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Tour Down Under 2016 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

Scenery from the 2016 Tour Down Under. This is the 2016 Tour Down Under live dashboard with daily updates including photos and videos. More 2016 photos are posted below.
Big Photos from the 2016 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2015 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2014 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2013 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2012 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2011 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2010 Tour Down Undersirotti

Show All Profile Thumbnails
PSunday, January 1751 km 
Adelaide (East)
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
1Tuesday, January 19131 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Wednesday, January 20132 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Thursday, January 21139 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Friday, January 22138 km 
NorwoodVictor Harbor
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
5Saturday, January 23152 km 
McLaren ValeWillunga Hill
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
6Sunday, January 2490 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance833 km 

2016 Tour Down Under Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  2WYSS  DaniloSUI
  3DE MARCHI  AlessandroITA
  4PORTE  RichieAUS
  7GERTS  FlorisNED

  11ALBASINI  MichaelSUI
  13EWAN  CalebAUS
  15HAYMAN  MathewAUS
  16HEPBURN  MichaelAUS
  17IMPEY  DarylRSA

  23DE KORT  KoenNED
  25JI  ChengCHN
  27JONES  CarterUSA

  31THOMAS  GeraintGBR
  33PUCCIO  SalvatoreITA
  36ROWE  LukeGBR

  41DE GENDT  ThomasBEL
  42BAK  Lars YttingDEN
  43DOCKX  GertBEL

  51CLARKE  SimonAUS
  52BEVIN  PatrickNZL
  53WOODS  MichaelCAN
  54MOSER  MorenoITA
  56WIPPERT  WouterNED
  57BETTIOL  AlbertoITA

  67NIZZOLO  GiacomoITA

  71BOARO  ManueleITA
  72GATTO  OscarITA
  74GOGL  MichaelAUT
  75ROVNY  IvanRUS
  77VALGREN  MichaelDEN

  81POZZOVIVO  DomenicoITA
  82BAGDONAS  GediminasLTU
  84RIBLON  ChristopheFRA

  91BOOM  LarsNED
  92GRUZDEV  DmitriyKAZ
  93DE VREESE  LaurensBEL
  97WESTRA  LieuweNED

  101MACHADO  TiagoPOR
  102BELKOV  MaximRUS
  103ISAYCHEV  VladimirRUS
  104TCATEVICH  AlekseiRUS
  105SILIN  EgorRUS
  106LAGUTIN  SergeyRUS

  112LE BON  JohanFRA
  113OFFREDO  YoannFRA
  114FISCHER  Murilo AntonioBRA
  116PICHON  LaurentFRA
  117ROUX  AnthonyFRA

  127ROJAS GIL  Jose JoaquinESP

  131PELUCCHI  MatteoITA
  132HOWARD  LeighAUS
  133KLUGE  RogerGER
  134PANTANO GOMEZ  JarlinsonCOL
  135AREGGER  MarcelSUI
  136SARAMOTINS  AleksejsLAT
  137TANNER  DavidAUS

  141VAKOC  PetrCZE
  143SERRY  PieterBEL
  146VELITS  MartinSVK

  153BENNETT  GeorgeNZL
  154ROGLIC  PrimožSLO
  155KEIZER  MartijnNED
  156LINDEMAN  BertjanNED

  161ZURLO  FedericoITA
  162GRMAY  Tsgabu GebremaryamETH
  165KUMP  MarkoSLO
  166ULISSI  DiegoITA
  167MORI  ManueleITA

  171MEYER  CameronAUS
  172HAAS  NathanAUS
  174FARRAR  TylerUSA
  175JIM  SongezoRSA
  177VENTER  JacoRSA

  181BROWN  GraemeAUS
  182SPOKES  SamuelAUS
  183EARLE  NathanAUS
  184JONES  BrentonAUS
  185MANNION  GavinUSA
  186NORRIS  LachlanAUS
  187PHELAN  AdamAUS

UniSA-Australia (UNI)
  191VON HOFF  SteeleAUS
  192GIACOPPO  AnthonyAUS
  193LANE  PatrickAUS
  196LAKE  SeanAUS
  197SHAW  PatrickAUS

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Tour Down Under 2016

Overlapping with the Tour Down Under,
2016 Tour de San Luis Live: race info, startlist, preview and live coverage

