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Stage Races Classics
Tour of Turkey 2016 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

Evidence that Turkey is one of the most scenic countries for a bicycle race. 2016 race info posted below.
Big Photos from 2015veloimages
Big Photos from 2014 (all stages) — veloimages
Big Photos from 2013veloimages
Big Photos from all 8 Stages in 2012veloimages
Big Photos from all 8 Stages in 2011veloimages

Show All Profile Thumbnails
1Sunday, April 24138 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Monday, April 25156 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Tuesday, April 26162 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Wednesday, April 27187 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
5Thursday, April 28189 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
6Friday, April 29117 km 
KumlucaElmalı (Göğübelli)
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
7Saturday, April 30129 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
8Sunday, May 1202 km 
MarmarisSelçuk (İzmir)
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance1280 km 

2016 Tour of Turkey Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  1DURASEK  KristijanCRO
  2FENG  Chun KaiTPE
  3FERRARI  RobertoITA
  6NIEMIEC  PrzemyslawPOL
  8XU  GangCHN

  12DOCKX  GertBEL
  13FRISON  FrederikBEL

  23VILELA  RicardoPOR

  31STEPNIAK  GrzegorzPOL
  32TACIAK  MateuszPOL
  33MIHAYLOV  NikolayBUL
  36SZMYD  SylwesterPOL
  37HIRT  JanCZE
  38SAMOILAU  BranislauBLR

  41DIAZ  DanielARG
  42PACHER  QuentinFRA
  43LABORIE  ChristopheFRA
  44GALTA  Fredrik StrandNOR

  53NAZARET  Magno PradoBRA
  55CHAMORRO  FranciscoARG
  58MAHLER  Nathan RibeiroBRA

  61COLLI  DanieleITA
  62GROSU  Eduard MichaelROU
  64MARINI  NicolasITA
  67VIOLA  AntonioITA
  68KUBOKI  KazushigeJPN

  73DRAPERI  MatteoITA
  74SANZ  EnriqueESP
  76ZHUPA  EugertALB
  78DAL COL  AndreaITA

  81BALDO  NicolasFRA
  85JAUN  LukasSUI
  86STÜSSI  ColinSUI
  87CECCHIN  AlbertoITA
  88TOFFALI  NicolaITA

  95HNIK  KarelCZE
  97BANASZEK  NorbertPOL

  101LUKSEVICS  ViestursLAT
  102SMIRNOVS  AndrisLAT
  104SERGIS  KasparsLAT
  105RACENAJS  KristofersLAT
  107CAKSS  ValtersLAT

  112KUZMIN  AntonKAZ
  113KULIMBETOV  NurbolatKAZ
  114NIKITIN  MatveyKAZ
  115STALNOV  NikitaKAZ
  117GALEYEV  VadimKAZ
  118Satlikov  MaximKAZ

  121BALDAUF  SébastianGER
  123GAUGL  FlorianAUT
  124GRAF  AndreasAUT
  126HRINKOW  DominikAUT
  127MEIER  AlexanderGER

  131GRAZIATO  MassimoITA
  132HOEKSTRA  JochemNED
  134NOLTEN  BramNED
  135OCKELOEN  JasperNED
  137ZANOTTI  MarcoITA

  141BAKIRCI  NazimTUR
  142SAYAR  MustafaTUR
  143SAMLI  FeritcanTUR
  144ATALAY  MuhammetTUR
  145AKDILEK  AhmetTUR
  146ORKEN  AhmetTUR
  147KELES  FatihTUR
  148REIS  RasimTUR

  151MOLTENI  MarcoITA
  153PEDRETTI  GiovanniITA
  154MALAGUTI  AlessandroITA
  156SALVADOR  EnricoITA
  157CARBONI  GiovanniITA
  158FINETTO  MauroITA

