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               + 3:22
8  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 3:54
9  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 3:55
10 YATES, Adam (MTS)                
11 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 4:15
12 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)          + 4:29
13 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)            
14 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 4:34
15 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 4:44
16 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)               + 5:34
17 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               + 5:46
18 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 6:00
19 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             + 6:07
20 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 6:10
Full Official Stage 13 Results and General
Alaphilippe wins stage 13 time trialcyclingnews
Alaphilippe and Bernal wearing custom made TT skinsuits at Tour de Francecyclingnews
Stage 13 finish line quotescyclingnews
Geraint Thomas surprised by Alaphilippe in time trialcyclingnews
Alaphilippe rises to the occasion with staggering time trial in Paucyclingnews
Pinot bounces back from crosswinds calamity with strong Tour de France time trialcyclingnews
Van Aert crashes out of time trialcyclingnews
Wout van Aert undergoes surgery after time trial crashcyclingweekly
Julien Alaphilippe ahead early on Stage 13 (00:21 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of the Winning ITT Ride - Stage 13 (02:13 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of the Winning ITT Ride - Stage 13 (03:30 French)rtbf
Alaphilippe and Thomas finish the Stage 13 ITT (06:05 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Thoma De Gendt finishes in a new best time - Stage 13 (00:28 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post-Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 13 (12:41 English)Eurosport
Stage 13 Highlights (06:35 English)GCNRacing
Stage 13 Highlights (06:12 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Official Stage 13 Highlights (03:46 English)TourdeFrance
Résumé - Étape 13 (03:46 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 13 (03:46 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 13 (03:47 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Onboard camera - Stage 13 (01:34 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Podcast: Post-Stage 13 Analysis with Ned and Matt (30:20 English)itv
Stage 13 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (49:09 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Stage 13 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (47:09 English)WEDŪ
Dennis suddenly abandons TDF after Stage 12 (03:16 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Stage 13 Extended Highlights (14:39 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Stage 13 Extended Highlights (26:23 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
36 Big Photos from Stage 13corvos/flockton/aso
TheWolfpack Express - Episode 14 (00:58 English/Music)Deceuninck-Quick-Step

Highlights: Women's La Course by Le Tour de France (05:38 English)GCNRacing
Results and Report: La Course by Le Tour de Francecyclingnews

Stage 13 preview: Pau → Pau, 27 km (TT)

July 18 update:
Stage 13 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 13 with Thierry Gouvenou (00:51 French/English)aso
Stage 13 ITT Start Order and Times (CET) — aso
Tour rookies Woods, Haig, and Rosskopf endure highs and lows through Tour's opening halfvelonews
Preview: 13 things to know about the 2019 La Course by Le Tour de Francecyclingtips
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 13 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 13 start time: Friday 14:00 CET (12:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Pau, France
Earliest live video: 14:00 CET (12:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 18:15 CET (4:15:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Pau, France

Stage 12 Post-Race Coverage

40 Big Photos from Stage 12aso/corvos/flockton/bettini
Stage 12 Results
1  YATES, Simon Philip (MTS)             4:57:53
2  BILBAO, Pello (AST)                   
3  MÜHLBERGER, Gregor (BOH)              
4  BENOOT, Tiesj (LTS)                    + 1:28
5  FELLINE, Fabio (TFS)                  
6  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)                 
7  NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)                  
8  COSTA, Rui (UAD)                      
9  CLARKE, Simon (EF1)                   
10 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)                 
11 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)              
12 TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                    
13 PAUWELS, Serge (CPT)                  
14 FRANK, Mathias (ALM)                  
15 ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)                  
16 SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)          
17 GALLOPIN, Tony (ALM)                  
18 VALGREN ANDERSEN, Michael (TDD)        + 1:33
19 ERVITI, Imanol (MOV)                   + 5:13
20 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)                
21 PERICHON, Pierre Luc (COF)            
22 VAN BAARLE, Dylan (INS)                + 9:35
23 ROWE, Luke (INS)                      
24 KWIATKOWSKI, Michal (INS)             
25 CASTROVIEJO, Nicolás Jonathan (INS)   
26 POELS, Wout (INS)                     
27 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                 
28 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)        
29 MOSCON, Gianni (INS)                  
30 SOLER, Marc (MOV)                     
31 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)             
32 DEVENYNS, Dries (DQT)                 
33 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                   
34 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)                
35 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)              
36 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)             
37 BERNARD, Julien (TFS)                 
38 EIKING, Odd Christian (WGG)           
39 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                  
40 SCHÄR, Michael (CPT)                  

General Classification after Stage 12
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        52:26:09
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:12
3  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 1:16
4  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:27
5  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:45
6  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:46
7  YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:47
8  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 2:04
9  MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 2:09
10 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               + 2:33
11 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 2:46
12 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 3:18
13 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        
14 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               + 3:20
15 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 3:22
16 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              + 3:26
17 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             + 3:28
18 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 3:42
19 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 3:59
20 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 4:15
Full Official Stage 12 Results and General
Simon Yates wins stage 12cyclingnews
Stage 12 finish line quotescyclingnews
Commentary: Dennis's departure leaves more questions than answersvelonews
Matt White: Simon Yates' Stage Win Is 'A Big Bonus' (01:41 English)FloBikes
Last Km of Stage 12 (03:23 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 12 (01:47 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 12 (03:55 French)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 12 (09:19 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 12 (03:56 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Winner's Interview from Stage 12 (01:04 English)aso
Post-Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 12 Analysis (17:34 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 12 Highlights (04:10 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 12 Highlights (05:58 English)GCNRacing
Stage 12 Highlights (07:02 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 12 (04:10 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 12 (04:10 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 12 (04:10 Spanish)TourdeFrance
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 12 (33:32 French, restricted to France)rtbf
Podcast: Post-Stage 12 Analysis with Ned and Matt (27:14 English)itv
Stage 12 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (47:54 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Stage 12 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (40:28 English)WEDŪ
Bikecam: Stage 12 On-bike Highlights (01:43 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Extended Stage 12 Highlights (10:00 English)NBCSports
Extended Stage 12 Highlights (57:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
40 Big Photos from Stage 12aso/corvos/flockton/bettini

Stage 12 preview: Toulouse → Bagnères-de-Bigorre, 202 km (Mountain)

July 17 update:
Stage 12 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 12 with Thierry Gouvenou (00:49 French/English)aso
Photos from Bagnères-de-Bigorre finish in 2013 - Dan Martin winssirotti/flockton/reuters
Thomas: I don't expect much action on Tour de France's first Pyrenean stagecyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 12 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 12 start time: Thursday 11:30 CET (9:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Toulouse, France
Earliest live video: 11:30 CET (9:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:09 CET (3:09:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France

Stage 11 Post-Race Coverage

30 Big Photos from Stage 11aso/corvos/flockton/bettini
Stage 11 Results
1  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                  3:51:26
2  GROENEWEGEN, Dylan (TJV)           
3  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                
4  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                 
5  DEBUSSCHERE, Jens (TKA)            
6  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)             
7  PHILIPSEN, Jasper (UAD)            
8  BOL, Cees (SUN)                    
9  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)          
10 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              
11 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)            
12 BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)           
13 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     
14 TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)              
15 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)   
16 HALLER, Marco (TKA)                
17 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          
18 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)               
19 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           
20 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               
21 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              
22 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              
23 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              
24 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               
25 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              
26 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)           
27 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)            
28 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)              
29 HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (UAD)   
30 VALGREN ANDERSEN, Michael (TDD)    
31 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               
32 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  
33 FELLINE, Fabio (TFS)               
34 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             
35 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            
36 GREIPEL, André (PCB)               
37 MOSCON, Gianni (INS)               
38 TAARAMÄE, Rein (TDE)               
39 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           
40 CLARKE, Simon (EF1)                