Stage 6 Post-Race Coverage

.@CalebEwan crosses the line first in Be Safe Be Seen @MACofSA Stage 6! #TDU

— Tour Down Under (@tourdownunder) January 24, 2016
26 Big Photos from Stage 6sirotti
Stage 6 Results
1  EWAN, Caleb (OGE)                   1:55:02
2  RENSHAW, Mark (DDD)                 
3  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TFS)              
4  BLYTHE, Adam (TNK)                  
5  TCATEVICH, Aleksei (KAT)            
6  SWIFT, Ben (SKY)                    
7  KUMP, Marko (LAM)                   
8  MARTINELLI, Davide (EQS)            
9  HOWARD, Leigh (IAM)                 
10 WIPPERT, Wouter (CPT)               
11 GERRANS, Simon (OGE)                
12 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)           
13 VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)              
14 HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)               
15 LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   
16 GERTS, Floris (BMC)                 
17 DE KORT, Koen (TGA)                 
18 PREIDLER, Georg (TGA)               
19 ROUX, Anthony (FDJ)                 
20 BAGDONAS, Gediminas (ALM)           

Final General Classification
1  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)               19:11:33
2  PORTE, Richie (BMC)                  +    9
3  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)     +   11
4  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                  +   20
5  WOODS, Michael (CPT)               
6  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)               +   28
7  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)          
8  VALLS FERRI, Rafael (LTS)            +   36
9  MORABITO, Steve (FDJ)                +   49
10 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)                 +   50
11 ULISSI, Diego (LAM)                  +   52
12 MEYER, Cameron (DDD)                 +   56
13 HERRADA LOPEZ, Jesus (MOV)           +   58
14 HAMILTON, Chris (UNI)              
15 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)         + 1:02
16 MEINTJES, Louis (LAM)                + 1:04
17 SILIN, Egor (KAT)                    + 1:11
18 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)               
19 BENNETT, George (TLJ)                + 1:15
20 CLARKE, Simon (CPT)                  + 1:18
Simon Gerrans wins the 2016 Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Ewan stage win confirms Tour Down Under dominance for Orica-GreenEdgecyclingnews
I don’t think Gerrans was beatable, says Portecyclingnews
Five conclusions from the 2016 Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 6 (01:04 English)tourdownunder
Last Lap of Stage 6 - 5 Km to go (10:07 English)tourdownunder
Winner's Interview after Stage 6 (03:07 English)tourdownunder
Overall Winner's Podium Ceremony (01:02 English)tourdownunder
26 Big Photos from Stage 6sirotti
The super aero sprint profile of the Stage 6 winner (00:15 English)@cyclingtips
Stage 6 Recap (06:20 English)
Official Stage 6 Highlights (07:33 English)tourdownunder
Stage 6 Race Report (04:03 English)gcn
Backstage Pass - Stage 6 (07:41 English/Music)ORICAGreenEDGE

Stage 6 preview: Adelaide, 90 km (circuits)

January 22 update: The ceremonial final stage. — Steve
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 6 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 6 start time: Sunday 13:30 CDT (3:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Adelaide, Australia
Earliest live video: 13:30 CDT (3:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:30 CDT (5:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Adelaide, Australia

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

17 Big Photos from Stage 5sirotti
Stage 5 Results
1  PORTE, Richie (BMC)                 3:34:16
2  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)     +    6
3  WOODS, Michael (CPT)                 +    9
4  ULISSI, Diego (LAM)                  +   17
5  VALLS FERRI, Rafael (LTS)           
6  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)              
7  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)           
8  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)                
9  PANTANO GOMEZ, Jarlinson (IAM)      
10 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)                
11 HAMILTON, Chris (UNI)               
12 HERRADA LOPEZ, Jesus (MOV)          
13 MEYER, Cameron (DDD)                 +   23
14 HAMILTON, Lucas (UNI)               
15 MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                 
16 MEINTJES, Louis (LAM)               
17 BENNETT, George (TLJ)                +   34
18 DE LA CRUZ MELGAREJO, David (EQS)    +   37
19 VERONA QUINTANILLA, Carlos (EQS)     +   38
20 SILIN, Egor (KAT)                   
21 MORABITO, Steve (FDJ)               
22 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)        
23 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                
24 ARREDONDO MORENO, Julian (TFS)       +   44
25 CLARKE, Simon (CPT)                  +   54
26 VAKOC, Petr (EQS)                   
27 ROUX, Anthony (FDJ)                 
28 DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                 
29 LUDVIGSSON, Tobias (TGA)            
30 ROJAS GIL, Jose Joaquin (MOV)       
31 NORRIS, Lachlan (DPC)               
32 EARLE, Nathan (DPC)                 
33 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  
34 GAUTIER, Cyril (ALM)                 + 1:01
35 PREIDLER, Georg (TGA)                + 1:05
36 BOBRIDGE, Jack (TFS)                 + 1:07
37 DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)               + 1:08
38 SERRY, Pieter (EQS)                  + 1:13
39 LAGUTIN, Sergey (KAT)               
40 LANE, Patrick (UNI)                 