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Tour of Turkey 2016

2017 Tour of Turkey (2.HC TUR): race info, startlist, results, video

Stage 8 Post-Race Coverage

25 Big Photos from Stage 8veloimages
Stage 8 Results
1  MARECZKO, Jakub (STH)                                      5:46:24
2  MODOLO, Sacha (LAM)                                        
3  CHAMORRO, Francisco (FSC)                                  
4  BOECKMANS, Kris (LTS)                                      
5  ORKEN, Ahmet (TRK)                                         
6  COLLI, Daniele (NIP)                                       
7  BELLETTI, Manuel (STH)                                     
8  STEPNIAK, Grzegorz (CCC)                                   
9  ZANOTTI, Marco (PVC)                                       
10 GROSU, Eduard Michael (NIP)                                
11 GONÇALVES, José (CJR)                                      
12 PEDRETTI, Giovanni (UNI)                                   
13 JAUN, Lukas (ROT)                                          
14 GONÇALVES, José (CJR)                                      
15 DRAPERI, Matteo (STH)                                      
16 AKHMETOV, Galym (TSE)                                      
17 SMIRNOVS, Andris (ALB)                                     
19 GALEYEV, Vadim (TSE)                                       
20 MEIER, Alexander (HAC)                                     

Final General Classification
1  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)       32:31:35
2  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)    +    18
3  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)        +    56
4  MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)        +  2:13
5  HANSEN, Adam (LTS)           +  4:46
6  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)        +  6:46
7  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)          +  9:22
8  DOCKX, Gert (LTS)            + 12:46
9  ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)    + 12:58
10 FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)         + 13:08
José Gonçalves wins the Tour of Turkeycyclingnews
Last 10 Km of Stage 8 (11:59 English)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 8 (01:49 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
25 Big Photos from Stage 8veloimages

Stage 8 preview: Marmaris → Selçuk, 202 km (lumpy)

April 30 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 8 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 8 start time: Sunday 10:45 EEST (7:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Marmaris, Turkey
Earliest live video: 14:00 EEST (11:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:45 EEST (12:45:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Selçuk, İzmir

Stage 7 Post-Race Coverage

19 Big Photos from Stage 7veloimages
Stage 7 Results
1  MODOLO, Sacha (LAM)                                        3:15:14
2  BELLETTI, Manuel (STH)                                     
3  ZANOTTI, Marco (PVC)                                       
4  STEPNIAK, Grzegorz (CCC)                                   
5  COLLI, Daniele (NIP)                                       
6  CECCHIN, Alberto (ROT)                                     
7  ORKEN, Ahmet (TRK)                                         
8  BOECKMANS, Kris (LTS)                                      
9  FERRARI, Roberto (LAM)                                     
11 LABORIE, Christophe (DMP)                                  
12 AKHMETOV, Galym (TSE)                                      
13 GROSU, Eduard Michael (NIP)                                
14 FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)                                       
15 BERTAZZO, Liam (STH)                                       
16 RACENAJS, Kristofers (ALB)                                 
17 GONÇALVES, José (CJR)                                          + 4
18 PACHER, Quentin (DMP)                                      
19 HNIK, Karel (VAT)                                          
20 MIHAYLOV, Nikolay (CCC)                                    

General Classification after Stage 7
1  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)       26:45:15
2  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)    +    18
3  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)        +    46
4  MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)        +  2:13
5  HANSEN, Adam (LTS)           +  4:21
6  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)        +  6:46
7  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)          +  9:22
8  DOCKX, Gert (LTS)            + 12:46
9  ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)    + 12:58
10 FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)         + 13:04
Modolo claims second stage win at Tour of Turkeycyclingnews
Modolo laments lack of investment in sprint train for Italianscyclingnews
Last 8 Km of Stage 7 (11:12 English)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 7 (01:50 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Stage 2 Highlights (02:00 Ambient Noise)eitb
19 Big Photos from Stage 7veloimages

Stage 7 preview: Fethiye → Marmaris, 129 km (rolling)