General Classification after Stage 11
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        47:18:41
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:12
3  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 1:16
4  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:27
5  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:45
6  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:46
7  YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:47
8  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 2:04
9  MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 2:09
10 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               + 2:33
11 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 2:46
12 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 3:18
13 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        
14 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               + 3:20
15 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 3:22
16 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              + 3:26
17 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             + 3:28
18 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 3:42
19 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 3:59
20 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 4:15
Full Official Stage 11 Results and General
Ewan wins stage 11cyclingnews
Quintana and Porte emerge without losses from late crashcyclingnews
Indurain blames Landa's crashes on poor positioningcyclingnews
Terpstra out of Tour de France with fractured scapulacyclingnews
Stage 11 finish line quotescyclingnews
Lotto Soudal jump onto the Jumbo train to deliver Ewan's first Tour wincyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 11 (02:18 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 11 (03:20 French)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 11 (04:48 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 11 (01:09 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Overhead Replay of the Stage 11 Finish (00:30 No Audio)TourdeFrance
Winner's emotion after Stage 11 (00:30 Ambient)Velon
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 11 Analysis (14:42 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 11 Highlights (03:36 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 11 Highlights (01:21 English)GCNRacing
Stage 11 Highlights (07:17 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 11 (03:36 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 11 (03:36 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 11 (03:36 Spanish)TourdeFrance
30 Big Photos from Stage 11aso/corvos/flockton/bettini
Extended Stage 11 Highlights (11:11 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Bikecam: Stage 11 on-bike highlights (01:30 Ambient)Velon
Backstage Pass - Stage 11 (04:00 English)MitcheltonSCOTT
Podcast: Post-Stage 11 Analysis with Ned and Matt (20:30 English)itv
On-Demand Stage 11 Broadcast (4:21:00 French)rtbf
Extended Stage 11 Highlights (57:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Podcast: Stage 11 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (42:08 English)WEDŪ
Stage 11 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (53:14 English)cyclingpodcast
Caleb Ewan and Lotto Soudal celebrate Stage 11 win (01:02 Ambient)Velon

Stage 11 preview: Albi → Toulouse, 167 km (rolling)

July 16 update:
Stage 11 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 11 with Cedric Coutouly (00:42 French/English)aso
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 11 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 11 start time: Wednesday 13:35 CET (11:35:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Albi, France
Earliest live video: 13:35 CET (11:35:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:32 CET (3:32:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Toulouse, France

2019 Tour de France Rest Day 1

July 16 update:
Index to 390 Photos from the first 10 stages (so far)corvos/flockton/aso/bettini/veloimages
Who Are The Biggest Winners & Losers Of The First 10 Stages (09:14 English)GCNRacing
Alaphilippe: I hope to surprise myself in the rest of the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Can Alaphilippe Win The Tour de France (10:55 English)gcn
Dave Brailsford keen to ‘twist knife’ into Team Ineos’s Tour rivalstheguardian
Dave Brailsford Isn't Threatened By Julian Alaphilippe (01:39 English)FloBikes
Sagan weighs up green jersey rivals (00:51 English)Velon
Pinot upset after stage 10 disaster, vows to fight in the mountainsvelonews
Best commentator calls from first week of TDF (16:00 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
CCC Team Highlights over the first 10 stages (04:47 Music)CCCTeam
Trek-Segafredo riders on the perfect rest day (00:51 English)Velon
GCN Show: The Weirdest Rules Of The Tour de France (36:09 English)gcn
The Press Conference | Rest Day 1 (46:12 English)cyclingpodcast
Bardet: One day can change everything at the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Landa needs 'to process' his Tour de France after major loss on stage 10cyclingnews
Rest day training - Gallerycyclingnews
TheWolfpack Express - Episode 12 (01:00 Music/English)Deceuninck-Quick-StepCyclingTeam
Tales from the Tour: Riding the rest day with Alaphilippecyclingtips

Stage 10 Post-Race Coverage

37 Big Photos from Stage 10aso/corvos/flockton/bettini/
Stage 10 Results
1  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)               4:49:39
2  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                
3  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                  
4  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)            
5  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                 
6  PHILIPSEN, Jasper (UAD)            
7  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)             
8  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)              
9  NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)               
10 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)           
11 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          
12 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              
13 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (TKA)          
14 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     
15 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)   
16 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              
17 BOL, Cees (SUN)                    
18 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           
19 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           
20 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               
21 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              
22 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            
23 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  
24 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             
25 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               
26 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              
27 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)          
28 CHEREL, Mikael (ALM)               
29 TURGIS, Anthony (TDE)               +   10
30 BYSTRØM, Sven Erik (UAD)            +   14
31 ARNDT, Nikias (SUN)                 +   18
32 GALLOPIN, Tony (ALM)                +   22
33 LAMPAERT, Yves (DQT)                +   29
34 ASGREEN, Kasper (DQT)              
35 BURGHARDT, Marcus (BOH)             +   30
36 LEDANOIS, Kevin (PCB)               +   37
37 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)         +   44
38 KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)              +   46
39 KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)                + 1:01
40 VAN BAARLE, Dylan (INS)             + 1:04
41 OSS, Daniel (BOH)                   + 1:33
42 ROWE, Luke (INS)                   
43 MOSCON, Gianni (INS)                + 1:35
44 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)                + 1:40
45 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               
46 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             
47 BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)        
48 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              
49 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                
50 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)             
51 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              
52 DE BUYST, Jasper (LTS)             
53 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                 
54 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)        + 1:44
55 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)            + 2:09
56 HEPBURN, Michael (MTS)             
57 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)              
58 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                   
59 HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (UAD)   
60 JANSEN, Amund Grøndahl (TJV)       

General Classification after Stage 10
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        43:27:15
2  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:12
3  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 1:16
4  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:27
5  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:45
6  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:46
7  YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:47
8  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 2:04
9  MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 2:09
10 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)              + 2:32
11 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               + 2:33
12 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 2:46
13 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 3:18
14 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        
15 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               + 3:20
16 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 3:22
17 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              + 3:26
18 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             + 3:28
19 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 3:42
20 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 3:59
Full Official Stage 10 Results and General
Wout van Aert wins stage 10cyclingnews
Barguil admits causing Mikel Landa's fallcyclingnews
Roundtable: The crosswinds of doom on stage 10velonews
Last Km of Stage 10 (03:10 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 10 (02:34 French)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 10 (04:03 Basque)eitb
Last Km of Stage 10 (01:09 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 10 (10:02 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 1 (03:28 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Overhead Replay of the Stage 10 Finish (00:27 No Audio)TourdeFrance
The winner celebrates after getting the official Stage 10 results (00:34 Ambient)Velon
Official Stage 10 Highlights (04:38 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 10 Highlights (06:11 English)GCNRacing
Stage 10 Highlights (04:49 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 10 (04:38 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 10 (04:38 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 10 (04:38 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Bikecam: Stage 10 On-Bike Highlights (01:49 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Podcast: Post-Stage 10 Analysis with Ned and Matt (29:47 English)itv

Stage 10 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (47:42 English)cyclingpodcast
Extended Stage 10 Highlights (14:53 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Post Race Show:The Breakaway - Stage 10 Analysis (17:37 English)Eurosport
37 Big Photos from Stage 10aso/corvos/flockton/bettini/
30 km to go: Yellow Jersey drives the break; Fuglsang, Pinot, Urán caught out (02:28 Basque)eitb
60 km to go: Peloton divided on Stage 10 in the crosswinds (00:25 Ambient)TourdeFrance

Stage 10 preview: Saint-Flour → Albi, 218 km (lumpy)

July 14 update:
Stage 10 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 10 with Alexandre Geniez (00:55 French/English)aso
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 10 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 10 start time: Monday 12:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Flour, France
Earliest live video: 12:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:43 CET (3:43:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Albi, France