General Classification after Stage 5
1  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)               17:16:31
2  PORTE, Richie (BMC)                  +    9
3  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)     +   11
4  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                  +   20
5  WOODS, Michael (CPT)               
6  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)               +   28
7  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)          
8  VALLS FERRI, Rafael (LTS)            +   36
9  MORABITO, Steve (FDJ)                +   49
10 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)                 +   50
11 ULISSI, Diego (LAM)                  +   52
12 MEYER, Cameron (DDD)                 +   56
13 HERRADA LOPEZ, Jesus (MOV)           +   58
14 HAMILTON, Chris (UNI)              
15 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)         + 1:02
16 DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                  + 1:03
17 MEINTJES, Louis (LAM)                + 1:04
18 SILIN, Egor (KAT)                    + 1:11
19 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)               
20 BENNETT, George (TLJ)                + 1:15
Full Stage 5 Resultsbiciciclismo
Porte wins on Willunga Hillcyclingnews
Porte claims Tour Down Under Willunga Hill hatrickcyclingnews
Last Km of Stage 5 (01:26 English)@tourdownunder
Last 4 Km of Stage 5 (08:41 English)sky
Winner's Interview after Stage 5 (01:32 English)tourdownunder
Overall Leader Post Stage 5 (01:31 English)tourdownunder
17 Big Photos from Stage 5sirotti
Stage 5 Recap (05:40 English)
Official Stage 5 Highlights (07:17 English)tourdownunder
Backstage Pass - Stage 5 (09:09 English/Music)ORICAGreenEDGE
Stage 5 Race Report (04:12 English)gcn

Stage 5 preview: McLaren Vale → Willunga Hill, 152 km (Mountain)

January 21 update:
Stage 5 Preview: Five to watch on Willunga Hillcyclingnews
Uncut: Brian Cookson press conference (14:45 English)sbs
Talking Tactics - Stage 5 (03:32 English)tourdownunder
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Saturday 11:02 CDT (12:32:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for McLaren Vale, Australia
Earliest live video: 13:00 CDT (2:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:02 CDT (4:32:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Willunga Hill, Australia

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

11 Big Photos from Stage 4sirotti
Stage 4 Results
1  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)                 3:13:59
2  SWIFT, Ben (SKY)                     
3  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TFS)               
4  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                  
5  HOWARD, Leigh (IAM)                  
6  JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Reinardt (DDD)   
7  LAGUTIN, Sergey (KAT)                
8  TCATEVICH, Aleksei (KAT)             
9  HAAS, Nathan (DDD)                   
10 BATTAGLIN, Enrico (TLJ)              
11 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)                 
12 ROJAS GIL, Jose Joaquin (MOV)        
13 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                   
14 LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)    
15 ROUX, Anthony (FDJ)                  
16 ZURLO, Federico (LAM)                
17 BOOM, Lars (AST)                     
18 MEYER, Cameron (DDD)                 
19 LE BON, Johan (FDJ)                  
20 LIGTHART, Pim (LTS)                  

General Classification after Stage 4
1  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)               13:41:58
2  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                    + 14
3  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                    + 28
4  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)   
5  MORABITO, Steve (FDJ)              
6  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)             
7  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)          
8  WOODS, Michael (CPT)                   + 32
9  VALLS FERRI, Rafael (LTS)              + 36
10 PORTE, Richie (BMC)                
Full Stage 4 Resultsbiciciclismo
Simon Gerrans wins sprint in Victor Harborcyclingnews
Gerrans in prime position for fourth Tour Down Under victorycyclingnews
Subaru KOM - Bupa Stage 4 with 20 Km to go (00:40 English)tourdownunder
Last 20 Km of Stage 4 (25:18 English)tourdownunder
Last Km of Stage 4 (01:23 English)tourdownunder
Winner's Interview from Stage 4 (01:50 English)tourdownunder
Rohan Dennis Post Stage 4 interview (02:07 English)tourdownunder
Official Stage 4 Highlights (06:19 English)tourdownunder
Stage 4 Recap (05:30 English)
Backstage Pass - Stage 4 (07:07 English)ORICAGreenEDGE
Stage 4 Race Report (03:39 English)gcn
Richie Porte Post stage 4 (02:20 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
11 Big Photos from Stage 4sirotti