April 29 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 7 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 7 start time: Saturday 10:30 EEST (7:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Fethiye, Turkey
Earliest live video: 12:00 EEST (9:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 13:48 EEST (10:48:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Marmaris, Turkey

Stage 6 Post-Race Coverage

25 Big Photos from Stage 6veloimages
Stage 6 Results
1  ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)                                  3:22:16
2  NIEMIEC, Przemyslaw (LAM)                                   +    2
3  CHARUCKI, Pawel (VAT)                                       +   12
4  KOSHEVOY, Ilia (LAM)                                        +   16
5  HIRT, Jan (CCC)                                             +   19
6  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)                                       +   30
7  FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)                                        +   38
8  REBELLIN, Davide (CCC)                                      +   40
9  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)                                  
10 SZMYD, Sylwester (CCC)                                      +   51
11 STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)                                       +   59
12 VILELA, Ricardo (CJR)                                       + 1:01
13 OCKELOEN, Jasper (PVC)                                      + 1:24
14 PACHER, Quentin (DMP)                                      
15 TACIAK, Mateusz (CCC)                                       + 1:32
16 MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)                                       + 1:34
17 HNIK, Karel (VAT)                                           + 1:43
18 BROECKX, Stig (LTS)                                         + 1:56
19 CARBONI, Giovanni (UNI)                                    
20 KELES, Fatih (TRK)                                          + 2:10
21 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)                                          + 2:34
22 VAN LUIJK, Sven (PVC)                                       + 2:43
23 JAUN, Lukas (ROT)                                           + 3:30
24 HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)                                       + 3:35
25 DOCKX, Gert (LTS)                                           + 3:43
26 BAKIRCI, Nazim (TRK)                                        + 4:04
27 LUKSEVICS, Viesturs (ALB)                                   + 4:11
28 HOEKSTRA, Jochem (PVC)                                      + 4:33
29 PLUCINSKI, Leszek (CCC)                                     + 4:37
30 BELDA GARCIA, David (ROT)                                   + 5:48
31 SAMLI, Feritcan (TRK)                                       + 6:25
32 CHSHERBININ, Yuriy (TSE)                                   
33 SCHULTING, Peter (PVC)                                     
34 LABORIE, Christophe (DMP)                                  
35 AKHMETOV, Galym (TSE)                                      
36 PETILLI, Simone (LAM)                                       + 7:53
37 TEDESCHI, Mirko (STH)                                       + 9:19
38 DURASEK, Kristijan (LAM)                                    + 9:20
40 HRINKOW, Dominik (HAC)                                     

General Classification after Stage 6
1  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)       23:59:57
2  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)    +    18
3  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)        +    46
4  MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)        +  2:13
5  HANSEN, Adam (LTS)           +  4:21
6  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)        +  6:46
7  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)          +  9:22
8  BILBAO, Pello (CJR)          + 12:14
9  DOCKX, Gert (LTS)            + 12:46
10 ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)    + 12:58
11 FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)         + 13:08
12 VILELA, Ricardo (CJR)        + 13:34
13 PACHER, Quentin (DMP)        + 13:57
14 CARBONI, Giovanni (UNI)      + 15:22
15 OCKELOEN, Jasper (PVC)       + 16:06
16 HNIK, Karel (VAT)            + 16:25
17 HOEKSTRA, Jochem (PVC)       + 19:28
18 CHARUCKI, Pawel (VAT)        + 20:27
19 TACIAK, Mateusz (CCC)        + 22:07
20 NIEMIEC, Przemyslaw (LAM)    + 23:13
Jaime Roson wins Tour of Turkey stage 6 on summit finishcyclingnews
Last 10 Km of Stage 6 - Summit Finish (31:34 English)eurosport
25 Big Photos from Stage 6veloimages

Stage 6 preview: Kumluca → Elmalı, 117 km (Mountain)