Stage 9 Post-Race Coverage

26 Big Photos from Stage 9aso/corvos/bettini
Stage 9 Results
1  IMPEY, Daryl (MTS)             4:03:12
2  BENOOT, Tiesj (LTS)            
3  TRATNIK, Jan (TBM)             +    10
4  NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)           
5  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)          
6  ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)           +    14
7  SOLER, Marc (MOV)              +    21
8  GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)     +  1:50
9  CLARKE, Simon (EF1)            
10 DELAPLACE, Anthony (PCB)       +  2:42
11 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)           
12 SICARD, Romain (TDE)           +  2:46
13 PÖSTLBERGER, Lukas (BOH)       +  5:26
14 BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)    +  7:24
15 MARTIN, Tony (TJV)             
16 EIKING, Odd Christian (WGG)    + 16:25
17 FRANK, Mathias (ALM)           
18 BERNARD, Julien (TFS)          
19 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)           
20 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)             
21 POLITT, Nils (TKA)             
22 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)         
23 BOUET, Maxime (PCB)            
24 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)        
25 GAUDU, David (GFC)             
26 MÜHLBERGER, Gregor (BOH)       
27 PORTE, Richie (TFS)            
28 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)       
29 MOINARD, Amael (PCB)           
30 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)          
31 KWIATKOWSKI, Michal (INS)      
32 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)          
33 POELS, Wout (INS)              
34 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)        
35 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)      
36 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)           
37 YATES, Adam (MTS)              
38 YATES, Simon Philip (MTS)      
39 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)   
40 HAIG, Jack (MTS)               

General Classification after Stage 9
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        38:37:36
2  CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)              +   23
3  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               +   53
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)              + 1:10
5  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:12
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 1:16
7  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:27
8  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 1:38
9  FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 1:42
10 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:45
11 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:46
12 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:47
13 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 2:02
14 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 2:04
15 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 2:06
16 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 2:09
17 GAUDU, David (GFC)                 + 2:15
18 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 2:19
19 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)               + 2:45
20 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 2:46
Full Official Stage 9 Results and General
Impey wins in Brioudecyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 9 (02:29 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 9 (02:57 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 9 (01:58 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 9 (03:20 Basque)eitb
Official Stage 9 Highlights (04:06 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 9 Highlights (05:55 English)GCNRacing
Stage 9 Highlights (06:56 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 9 (04:06 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 9 (04:07 German)TourdeFrance
Extended Stage 9 Highlights (10:37 English)NBCSports
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 9 Analysis (13:16 English)Eurosport
Podcast: Stage 9 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (54:39 English)WEDŪ
Stage 9 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (46:38 English)cyclingpodcast
On-Demand Broadcast - Stage 9 (3:54:41 French, restricted to France)rtbf
26 Big Photos from Stage 9aso/corvos/bettini

Stage 9 preview: Saint-Etienne → Brioude, 170 km (hilly)

July 13 update:
Stage 8 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 9 with Roman Bardet (00:30 French/English)aso
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 9 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 9 start time: Sunday 13:05 CET (11:05:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Etienne, France
Earliest live video: 13:05 CET (11:05:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:31 CET (3:31:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Brioude, France

Stage 8 Post-Race Coverage

28 Big Photos from Stage 8corvos/flockton/aso
Stage 8 Results
1  DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)             5:00:17
2  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)                +    6
3  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          
4  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)             +   26
5  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                 
6  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)              
7  MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             
8  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)           
9  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     
10 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              
11 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              
12 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)             
13 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              
14 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              
15 GAUDU, David (GFC)                 
16 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  
17 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              
18 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            
19 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)               
20 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                   
21 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              
22 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           
23 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           
24 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)              
25 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             
26 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                
27 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           
28 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               
29 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)       
30 BENNETT, George (TJV)              
31 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)          
32 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               
33 HAIG, Jack (MTS)                   
34 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)            
35 HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (UAD)   
36 KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)                +   32
37 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)         +   56
38 ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)                + 1:46
39 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)                + 2:38
40 TAARAMÄE, Rein (TDE)                + 3:27

General Classification after Stage 8
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        34:17:59
2  CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)              +   23
3  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               +   53
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)              + 1:10
5  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              + 1:12
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     + 1:16
7  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:27
8  URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 1:38
9  FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 1:42
10 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:45
11 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:46
12 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:47
13 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 2:02
14 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 2:04
15 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 2:06
16 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 2:09
17 GAUDU, David (GFC)                 + 2:15
18 PORTE, Richie (TFS)                + 2:19
19 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)               + 2:45
20 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 2:46
Full Official Stage 8 Results and General
De Gendt wins in Saint Etiennecyclingnews
Thomas avoids disaster after late crash; cedes time to Pinotvelonews
Geraint Thomas On His Stage 8 Crash (02:20 English)FloBikes
Finish Clip from Stage 8 (00:47 Ambient)@NBCSNCycling
Last Km of Stage 8 (02:33 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 8 (03:10 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 8 (04:42 French)rtbf
Last 3 Km of Stage 8 (05:38 Ambient)eitb
Official Stage 8 Highlights (04:01 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 8 Highlights (06:15 English)GCNRacing
Résumé - Étape 8 (04:01 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 8 (04:01 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 8 (04:01 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Onboard Stage 8 Bikecam Highlights (00:40 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 8 Analysis (15:39 English)Eurosport
Podcast: Post-Stage 8 Analysis with Ned and Matt (28:51 English)itv
On-Demand Broadcast - Stage 8 (4:15:10 French)rtbf
28 Big Photos from Stage 8corvos/flockton/aso
Stage 8 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (1:10:43 English)cyclingpodcast
Backstage Pass - Stage 8 (04:49 English)MitcheltonSCOTT
Podcast: Stage 8 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (43:08 English)WEDŪ
Extended Stage 8 Highlights (10:01 English)NBCSports

Geraint Thomas involved in crash in Stage 8 (01:11 English)NBCSports
Tejay van Garderen out of Tour de France after crash (02:13 English)NBCSports

Stage 8 preview: Mâcon → Saint-Etienne, 199 km (hilly)

July 12 update:
Stage 8 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 8 with Julien Jurdie (00:54 French/English)aso
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 8 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 8 start time: Saturday 12:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Mâcon, France
Earliest live video: 12:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:27 CET (3:27:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Etienne, France

Stage 7 Post-Race Coverage

29 Big Photos from Stage 7corvos/flockton/bettini/aso
Stage 7 Results
1  GROENEWEGEN, Dylan (TJV)           6:02:44
2  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                  
3  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                 
4  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)             
5  PHILIPSEN, Jasper (UAD)            
6  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                
7  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TDD)             
8  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)              
9  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)            
10 KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)          
11 DE BUYST, Jasper (LTS)             
12 GREIPEL, André (PCB)               
13 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)            
14 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (TKA)          
15 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)   
16 ZABEL, Rick (TKA)                  
17 GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)         
18 BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)           
19 TRATNIK, Jan (TBM)                 
20 NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)               
21 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              
22 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          
23 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)              
24 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     
25 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              
26 MØRKØV, Michael (DQT)              
27 WOODS, Michael (EF1)               
28 TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)              
29 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               
30 SKUJINS, Toms (TFS)                

General Classification after Stage 7
1  CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)            29:17:39
2  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          +    6
3  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                 +   32
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)              +   47
5  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              +   49
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     +   53
7  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               +   58
8  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:04
9  WOODS, Michael (EF1)               + 1:13
10 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 1:15
11 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 1:19
12 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:22
13 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:23
14 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:24
15 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 1:39
16 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 1:41
17 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 1:43
18 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 1:46
19 GAUDU, David (GFC)                 + 1:52
20 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)             + 1:56
Full Official Stage 7 Results and General
Groenewegen wins stage 7cyclingnews
Woods, Uran punch into top-10 as van Garderen crashes outvelonews
Stage 7 finish line quotescyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 7 (01:44 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 7 (02:59 French)rtbf
Overhead Replay of the Stage 7 finish (00:38 No Audio)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 7 (01:38 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last 2 Km of Stage 7 (04:55 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last 2 Km of Stage 7 (05:05 English)NBCSports
Last Km of Stage 7 (02:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last 500m of Stage 7 (00:32 English)Velon
Stage 7 yellow jersey presentation (01:22 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Résumé - Étape 7 (03:33 French)TourdeFrance
Winner's Interview from Stage 7 (01:06 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Official Stage 7 Highlights (03:33 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 7 Highlights (05:53 English)GCNRacing
Stage 7 Highlights (06:35 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 7 (03:33 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 7 (03:33 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 7 (03:33 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 7 Analysis (12:34 English)Eurosport
29 Big Photos from Stage 7corvos/flockton/bettini/aso
On-Demand Broadcast - Stage 7 (23:23 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
Bikecam: Stage 7 on-bike highlights (01:32 Ambient)Velon
Podcast: Post-Stage 7 Analysis with Ned and Matt (40:38 English)itv
Extended Stage 7 Highlights (11:08 English)NBCSports