Stage 4 preview: Norwood → Victor Harbor, 138 km (lumpy)

January 21 update:
Stage 4 Previewciclismointernacional
Matt White Interview (01:52 English)sbs
Mark Renshaw Interview (02:49 English)sbs
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Friday 11:30 CDT (1:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Norwood, Australia
Earliest live video: 13:00 CDT (2:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:00 CDT (4:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Victor Harbor, Australia

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

20 Big Photos from Stage 3sirotti
Stage 3 Results
1  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)               3:37:34
2  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                
3  WOODS, Michael (CPT)               
4  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                
5  MORABITO, Steve (FDJ)              
6  VALLS FERRI, Rafael (LTS)          
7  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)   
8  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)          
9  PORTE, Richie (BMC)                
10 FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)             
11 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)          + 13
12 CLARKE, Simon (CPT)                
13 BOBRIDGE, Jack (TFS)                  + 22
14 SERRY, Pieter (EQS)                
15 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)               
16 ROUX, Anthony (FDJ)                
17 THOMAS, Geraint (SKY)              
18 BAK, Lars Ytting (LTS)             
19 LUDVIGSSON, Tobias (TGA)           
20 SILIN, Egor (KAT)                  

General Classification after Stage 3
1  GERRANS, Simon (OGE)               10:28:12
2  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                    +  3
3  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                    +  5
4  WOODS, Michael (CPT)                   + 11
5  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)   
6  VALLS FERRI, Rafael (LTS)              + 15
7  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)             
8  MORABITO, Steve (FDJ)              
9  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)          
10 PORTE, Richie (BMC)                
Full Stage 3 Resultsbiciciclismo
Gerrans wins stage 3 in Campbelltowncyclingnews
Simon Gerrans takes overall lead of Tour Down Under after stage three wintheguardian
McCarthy still up for Tour Down Under fightcyclingnews
Last 18 Km of Stage 3 (25:52 English)tourdownunder
Last Km of Stage 3 (01:35 English)@tourdownunder
Rory Sutherland Pre-Race Stage 3 Interview (02:43 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Stage 3 Recap (06:20 English)
Spectator lends Tyler Farrar a bike so he can finish Stage
20 Big Photos from Stage 3sirotti
Subaru Corkscrew KOM, Stage 3 (02:16 English)tourdownunder
Official Stage 3 Highlights (07:12 English)tourdownunder
Winner's Interview from Stage 3 (02:14 English)tourdownunder
Jens Voigt talks about breakaways (00:37 English)tourdownunder
Stage 3 Race Report (04:40 English)gcn
Backstage Pass - Stage 3 (07:24 English/Music)ORICAGreenEDGE

Stage 3 preview: Glenelg → Campbelltown, 139 km (hilly/downhill finish)

January 19 update:
Stage 3 Preview with Robbie McEwen (02:40 English)tourdownunder
What to expect on Corkscrew Hill near the finish of Stage 3cyclingnews
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Thursday 11:00 CDT (12:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Glenelg, Australia
Earliest live video: 12:15 CDT (1:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:59 CDT (4:29:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Campbelltown, Australia

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

27 Big Photos from Stage 2sirotti
Stage 2 Results
1  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                 3:26:40
2  ULISSI, Diego (LAM)                 
3  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                 
4  WYSS, Danilo (BMC)                  
5  VAKOC, Petr (EQS)                   
6  BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)                
7  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   
8  HENAO MONTOYA, Sergio Luis (SKY)    
9  ROUX, Anthony (FDJ)                 
10 BATTAGLIN, Enrico (TLJ)             
11 ARREDONDO MORENO, Julian (TFS)      
12 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)           
13 LUDVIGSSON, Tobias (TGA)            
14 TANNER, David (IAM)                 
15 MEYER, Cameron (DDD)                
16 CLARKE, Simon (CPT)                 
17 WOODS, Michael (CPT)                
18 GERTS, Floris (BMC)                 
19 SHAW, Patrick (UNI)                 
20 PREIDLER, Georg (TGA)               
21 BOBRIDGE, Jack (TFS)                
22 HERRADA LOPEZ, Jesus (MOV)          
23 TAARAMAE, Rein (KAT)                
24 MOSER, Moreno (CPT)                 
25 BENNETT, George (TLJ)               
26 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                
27 FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)              
28 STETINA, Peter (TFS)                
30 DOCKX, Gert (LTS)                   