April 28 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 6 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 6 start time: Friday 12:50 EEST (9:50:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Kumluca, Turkey
Earliest live video: 14:30 EEST (11:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:16 EEST (1:16:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Elmalı, Göğübelli

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

27 Big Photos from Stage 5veloimages
Stage 5 Results
1  MARECZKO, Jakub (STH)                                      4:20:28
2  GREIPEL, André (LTS)                                       
3  BELLETTI, Manuel (STH)                                     
4  MALUCELLI, Matteo (UNI)                                    
5  COLLI, Daniele (NIP)                                       
6  LABORIE, Christophe (DMP)                                  
7  STEPNIAK, Grzegorz (CCC)                                   
8  MODOLO, Sacha (LAM)                                        
9  CECCHIN, Alberto (ROT)                                     
10 GALEYEV, Vadim (TSE)                                       
11 BERTAZZO, Liam (STH)                                       
13 ORKEN, Ahmet (TRK)                                         
14 JANORSCHKE, Grischa (ROT)                                  
15 MEIER, Alexander (HAC)                                     
16 HRINKOW, Dominik (HAC)                                     
17 BANASZEK, Adrian (VAT)                                     
18 AKHMETOV, Galym (TSE)                                      
19 FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)                                       
20 SMIRNOVS, Andris (ALB)                                     

General Classification after Stage 5
1  BILBAO, Pello (CJR)         20:07:06
2  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)         +    5
3  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)     +   13
4  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)         +   22
5  MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)         + 1:14
6  HANSEN, Adam (LTS)            + 2:22
7  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)         + 3:46
8  GREIPEL, André (LTS)          + 5:41
9  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)           + 8:01
10 DOCKX, Gert (LTS)             + 9:38
Mareczko wins stage 5 of Tour of Turkeycyclingnews
Last 6 Km of Stage 5 (07:27 English)eurosport
27 Big Photos from Stage 5veloimages
Stage 5 Highlights (01:55 Ambient Noise)eitb

Stage 5 preview: Alanya → Kemer, 189 km (rolling)

April 27 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Thursday 10:15 EEST (7:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Alanya, Turkey
Earliest live video: 13:00 EEST (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:49 EEST (11:49:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Kemer, Turkey

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

21 Big Photos from Stage 4veloimages
Stage 4 Results
1  MODOLO, Sacha (LAM)                                        4:26:26
2  COLLI, Daniele (NIP)                                       
3  ZANOTTI, Marco (PVC)                                       
4  BELLETTI, Manuel (STH)                                     
5  MARECZKO, Jakub (STH)                                      
6  SMIRNOVS, Andris (ALB)                                     
7  CECCHIN, Alberto (ROT)                                     
8  STEPNIAK, Grzegorz (CCC)                                   
9  MALUCELLI, Matteo (UNI)                                    
10 GALEYEV, Vadim (TSE)                                       
11 MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)                                      
12 ORKEN, Ahmet (TRK)                                         
13 LABORIE, Christophe (DMP)                                  
15 PACHER, Quentin (DMP)                                      
16 JAUN, Lukas (ROT)                                          
17 GONÇALVES, José (CJR)                                      
18 OCKELOEN, Jasper (PVC)                                     
19 MEIER, Alexander (HAC)                                     
20 ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)                                  

General Classification after Stage 4
1  BILBAO, Pello (CJR)         15:46:38
2  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)         +    5
3  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)     +   13
4  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)         +   22
5  MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)         + 1:14
6  HANSEN, Adam (LTS)            + 2:22
7  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)         + 3:46
8  GREIPEL, André (LTS)          + 5:41
9  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)           + 7:34
10 DOCKX, Gert (LTS)             + 8:59
Full Official Stage 4 Results and General Classificationtourofturkey
Modolo wins bunch sprint in Alanyacyclingnews
Last 7 Km of Stage 4 (08:32 English)eurosport
Stage 4 Finish and Podium (00:45 Ambient Noise)eitb
21 Big Photos from Stage 4veloimages