Stage 7 preview: Belfort → Chalon-sur-Saône, 230 km (rolling/flat)

July 11 update:
Stage 7 preview with favoritesinrng
Presentation - Stage 7 with Fabien Doubey (01:02 French/English)aso
Photos from Chalon-sur-Saône finish at Paris-Nice 2017 - Sam BENNETT winsaso/sirotti
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 7 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 7 start time: Friday 11:20 CET (9:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Belfort, France
Earliest live video: 11:20 CET (9:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:45 CET (3:45:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Chalon-sur-Saône, France

Stage 6 Post-Race Coverage

43 Big Photos from Stage 6corvos/flockton/bettini/aso
Stage 6 Results
1  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)               4:29:03
2  CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)             +   11
3  MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)            + 1:05
4  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             + 1:44
5  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)              + 1:46
6  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        
7  QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)             + 1:51
8  BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)          
9  FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)             + 1:53
10 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)         
11 PORTE, Richie (TFS)              
12 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
13 YATES, Adam (MTS)                 + 1:58
14 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)             
15 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             + 2:02
16 WOODS, Michael (EF1)             
17 BENNETT, George (TJV)            
18 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)          + 2:17
19 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)              + 2:19
20 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)         
21 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)             + 2:27
22 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)            + 2:35
23 GAUDU, David (GFC)               
24 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)           + 2:44
25 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                  + 2:46
26 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)             + 2:52
27 BARDET, Romain (ALM)              + 2:53
28 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)            + 3:05
29 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        
30 WELLENS, Tim (LTS)                + 3:18
31 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)            + 3:26
32 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)      + 5:10
33 BERHANE, Natnael (COF)            + 5:20
34 PAUWELS, Serge (CPT)              + 5:44
35 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                + 6:08
36 DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)            + 6:36
37 CHEREL, Mikael (ALM)              + 6:44
38 VUILLERMOZ, Alexis (ALM)          + 7:23
39 VAN GARDEREN, Tejay (EF1)         + 8:00
40 BERNARD, Julien (TFS)             + 8:37

General Classification after Stage 6
1  CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)            23:14:55
2  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          +    6
3  TEUNS, Dylan (TBM)                 +   32
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)              +   47
5  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)              +   49
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     +   53
7  PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)               +   58
8  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)           + 1:04
9  WOODS, Michael (EF1)               + 1:13
10 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              + 1:15
11 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)              + 1:19
12 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)            + 1:22
13 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)           + 1:23
14 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  + 1:24
15 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             + 1:39
16 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              + 1:41
17 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)           + 1:43
18 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)               + 1:46
19 GAUDU, David (GFC)                 + 1:52
20 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)             + 1:56
21 PORTE, Richie (TFS)              
22 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)               + 2:22
23 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)              + 2:23
24 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)             + 2:31
25 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)          + 2:55
26 BARDET, Romain (ALM)               + 2:57
27 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)              + 3:03
28 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)             + 3:05
29 ARU, Fabio (UAD)                   + 3:25
30 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)            + 3:27
Full Official Stage 6 Results and General
Teuns wins atop La Planche des Belles Fillescyclingnews
Commentary: An instant classic on La Planche des Belles Fillesvelonews
The audacity of Julian Alaphilippecyclingtips
Six-second time bonus turns Ciccone's Tour de France yellowcyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 6 (03:24 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 6 (03:26 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 6 (06:44 Basque)eitb
Last Km of Stage 6 (01:54 French)rtbf
Last Km of Stage 6 (07:34 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Overhead Replay of the GC Riders Finish - Stage 6 (00:41 No Audio)TourdeFrance
Winner's Interview from Stage 6 (02:12 English)rtbf
Résumé/Highlights Étape 6 (06:44 French)rtbf
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 6 Analysis (15:28 English)Eurosport
Bikecam: - Stage 6 On-bike Highlights (00:49 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Official Stage 6 Highlights (04:46 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 6 Highlights (06:46 English)GCNRacing
Stage 6 Highlights (07:19 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 6 (04:46 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 6 (04:46 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 6 (04:46 Spanish)TourdeFrance
43 Big Photos from Stage 6corvos/flockton/bettini/aso
Extended Stage 6 Highlights (26:06 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Extended Stage 6 Highlights (14:19 English)NBCSports
Stage 6 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (52:39 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 6 Analysis with Ned and Matt (29:39 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 6 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (43:34 English)WEDŪ

Stage 6 preview: Mulhouse → Planche des Belles Filles, 157 km (Mountain)

July 10 update:
Presentation - Stage 6 with Rudy Molard (01:02 French/English)aso
Stage 6 preview with favoritesinrng
Photos from the La Planche de Belles Filles finish in 2017 - Fabio ARU winsaso/sirotti/flockton
Photos from the La Planche de Belles Filles finish in 2014 - Vincenzo NIBALI winssirotti/flockton/reuters
Photos from the La Planche de Belles Filles finish in 2012 - Chris FROOME winssirotti/flockton/reuters
Dan Martin: It's a brutal stage, probably one of the hardest stages (03:18 English)CyclingJourno
Geraint Thomas: La Planche des Belles Filles will be 100 per cent racingcyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 6 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 6 start time: Thursday 13:05 CET (11:05:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Mulhouse, France
Earliest live video: 13:05 CET (11:05:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:42 CET (3:42:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Planche des Belles Filles, France

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

30 Big Photos from Stage 5corvos/flockton/bettini/aso
Stage 5 Results
1  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)             4:02:33
2  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)           
3  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)          
4  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)         
5  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)       
6  SIMON, Julien (COF)            
7  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)        
8  POLITT, Nils (TKA)             
9  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)          
10 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)      
11 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)         
12 BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)    
13 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)         
14 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)        
15 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)         
17 FELLINE, Fabio (TFS)           
18 GAUDU, David (GFC)             
19 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)          
20 IMPEY, Daryl (MTS)             
21 DE PLUS, Laurens (TJV)         
22 KWIATKOWSKI, Michal (INS)      
23 BENOOT, Tiesj (LTS)            
24 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)          
25 BARDET, Romain (ALM)           
26 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)         
27 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)          
28 BILBAO, Pello (AST)            
29 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)          
30 ROSSKOPF, Joseph (CPT)         

General Classification after Stage 5
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        18:44:12
2  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)                 + 14
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)             + 25
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)            
5  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)              + 40
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
7  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                + 45
8  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)             + 46
9  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                   + 50
10 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)             + 51
Full Official Stage 5 Results and General
Peter Sagan wins stage 5cyclingnews
Commentary: An emotional setback for Michael Matthews in Colmarvelonews
Last Km of Stage 5 (01:43 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 5 (02:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 5 (00:34 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 5 (02:16 Basque)eitb
Last 1.5 Km of Stage 5 (04:43 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Overhead Replay of the Stage 5 Finish (00:24 No Audio)TourdeFrance
Résumé Étape 5 (02:20 French)rtbf
Post Race Show: The Breakaway: Stage 5 Analysis (17:26 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 5 Highlights (04:05 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 5 Highlights (06:37 English)GCNRacing
Résumé - Étape 5 (04:05 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 5 (04:05 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 5 (04:05 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Stage 5 on-bike highlights (01:36 Ambient)Velon
Stage 5 yellow jersey presentation (01:57 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
On-Demand Broadcast Stage 5 (4:09:17 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
30 Big Photos from Stage 5corvos/flockton/bettini/aso
Stage 5 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (57:40 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Stage 5 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (45:36 English)WEDŪ
Podcast: Post-Stage 5 Analysis with Ned and Matt (29:42 English)itv
Winner's Interview from Stage 6 (01:02 English)aso
Extended Stage 5 Highlights (10:57 English)NBCSports