General Classification after Stage 2
1  MCCARTHY, Jay (TNK)                 6:50:43
2  ULISSI, Diego (LAM)                    +  4
3  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                    +  6
4  BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)                   + 10
5  BATTAGLIN, Enrico (TLJ)             
6  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   
7  ROUX, Anthony (FDJ)                 
8  LUDVIGSSON, Tobias (TGA)            
9  ARREDONDO MORENO, Julian (TFS)      
10 SHAW, Patrick (UNI)                 
McCarthy wins stage 2cyclingnews
Stage 2: McCarthy opens WorldTour accountvelonews
A crash splits the peloton at the finish of Stage 2 (00:36 English)tourdownunder
Last 15 Km of Stage 2 (19:42 English)channel9
Last Km of Stage 2 (01:32 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Last Km of Stage 2 (01:54 English)tourdownunder
Winner's Interview from Stage 2 (02:04 English)tourdownunder
Bolle Play Of The Day - Stage 2 (01:43 English)tourdownunder
Official Stage 2 Race Highlights (06:45 English)tourdownunder
27 Big Photos from Stage 2sirotti
Stage 2 Race Report (04:05 English)gcn
Backstage Pass - Stage 2 (06:38 English/Music)ORICAGreenEDGE

Stage 2 preview: Unley → Stirling, 132 km (rolling)

January 18 update:
Stage 2 Preview with Robbie McEwan (02:17 English)tourdownunder
Cookson to meet Prudhomme at the Tour Down Under to talk WorldTour reformscyclingnews
Canadian rookie Michael Woods makes WorldTour debut with Cannondalecyclingtips
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Wednesday 11:00 CDT (12:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Unley, Australia
Earliest live video: 12:15 CDT (1:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:43 CDT (4:13:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Stirling, Australia

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

23 Big Photos from Stage 1sirotti
Stage 1 Results
1  EWAN, Caleb (OGE)               3:24:13
2  RENSHAW, Mark (DDD)             
3  WIPPERT, Wouter (CPT)           
4  KUMP, Marko (LAM)               
5  BLYTHE, Adam (TNK)              
6  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TFS)          
7  SWIFT, Ben (SKY)                
8  VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)          
9  ROJAS GIL, Jose Joaquin (MOV)   
10 HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)           
11 JONES, Brenton (DPC)            
12 BATTAGLIN, Enrico (TLJ)         
13 BEVIN, Patrick (CPT)            
14 SARAMOTINS, Aleksejs (IAM)      
15 KAMYSHEV, Arman (AST)           
16 MARTINELLI, Davide (EQS)        
17 KLUGE, Roger (IAM)              
18 DE KORT, Koen (TGA)             
19 TCATEVICH, Aleksei (KAT)        
20 GIACOPPO, Anthony (UNI)         

General Classification after Stage 1
1  EWAN, Caleb (OGE)        3:24:03
2  RENSHAW, Mark (DDD)         +  4
3  GOUGEARD, Alexis (ALM)   
4  WIPPERT, Wouter (CPT)       +  6
5  LANE, Patrick (UNI)         +  7
6  KUMP, Marko (LAM)           + 10
7  BLYTHE, Adam (TNK)       
8  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TFS)   
9  SWIFT, Ben (SKY)         
10 VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)   
Ewan wins stage 1cyclingnews
Last 14 Km of Stage 1 (18:42 English)tourdownunder
Last Km of Stage 1 (01:15 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Stage 1 Recap (05:20 English)
Stage 1 Race Report (03:20 English)gcn
Official Stage 1 Race Highlights and Winner's Interview (05:54 English)tourdownunder
23 Big Photos from Stage 1sirotti
Inside the Tinkoff race on Stage 1 (01:44 English/Music)TinkoffTeam
Backstage Pass - Stage 1 (06:12 English/Music)ORICAGreenEDGE

Stage 1 preview: Prospect → Lyndoch, 131 km (rolling)