Stage 4 preview: Seydişehir → Alanya, 187 km (hilly/flat)

April 26 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Wednesday 11:38 EEST (8:38:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Seydişehir, Turkey
Earliest live video: 14:30 EEST (11:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:07 EEST (1:07:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Alanya, Turkey

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

18 Big Photos from Stage 3veloimages
Stage 3 Results
1  GREIPEL, André (LTS)          3:48:33
2  CECCHIN, Alberto (ROT)        
3  BOECKMANS, Kris (LTS)         
4  TOFFALI, Nicola (ROT)          +    3
5  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)          +    4
6  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)           
7  DOCKX, Gert (LTS)              +    9
8  FRISON, Frederik (LTS)        
9  FERRARI, Roberto (LAM)         + 2:14
10 STACCHIOTTI, Riccardo (NIP)   
11 BANASZEK, Adrian (VAT)        
12 MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)         
13 GRAZIATO, Massimo (PVC)       
14 BILBAO, Pello (CJR)           
15 GONÇALVES, José (CJR)         
16 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)            
17 STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)         
18 ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)     
19 KUZMIN, Anton (TSE)            + 7:47
20 WALLAYS, Jelle (LTS)          

General Classification after Stage 3
1  BILBAO, Pello (CJR)         11:20:12
2  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)         +    5
3  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)     +   13
4  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)         +   22
5  MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)         + 1:14
6  HANSEN, Adam (LTS)            + 2:22
7  HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)         + 3:21
8  GREIPEL, André (LTS)          + 5:41
9  BROECKX, Stig (LTS)           + 7:34
10 DOCKX, Gert (LTS)             + 8:34
Full Official Stage 3 Results and General Classificationtourofturkey
Greipel wins stage 3 in Konyacyclingnews
Greipel: Boeckmans deserved the stage win at Tour of Turkeycyclingnews
The crosswind can be a cruel mistressvelonews
Last 5 Km of Stage 3 (08:16 English)eurosport
Last Km of Stage 3 (02:13 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport
Stage 3 Highlights (01:51 Ambient Noise)eitb
18 Big Photos from Stage 3veloimages
Verslag: Stage 3 Report and Brief Highlights (00:36 Dutch)sporza
One-Minute Highlights from Stage 3 (00:50 English, restricted to Europe)eurosport

Stage 3 preview: Aksaray → Konya, 162 km (rolling)

April 25 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Tuesday 12:45 EEST (9:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Aksaray, Turkey
Earliest live video: 14:30 EEST (11:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 16:31 EEST (1:31:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Konya, Turkey

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

32 Big Photos from Stage 2veloimages
Stage 2 Results
1  BILBAO, Pello (CJR)         4:18:51
2  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)        +   10
3  FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)        
4  NIEMIEC, Przemyslaw (LAM)   
5  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)    +   13
6  VILELA, Ricardo (CJR)       
7  PACHER, Quentin (DMP)       
8  ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)   
9  KOSHEVOY, Ilia (LAM)         +   17
10 DI GREGORIO, Rémy (DMP)     
11 STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)        +   22
12 SZMYD, Sylwester (CCC)       +   29
13 CARBONI, Giovanni (UNI)      +   47
14 MAS BONET, Luis (CJR)        + 1:14
15 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)           + 2:22

General Classification after Stage 2
1  NIEMIEC, Przemyslaw (LAM)   7:29:19
2  BILBAO, Pello (CJR)            +  6
3  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)          + 11
4  FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)           + 16
5  PACHER, Quentin (DMP)          + 19
6  ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)   
7  VILELA, Ricardo (CJR)       
8  ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)   
9  STALNOV, Nikita (TSE)          + 28
10 SZMYD, Sylwester (CCC)         + 35
Full Official Stage 2 Results and General Classificationtourofturkey
Bilbao wins Tour of Turkey stage 2cyclingnews
Rider Quotes and Report: Bilbao brilliant in Cappadocia, Niemiec defends leadtourofturkey
Last 6 Km of Stage 2 (13:30 English)eurosport
32 Big Photos from Stage 2veloimages