Stage 5 preview: Saint-Dié-des-Vosges → Colmar, 169 km (hilly)

July 9 update:
Stage 5 preview with favoritesinrng
Big Photos from the Colmar finish in 2009 - Heinrich Haussler winssirotti
Caleb Ewan will get his stage, insists Lotto bosscyclingweekly
Geraint Thomas 'getting in the groove'cyclingweekly
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Wednesday 13:15 CET (11:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France
Earliest live video: 13:15 CET (11:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:35 CET (3:35:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Colmar, France

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

47 Big Photos from Stage 4flockton/bettini/aso/getty
Stage 4 Results
1  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                5:09:20
2  KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)          
3  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                  
4  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                 
5  GROENEWEGEN, Dylan (TJV)           
6  TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)              
7  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TDD)             
8  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)              
9  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)            
10 LAPORTE, Christophe (COF)          
11 TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)              
12 GREIPEL, André (PCB)               
13 BONIFAZIO, Niccolò (TDE)           
14 MOHORIC, Matej (TBM)               
15 GARCIA CORTINA, Ivan (TBM)         
16 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)            
17 ZABEL, Rick (TKA)                  
18 COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)             
19 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)   
20 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)            
21 JANSEN, Amund Grøndahl (TJV)       
22 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)             
23 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)     
24 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)             
25 PHILIPSEN, Jasper (UAD)            
26 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)              
27 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)              
28 YATES, Adam (MTS)                  
29 MONFORT, Maxime (LTS)              
30 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)        
31 ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)               
32 BERHANE, Natnael (COF)             
33 EDET, Nicolas (COF)                
34 HERRADA, Jesus (COF)               
35 PEREZ, Anthony (COF)               
36 PERICHON, Pierre Luc (COF)         
37 ROSSETTO, Stéphane (COF)           
38 SIMON, Julien (COF)                
39 BENOOT, Tiesj (LTS)                
40 DE BUYST, Jasper (LTS)             

General Classification after Stage 4
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        14:41:39
2  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)                 + 20
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)             + 25
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)            
5  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)              + 40
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
7  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)                + 45
8  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)             + 46
9  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)             + 51
10 WOODS, Michael (EF1)             
Full Official Stage 4 Results and General
Viviani gets his win on stage 4 in Nancycyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 4 (01:34 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 4 (02:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 4 (01:13 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last 2 Km of Stage 4 (04:07 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last 2 Km of Stage 4 (03:54 Basque)eitb
Résumé Étape 4 (03:42 French)rtbf
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 4 Analysis (18:52 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 4 Highlights (03:25 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 4 Highlights (05:41 English)GCNRacing
Stage 4 highlights (05:29 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Résumé - Étape 4 (03:25 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 4 (03:25 German)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 4 (03:25 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Extended Stage 4 Highlights (11:24 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Winner's Interview from Stage 4 (01:29 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Onboard camera - Stage 4 (01:57 Ambient)TourdeFrance
On-Demand Broadcast from Stage 4 (4:17:10 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
Extended Stage 4 Highlights (57:54 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
47 Big Photos from Stage 4flockton/bettini/aso/getty
Stage 4 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (50:11 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Post-Stage 3 Analysis with Ned and Matt (25:21 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 4 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (37:05 English)WEDŪ

Terrifying Pierre-luc Perichon crash caught by on-board camera (00:24 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport

Stage 4 preview: Reims → Nancy, 215 km (rolling)

July 8 update:
Stage 4 preview with favoritesinrng
Big Photos from the 2014 finish in Nancy - Matteo Trentin winssirotti/flockton/reuters
Bob Roll on how he got into cycling, upbringing in Oakland (23:08 English)NBCSports
Rigo! – EF Gone Racing (07:47 Music/Spanish/English)RaphaFilms
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Tuesday 12:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Reims, France
Earliest live video: 12:10 CET (10:10:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:37 CET (3:37:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Nancy, France

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

47 Big Photos from Stage 3 corvos/flockton/bettini/veloimages/aso/getty
Stage 3 Results
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        4:40:29
2  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)             + 26
3  STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)            
4  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)         
5  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)               
6  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)            
7  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)           
8  MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)           
9  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)             
10 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)             
11 BENOOT, Tiesj (LTS)              
12 BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
13 THOMAS, Geraint (INS)               + 31
14 FUGLSANG, Jakob (AST)            
15 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)          
16 BARDET, Romain (ALM)             
17 KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)         
18 LUTSENKO, Alexey (AST)           
19 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)               
20 WOODS, Michael (EF1)             
21 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)            
22 CICCONE, Giulio (TFS)            
23 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)           
24 KONRAD, Patrick (BOH)            
25 YATES, Adam (MTS)                
26 BOASSON HAGEN, Edvald (TDD)      
27 KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)           
28 BUCHMANN, Emanuel (BOH)          
29 LANDA MEANA, Mikel (MOV)         
30 VALVERDE, Alejandro (MOV)        
31 MARTIN, Daniel (UAD)             
32 KREUZIGER, Roman (TDD)           
33 BARGUIL, Warren (PCB)            
34 MOLLEMA, Bauke (TFS)             
35 QUINTANA, Nairo (MOV)            
36 FELLINE, Fabio (TFS)             
37 PORTE, Richie (TFS)              
38 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)         
39 SCHACHMANN, Maximilian (BOH)     
40 GAUDU, David (GFC)               

General Classification after Stage 3
1  ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        9:32:19
2  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)              +   20
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)          +   25
4  BENNETT, George (TJV)            
5  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)           +   40
6  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
7  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)             +   45
8  MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)          +   46
9  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)          +   51
10 KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)           
11 WOODS, Michael (EF1)             
12 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)              +   52
13 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)             +   53
14 VAN GARDEREN, Tejay (EF1)        
15 COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)            +   56
16 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)                +   57
17 GAUDU, David (GFC)               
18 SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                + 1:00
19 ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)             
20 TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)             + 1:01
Full Official Stage 3 Results and General
Alaphilippe wins stage 3cyclingnews
Five talking points from stage threecyclingweekly
Thomas survives punchy stage 3, remains patient in bid to defend Tour titlevelonews
Roundtable: How long can Alaphilippe hold the yellow jersey?velonews
'Fortunately, there are riders like Julian Alaphilippe who don't ride with brains but heart' (02:13 English)CyclingJourno
'He races on emotion' says Lefevere of Alaphilippecyclingnews
Momentum still with Bernal as Thomas loses five seconds in fraught finalecyclingnews
Teunissen: No one can take those two days in yellow away from mecyclingnews
Commentary: Alaphilippe is a freakish talent — and that's a good thingvelonews
Last Km of Stage 3 (03:07 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 3 (03:32 Basque)eitb
Last 2 Km of Stage 3 (05:18 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 3 (01:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Résumé/Highlights Étape 3 (03:39 French)rtbf
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 3 Analysis (15:34 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 3 Highlights (03:46 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 3 Highlights (05:58 English)GCNRacing
Résumé - Étape 3 (03:46 French)TourdeFrance
Resumen - Etapa 3 (03:46 Spanish)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 3 (03:46 German)TourdeFrance
Extended Stage 3 Highlights (06:18 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Extended Stage 3 Highlights (13:44 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Stage 3 on-bike highlights (01:27 Ambient)Velon
47 Big Photos from Stage 3 corvos/flockton/bettini/veloimages/aso/getty
Stage 3 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (46:29 English)cyclingpodcast
Podcast: Stage 3 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (37:15 English)WEDŪ
InsideOut Stage 3 (03:49 English)TeamSunweb
Podcast: Post-Stage 3 Analysis with Ned and Matt (26:53 English)itv

16 km to go: Alaphilippe attacks on Stage 3 (00:18 Ambient)TourdeFrance
16 km to go: Alaphilippe attacks on Stage 3 (01:18 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Riders collide at pinch point, Bevin hits deck (01:10 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Stage 3 crash (01:33 English, restricted to Australia)sbs

Stage 3 preview: Binche → Epernay, 214 km (lumpy)

July 7 update:
Presentation - Stage 3 with Thierry Gouvenou (01:13 French/English)TourdeFrance
Stage 3 previewcyclingnews
Stage 3 preview with favoritesinrng
Bernal hopes to fill Froomes shoes for Team Ineos (07:36 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
50 years on, Merckx's legendary status gets fresh recognitionvelonews
Bernal tipped for greatness by five-time Tour winner Hinaultcyclingtips
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Monday 12:20 CET (10:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Binche, BE
Earliest live video: 12:20 CET (10:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:34 CET (3:34:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Epernay, France

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

19 Big Photos from Stage 2corvos/flockton/aso
Stage 2 TTT Results
1	Jumbo-Visma                28:57	 
2	Team Ineos                + 0:20	 
3	Deceuninck-QuickStep      + 0:21	 
4	Katusha-Alpecin           + 0:26	 
5	Team Sunweb	 	 
6	EF Education First        + 0:28	 
7	CCC Team                  + 0:31	 
8	Groupama-FDJ              + 0:32	 
9	Bahrain-Merida            + 0:36	 
10	Astana Pro Team           + 0:41	 
11	Mitchelton-Scott          + 0:42	 
12	Bora-Hansgrohe            + 0:47	 
13	Cofidis Solutions Credits + 0:53	 
14	Dimension Data            + 0:55	 
15	Lotto Soudal              + 0:59	 
16	UAE Team Emirates         + 1:03	 
17	Movistar Team             + 1:05	 
18	Trek-Segafredo            + 1:18	 
19	AG2R La Mondiale          + 1:19	 
20	Total Direct Energie      + 1:42	 
21	Team Arkea-Samsic         + 1:51	 
22	Wanty-Gobert Cycling      + 1:58
General Classification after Stage 2
1  TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)            4:51:34
2  VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)                + 10
3  KRUIJSWIJK, Steven (TJV)         
4  MARTIN, Tony (TJV)               
5  BENNETT, George (TJV)            
6  MOSCON, Gianni (INS)                + 30
7  BERNAL GOMEZ, Egan Arley (INS)   
8  THOMAS, Geraint (INS)            
9  VAN BAARLE, Dylan (INS)          
10 VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                 + 31
11 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)        
12 ASGREEN, Kasper (DQT)            
13 MAS NICOLAU, Enric (DQT)         
14 LAMPAERT, Yves (DQT)                + 33
15 MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)             + 36
16 ZABEL, Rick (TKA)                
17 POLITT, Nils (TKA)               
18 KELDERMAN, Wilco (SUN)           
19 KÄMNA, Lennard (SUN)             
20 SCHMIDT WÜRTZ, Mads (TKA)        
21 ZAKARIN, Ilnur (TKA)             
22 KRAGH ANDERSEN, Søren (SUN)      
23 DOWSETT, Alex (TKA)              
24 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)              + 38
25 VAN GARDEREN, Tejay (EF1)        
26 URAN, Rigoberto (EF1)            
27 WOODS, Michael (EF1)             
28 KANGERT, Tanel (EF1)             
29 GONÇALVES, José (TKA)               + 40
30 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)            + 41
31 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)             
32 LANGEVELD, Sebastian (EF1)       
33 ROSSKOPF, Joseph (CPT)           
34 GESCHKE, Simon (CPT)             
35 GAUDU, David (GFC)                  + 42
36 MOLARD, Rudy (GFC)               
37 PINOT, Thibaut (GFC)             
38 KÜNG, Stefan (GFC)               
39 REICHENBACH, Sébastien (GFC)     
40 ROCHE, Nicolas (SUN)                + 45
Full Official Stage 2 Results and General
Jumbo-Visma win team time trial in Brusselscyclingnews
Stage 2 finish line quotescyclingnews
Five talking points from stage twocyclingweekly
Team Ineos silenced by Jumbo-Visma's dominant Tour de France TTTcyclingnews
Jakob Fuglsang feeling better after heavy crash on opening stagecyclingweekly
Yates and Fuglsang limit their losses in Tour's fast TTTvelonews
Early momentum swings count big in TTTvelonews
Teunissen on Tour de France Stage 2 (01:53 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Quintana and Landa concede early ground in Tour de France team time trialcyclingnews
Last Km of the Winning TTT Ride - Stage 2 (02:11 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of the Winning TTT Ride - Stage 2 (02:18 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of the Winning TTT Ride - Stage 2 (01:22 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Team Ineos Stage 2 Highlights (03:11 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
The winning Stage 2 TTT team celebrates (00:44 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show: The Breakaway - Stage 2 (14:52 English)Eurosport
19 Big Photos from Stage 2corvos/flockton/aso
Official Stage 2 Highlights (03:21 English)TourdeFrance
Résumé - Étape 2 (03:21 French)TourdeFrance
Zusammenfassung - Etappe 2 (03:21 German)TourdeFrance
On-Demand Broadcast Stage 2 (3:31:36 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
Extended Stage 2 Highlights (13:17 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Extended Stage 2 Highlights (06:53 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Stage 2 Highlights (05:19 English)GCNRacing
Podcast: Post-Stage 2 Analysis with Ned and Matt (29:59 English)itv
Stage 2 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (53:52 English)cyclingpodcast
Stage two on-bike highlights (01:22 Ambient)Velon
Podcast: Stage 2 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (34:23 English)WEDŪ

David Gaudu crashes - Stage 2 (00:38 Ambient)TourdeFrance

Stage 2 preview: Bruxelles → Brussels, 27 km (TTT)

July 6 update:
Présentation Étape 2 avec Philippe Mauduit (00:50 French)TourdeFrance
Stage 2 TTT Start Order and Times (CET) — aso
Beyond Limits: Inside EF Education First's TTT practicevelonews
How Swiss Side help Team INEOS find the best TTT position (01:00 English/Music)TeamINEOS
Stage 2 previewcyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Sunday 13:00 CET (11:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Bruxelles, BE
Earliest live video: 13:00 CET (11:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:45 CET (2:45:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Brussels, BE

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

41 Big Photos from Stage 1corvos/flockton/bettini/veloimages
Stage 1 Results
1  TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)              4:22:47
2  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)                 
3  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)                  
4  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TDD)             
5  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)             
6  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)            
7  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)              
8  NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)               
9  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)                
10 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)              
11 VAN AVERMAET, Greg (CPT)           
12 BETTIOL, Alberto (EF1)             
13 PASQUALON, Andrea (WGG)            
14 KRISTOFF, Alexander (UAD)          
15 JANSEN, Amund Grøndahl (TJV)       
16 VAN AERT, Wout (TJV)               
17 LAPORTE, Christophe (COF)          
18 GREIPEL, André (PCB)               
19 IMPEY, Daryl (MTS)                 
20 MARTIN, Guillaume (WGG)            
21 ALAPHILIPPE, Julian (DQT)          
22 OFFREDO, Yoann (WGG)               
23 CLARKE, Simon (EF1)                
24 NIBALI, Vincenzo (TBM)             
25 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)               
26 MEURISSE, Xandro (WGG)             
27 LANGEVELD, Sebastian (EF1)         
28 DE BUYST, Jasper (LTS)             
29 SIMON, Julien (COF)                
30 RICHEZE, Maximiliano Ariel (DQT)   