Stage 2 preview: Cappadocia → Cappadocia, 156 km (hilly)

April 24 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Monday 11:00 EEST (8:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Cappadocia, Turkey
Earliest live video: 13:00 EEST (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:49 EEST (11:49:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Cappadocia, Turkey

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

27 Big Photos from Stage 1veloimages
Stage 1 Results
1  NIEMIEC, Przemyslaw (LAM)   3:10:18
2  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)          + 11
3  ZANOTTI, Marco (PVC)           + 16
4  FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)        
5  MALUCELLI, Matteo (UNI)     
6  STEPNIAK, Grzegorz (CCC)    
7  BELLETTI, Manuel (STH)      
8  PACHER, Quentin (DMP)       
9  COLLI, Daniele (NIP)        
10 BILBAO, Pello (CJR)         
11 CECCHIN, Alberto (ROT)      
12 SANZ, Enrique (STH)         
13 OCKELOEN, Jasper (PVC)      
14 MODOLO, Sacha (LAM)         
15 GALEYEV, Vadim (TSE)        
16 ORKEN, Ahmet (TRK)          
17 VILELA, Ricardo (CJR)       
18 ARROYO DURAN, David (CJR)   
19 ROSON GARCIA, Jaime (CJR)   
20 HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)       

General Classification after Stage 1
1  NIEMIEC, Przemyslaw (LAM)   3:10:18
2  GONÇALVES, José (CJR)          + 11
3  ZANOTTI, Marco (PVC)           + 16
4  FINETTO, Mauro (UNI)        
5  MALUCELLI, Matteo (UNI)     
6  STEPNIAK, Grzegorz (CCC)    
7  BELLETTI, Manuel (STH)      
8  PACHER, Quentin (DMP)       
9  COLLI, Daniele (NIP)        
10 BILBAO, Pello (CJR)         
Full Official Stage 1 Resultstourofturkey
Niemiec goes solo to win opening stagecyclingnews
Last 14 Km of Stage 1 (18:52 English)eurosport
27 Big Photos from Stage 1veloimages

Stage 1 preview: İstanbul → İstanbul, 138 km (rolling/flat)

April 23 update:
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Sunday 11:48 EEST (8:48:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for İstanbul, Turkey
Earliest live video: 13:00 EEST (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:51 EEST (11:51:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for İstanbul, Turkey

2016 Tour of Turkey Preview

April 23 update:
Greipel back to Tour of Turkey despite safety concernscyclingnews
On the verge of a WorldTour slot, the Tour of Turkey has lost momentumcyclingtips
Stage profiles, maps and timetables for Stages 1, 2 and 3. More to come...

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

April 23 update: A work in progress for 2016 Tour of Turkey live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
   live video (english)
        [subscription required]
USA & Canada; Stage 8 LIVE 1100UTC (0700 EDT) ; subscription required. Subscribers will also get access to the As-Live Repeat Broadcast
eurosport    live videom (english)
   live videom (english)
  tv schedule (british)
  tv schedule
Eurosport English Stage 1 live coverage starts at 12:00 CET on Eurosport 2
   live video (turkish)
   live video (german)
  tv schedule
Daily live coverage by Turkey's national broadcaster;
 steephill txt updates
 official tweets
short text updates from any and everyone
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2016 Tour of Turkey Route Map

Stage maps are posted in the race summary table.

2015 Tour of Turkey Archived Coverage

2014 Tour of Turkey Archived Coverage

2013 Tour of Turkey Archived Coverage

2012 Tour of Turkey Archived Coverage

2011 Tour of Turkey Archived Coverage