General Classification after Stage 1
1  TEUNISSEN, Mike (TJV)     4:22:37
2  SAGAN, Peter (BOH)           +  4
3  EWAN, Caleb (LTS)            +  6
4  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TDD)       + 10
5  COLBRELLI, Sonny (TBM)    
6  MATTHEWS, Michael (SUN)   
7  TRENTIN, Matteo (MTS)     
8  NAESEN, Oliver (ALM)      
9  VIVIANI, Elia (DQT)       
10 STUYVEN, Jasper (TFS)     
Full Official Results from Stage
Teunissen takes yellow jersey after sprint victory in Brusselscyclingnews
Peter Sagan vents frustration after second place in Tour de France opening sprintcyclingnews
Fuglsang crashes on stage 1cyclingnews
Teunissen: The unexpected Jumbo-Visma man in yellow at the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Stage 1 finish line quotescyclingnews
Interviews: Thomas & Fuglsang crash on stage 1 (02:22 English)CyclingJourno
Last Km of Stage 1 (01:41 Ambient)TourdeFrance
Last Km of Stage 1 (02:32 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Last Km of Stage 1 (04:15 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 1 (01:00 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 1 (02:33 French)rtbf
Last 2 Km of Stage 1 (04:42 Ambient)eitb
Overhead Replay of the Stage 1 Finish (00:37 No Audio)TourdeFrance
Crash in the Final 2 Km of Stage 1 (01:31 English)eitb
Crash in the Final 2 Km of Stage 1 (00:30 Ambient)TourdeFrance
18 km to go: Fuglsang goes down on Stage 1 (01:19 Ambient)eitb
18 km to go: Fuglsang goes down on Stage 1 (00:57 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Winner's Stage 1 Podium Ceremony (00:25 English)@NBCSNCycling
Résumé Étape 1 (04:51 French)rtbf
Résumé Étape 1 (04:53 French)TourdeFrance
Post Race Show - Stage 1 (19:06 English)Eurosport
Official Stage 1 Highlights (04:53 English)TourdeFrance
Stage 1 Highlights (02:38 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Stage 1 Highlights (05:34 English)GCNRacing
41 Big Photos from Stage 1corvos/flockton/bettini/veloimages
Stage 1 on-bike highlights (01:15 Ambient)Velon
Podcast: Post-Stage 1 Analysis with Ned and Matt (37:37 English)itv
Podcast: Stage 1 Analysis with Lance Armstrong and George Hincapie (33:42 English)WEDŪ
Stage 1 Post-Race Show w/ R Moore, L Birnie, F Thomazeau (54:52 English)cyclingpodcast
Extended Stage 1 Highlights (16:14 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

Geraint Thomas talks form going into 2019 TDF (03:06 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

Stage 1 preview: Bruxelles → Brussels, 192 km (rolling)

June 24 update:
Grand Depart Promo: Finding Eddy Merckx in Bruxelles (03:40 Music)TourdeFrance
Présentation Étape 1 avec Phillipe Gibert (00:35 French)TourdeFrance
Caleb Ewan: First Tour de France stage will be dangerouscyclingnews
Stage 1 previewcyclingnews
Stage 1 preview: Bernal, Moscon, Viviani (16:09 English)cyclingnews
Peter Sagan: The Tour de France sprints are always a big messcyclingnews
more to come...
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Saturday 12:00 CET (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Bruxelles, BE
Earliest live video: 12:00 CET (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:02 CET (3:02:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Brussels, BE

2019 Tour de France Teams Presentation

July 4 update:
44 Big Photos from the Teams Presentation in Bruxellescorvos/flockton
On-Demand Broadcast of the Teams Presentation (2:00:00 French)TourdeFrance
Thomas leads Team Ineos out at Tour teams presentation (04:20 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport

2019 Tour de France Preview

July 4/5 update:
Overall Preview with Favoritesciclismointernacional
10 riders to watch at the 2019 Tour de Francecyclingnews
Official Startlist w/ bib
Preview Show: Who Will Win The Tour de France (23:59 English)gcn
Four Americans at the Tour highlights flat trend for U.S. participationvelonews
Leadership question lingers for Quintana and Landa at Tour de Francecyclingnews
Peter Sagan's top five Tour de France stage wins (04:53 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Richie Porte: Geraint Thomas is the clear Tour de France favouritecyclingnews
Porte racing Tour with 'a lot less pressure' after springtime setbacksvelonews
Bardet ready to ride wave of French expectation - Reutersreuters
Bardet: Third week of Tour de France will be hardest evercyclingnews
44 Big Photos from the Teams Presentation in Bruxellescorvos/flockton
Peter Sagan on how he fell in love with cycling (04:41 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Fuglsang: Even if the Tour goes pear-shaped, it’s still my best season (01:45 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Viviani: My confidence is back after Giro failure (02:01 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Michael Matthews: I need to be 100% to beat Peter Sagan – and I’m not (01:23 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
In the Saddle: Will Richie Porte ever win TDF? (08:05 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
A consistent Adam Yates savors wide-open Tourvelonews
Geraint Thomas: I’m going under the radar (02:04 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Van Avermaet aiming for yellow jersey in first weekcyclingnews
Peter Sagan gives nothing away ahead of Tour de France openercyclingnews
Nibali ready to sacrifice GC hopes for multiple stage winscyclingnews
Greipel: This could be my last Tour de Francecyclingnews
Simon Yates: I know what brother Adam needs (01:56 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Matt White: Simon Yates has ‘no intention’ of riding GC (02:25 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Adam Yates on having twin brother as super domestique (02:33 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Confident and consistent Adam Yates targets podiumcyclingnews
Breaking down the key Tour de France storylines (11:07 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Thomas-Bernal double act has Brailsford ‘more excited going into this race than for a long time’ (01:20 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Wiggins: Froome leaves a void, but it will still be the Ineos show (01:20 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport

July 3 update:
NBC Sports/ Live and On-Demand Detailed
Pinot: I want to show the real me in the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Van Aert sets aside personal ambition in Tour de France debutcyclingnews
Richie Porte still hungry for TDF podium (15:11 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Woods excited to make Tour de France debutcyclingnews

July 2 update:
Top five most unbelievable Tour de France moments (04:57 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Inside NBC's Tour de France television broadcastvelonews
Why Nibali and Valverde shouldn't be counted out at Tour de Francecyclingtips
Jason Gay of The Wall Street Journal talks Tour, Zwift, and fat biking (49:09 English)velonews
Uran: My season starts at the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Mark Cavendish not selected for Tour de Francecyclingnews
Movistar is focused entirely on the GC chasevelonews
Alejandro Valverde says he’s the thinnest he’s ever been ahead of Tourcyclingweekly
Jumbo-Visma: one of the few teams with strong GC and sprint ambitionsvelonews
Deceuninck-Quick-Step announce strong all around squadvelonews
Astana announces squad to support Fuglsang's GC bidvelonews
Top 5 most memorable Tour de France fan incidents (04:02 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
The Tour de France preview (1:03:12 English)cyclingtips
Tejay van Garderen: I'm not content to call it a day (14:39 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
The PEZ Tour de France Guidepezcyclingnews
How EF Education First selected their Tour de France team (46:01 English)cyclingnews

July 1 update:
Geraint Thomas welcomes joint leadership with Bernal for Tourvelonews
Nibali coy on ambitions despite being named as Bahrain-Merida leadercyclingnews
Movistar confirm Quintana, Landa and Valverde triumviratecyclingnews
Top 8 scariest crashes of Tour de France (06:07 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
AG2R La Mondiale change line up after French nationalscyclingnews
Greg LeMond: I don't think Quintana will ever win the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Preview: Contenders and key stages according to Bob Roll (10:32 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports
Best Moments - Tour de France 2018 (12:36 English)TourdeFrance

June 28 update:
Thomas, Bernal to lead Team Ineos in Tour de France - Reutersreuters
Bob Roll and Steve Schlanger discuss who the new favorites are (12:46 English, restricted to U.S.)nbcsports

June 27 update:
Race Promo - Tour de France 2019 (01:17 English/Music)TourdeFrance
Vincenzo Nibali’s TdF ambitions to become clear on first mountain finishcyclingnews
Alberto Contador says Egan Bernal is ‘clear [overall] favourite’cyclingweekly
A Tour de France ramble (57:06 English)cyclingpodcast
UAE with Martin and Aru but no Gaviria for Tour de France: Daily News Digestcyclingtips
Asgreen excited for Tour de France debut after Danish TT wincyclingnews

June 25 update:
Pressure on Ewan as he earns ‘dream’ ticket to Tourvelonews
Bernal says he will ‘respect’ Thomas at Tourvelonews
Jakob Fuglsang’s last, best chance to win the Tour de Francecyclingtips
Will Nairo Quintana ever win the Tour de France? (08:36 English)NBCSports

June 24 update:
Race News Show: Who Is The Favourite For The Tour de France? (15:31 English)gcn

June 21 update:
Chris Horner joins NBC Sports Tour de France teamnbcsports
Geraint Thomas back training for Tour de France after Suisse crashcyclingnews
Matthews on Dumoulin Tour de France absence: I don't know where to go from herecyclingnews

June 20 update:
Bardet and Pinot carry growing French Tour hopesvelonews

June 18 update:
Thomas to ride Tour de France despite crash - Reutersreuters
Geraint Thomas escapes serious injury in Tour de Suisse crashcyclingnews

June 17 update:
Dumoulin undergoes surgery ahead of Tour bidvelonews
Thomas: Chris Froome Tour de France absence is a setback for Ineoscyclingnews

June 13 update:
All stage profiles, maps and timetables are now posted (see right)
Tom Dumoulin says riding the Tour de France ‘doesn’t make much sense’ if knee injury doesn’t improvecyclingweekly

June 12 update:
Chris Froome: Team Ineos confirm fractured femur and elbowcyclingnews
Brailsford: It's clear that Chris Froome is out of the Tour de Francecyclingnews

June 11 update:
Van Aert: I couldn't say no to the Tour de Francecyclingnews
Movistar will return to Tour with trio of starsvelonews

May 2 update:
Froome 'motivated as ever' to target fifth Tour de France titlevelonews

April 18 update:
Tour aims to animate climbs with more time bonusesvelonews

April 17 update:
Geraint Thomas 'on track' for Tour de France defensecyclingnews

March 5 update:
Adam Yates confirms participation in 2019 Tour de Francecyclingnews

February 7 update:
Geraint Thomas to skip Giro to focus on Tour de Francefrance24

February 5 update:
Pinot puts Tour back at center of seasonvelonews
Impossible to organise women's Tour de France in July, says Prudhommecyclingnews

February 1 update:
Quintana continues with Tour dream despite 'complications'velonews

January 15 update:
Enric Mas: I want to win the 2019 Tour de Francecyclingnews
Michael Woods angling for Tour debut following breakout 2018velonews

January 12 update:
Wanty and Cofidis receive Tour de France wildcard invitesvelonews

November 6 update:
Geraint Thomas targeting Tour de France victory despite Froome rivalrycyclingnews

13 Big Photos from the 2019 Tour de France Route Presentationaso

October 25 update:
Tour de France 2019 route revealedcyclingnews
Host towns, distances and some profiles now posted, see right
2019 route analysis: A climber's paradisecyclingweekly
Tour de France route for 2019 unveiled as ‘highest in history’theguardian
Best Moments - Extended Highlights from 2018 (12:36 Music)TourdeFrance
Past Highlights from Planche des Belles Filles (01:08 English/French)TourdeFrance
Past Highlights from Col du Tourmalet (01:35 Ambient/French/English)TourdeFrance
Race Promo for Bruxelles - Grand Depart 2019 (03:40 Music)TourdeFrance
3D Route Flythrough - Tour de France 2019 (05:17 Music)TourdeFrance
On-Demand Route Presentationaso
Geraint Thomas Interview Post-Presentation (01:45 English/Dutch)nos
Chris Froome: First Impression after Route Presentation (01:21 English/Dutch)nos
Froome won't say if he or Thomas should lead Skyvelonews
13 Big Photos from the 2019 Tour de France Route Presentationaso
TDF 2019 reactions (03:11 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Geraint Thomas: 2019 is tough and will be as exciting as evercyclingnews
Chris Froome: High altitude will be a significant factor at 2019 Tour de Francecyclingnews
Cavendish, Froome and Thomas react to Tour route (02:45 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Commentary: What we love (and hate) about the 2019 Tour routevelonews
Race director Christian Prudhomme wants to ban power meterscyclingweekly
Recap: Get ready for 'the highest Tour in history' (01:56 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Tom Dumoulin says Tour de France 2019 route ‘not ideal’ for his stylecyclingweekly
Pinot to target Tour de France in 2019 and likes the routecyclingnews

October 23 update:
Dirt-road summit finish at 2019 Tour de France revealedcyclingnews

October 22 update:
Commentary: Seven things we want in the 2019 Tour routevelonews

October 21 update:
2019 Tour de France route: All the rumours ahead of the big revealcyclingnews

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
January 16 update:
2019 Tour de France Grand Depart routes revealedcyclingnews
Grand Départ 2019 -

Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

June 24 update: A work in progress for 2019 Tour de France live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

Stage 21 start time: Sunday 18:05 CET (4:05:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Rambouillet, France
Earliest live video: 18:05 CET (4:05:00 PM GMT+0000); Stage 21 Preview
Approximate finish: 21:19 CET (7:19:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Paris, France
media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
   live video (french)
   live video (french)
  tv schedule
France; official source for pre-race, live, post coverage
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
English; United States. Access to the NBCSN feed without a cable. satellite or telco contract - a monthly subscription and DVR after a free 7 day trial
   live video ($ english)
 tv schedule
United States only; live tv and/or online coverage + Full live coverage: Women's La Course
eurosport    live video (english, UK only)
  tv schedule (british)
Europe; English. Amazon Prime UK subscribers can sign-up to a seven-day free trial for the Eurosport Player through Amazon Channels. After the seven-day trial, Eurosport is £6.99 per month. Amazon Prime is £7.99 per month after a 30-day free Amazon Prime UK trial
   live video (german)
  tv schedule
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
UK only; ITV4 is showing every stage in full
   live video (spanish)
  tv schedule
Spain; TVE1, TVE2, Teledeporte Tour de Francia live tv and internet coverage at 1140-1745h CET
   live video (dutch)
  tv schedule
Belgium; Sporza Ronde van Frankrijk live coverage
rtbf    live video (french)
French; restricted to Belgium
  live video (spanish)
  tv schedule
Latin America, Caribbean & other Spanish-speaking regions; Tour de Francia live covarage of the last two hours & 30 mins of highlights every day
   live video (pt)
  tv schedule
Portugal; RTP 2 is broadcasting the Tour de France live
   live video (english)
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
Australia only; SBS live tv and online coverage; highlights
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
Canada; Live and "encore" rebroadcasts on Sportsnet and Sportsnet 1
   live video (french)
  tv schedule
Quebec/Canada via Quebec's Reseau des Sports; Live daily French broadcast on RDS and/or RDS2. Nightly rebroadcasts, as well. Check listings for times.
   live video (japanese)
  tv schedule
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
South Africa; Super Sport live tv and online coverage
   live video (italian)
  tv schedule
Italy; Live daily coverage;
   live video (italian)
   live video (italian)
  tv schedule
Italy; RAI Tre live coverage restricted to Italy;
   live video (dutch)
   live video (dutch)
  tv schedule
Netherlands; Dutch
   live video (basque)
  tv schedule
Basque; live for all stages from 11:40 to 17:45 CET

   live video (slovak)
  tv schedule
Slovakia; live video coverage;

   live video (czech)
  tv schedule
Czech Republic;

   live video (spanish)
  tv schedule
Colombia; Spanish live coverage
   live video (french)
  tv schedule
Belgium; French
   live video (luxembourgish)
  tv schedule
Luxembourg only; Luxembourguish
   live video (s.german)
  tv schedule
Switzerland, Germany; German;
   live video (danish)
  tv schedule
Denmark; live and rebroadcasts;
   live video (norwegian)
  tv schedule
live text updates
   live audio (english)
  radio schedule
UK; live audio of the final hour each day on the BBC Sport website and updates on BBC Radio 5
   live audio (francais)
official live ticker
live text updates English;
 steephill text updates
short text updates with notification of the latest results, photos and video
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2019 Tour de France Route Map

3D Route Flythrough - Tour de France 2019 (05:17 Music)TourdeFrance

2018 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2017 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2016 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2015 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2014 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2013 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2012 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2011 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2010 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2009 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2008 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2007 Tour de France Archived Coverage

2006 Tour de France Archived Coverage