January 17 update:
Tour Down Under stage one gets under way with riders facing oppressive heattheguardian
Strong UniSA team at the TDU (01:59 English)sbs
Stage 1 Preview with Robbie McEwen (02:24 English)tourdownunder
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Tuesday 11:00 CDT (12:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Prospect, Australia
Earliest live video: 12:15 CDT (1:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:45 CDT (4:15:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Lyndoch, Australia

People's Classic Post-Race Coverage

13 Big Photos from the People's Choice Classicsirotti
People's Choice Classic Results
1  EWAN, Caleb (OGE)                    1:02:25
2  NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TFS)               
3  BLYTHE, Adam (TNK)                   
4  SWIFT, Ben (SKY)                     
5  KUMP, Marko (LAM)                    
6  JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Reinardt (DDD)   
7  MARTINELLI, Davide (EQS)             
8  PELUCCHI, Matteo (IAM)               
9  WIPPERT, Wouter (CPT)                
10 SHAW, Patrick (UNI)                  
Caleb Ewan wins Down Under Classiccyclingnews
Final Kms of the People's Choice Classic (03:57 English)Channel Nine
Official People's Choice Classic Race Highlights (05:08 English)tourdownunder
Last Minute of the People's Choice Classic (01:13 English)tourdownunder
Winner's Interview after People's Choice Classic (01:50 English)tourdownunder
13 Big Photos from the People's Choice Classicsirotti

Prologue preview: Adelaide, 51 km (flat circuits)

January 14 update: Pre race circuit race classic.
People's Choice Classic Preview w/ Robbie McEwan (02:26 English)tourdownunder
See the race summary table (right) for the profile, map and timetable.

Prologue start time: Sunday 19:15 CDT (8:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Adelaide, East
Earliest live video: 19:15 CDT (8:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:30 CDT (10:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Adelaide, Australia

2016 Tour Down Under Preview

Newly crowned National Aussie RR Champ, Jack Bobridge, during the teams presentation

January 18 update:
Moser looking to get season off to a good start at Tour Down Undercyclingnews
2016 Team Presentations (01:39 English/Music)tourdownunder

January 16 update:
Official Startlist w/ bib
Tour Down Under: Turtur 'delighted' with start listcyclingnews
Riders arrive for the Tour Down Under - Gallerycyclingnews
Matured and experienced Ewan ready for second Tour Down Under appearancecyclingnews
Caleb Ewan is the man to beat in Tour Down Under sprints as big names opt outcyclingweekly
The Recon Ride Podcast: Tour Down Under Preview (32:51 English)velohuman
Tour Down Under Previewcyclingweekly
New bikes and equipment in the pelotoncyclingnews

"I honestly don't know of any other race that had a cocktail named after it. Cheers!" #TDU @PhilLiggett

— Tour Down Under (@tourdownunder) January 14, 2016
January 13 update:
Dennis: I want to make history at the Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Riders on new WorldTour teams debuting at Santos Tour Down
2016 Tour Down Under: 5 riders to watch (02:50 English)cyclingnewstv
Orica-GreenEDGE primed for the TDU (03:38 English)sbs

January 10 update:

January 7 update:
Trek-Segafredo, AG2R and Cannondale arrive in Australia for Tour Down Undercyclingnews

January 3 update:
Graeme Brown to race in record-breaking 14th Tour Down
Preview: Tour Down Under and the rest of the Australian racing season (04:03 English)cyclingnewstv

December 10 update:
Tour Down Under drawing quality field for 2016 season kickoffvelonews
Luis Leon Sanchez to lead Astana at Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Teams begin announcing squads for season-opening Tour Down Undercyclingweekly
Hesjedal, Reijnen to make Trek Factory Racing debut at Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Pozzovivo leads Ag2r-La Mondiale's Tour Down Under teamcyclingnews

Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

January 13 update: A work in progress for Tour Down Under 2015 live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
   live videom (english)
   live videom (english)
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
UK only; Sky Sports 1 live coverage. First two links are a dodgy unauthorized links.
   live video (english)
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
Australia; Live video from Channel Nine for some of the stages plus highlights.
   live video (english)
        [subscription required]
USA & Canada; Stage 5 LIVE 0230 UTC (21:30 EST) ; subscription required. Subscribers will also get access to the As-Live Repeat Broadcast
   live audio (english)
  radio schedule
Australia; Live updates each day
   live video (english)
  tv schedule(see comments)
United States; Live online at 3:30 am ET for cable subscribers on tv for some including NBC's UHD channel (Directv 569)
live text updates
English updates from the official site; live text and photo updates suitable for any smartphone.
live text updates English,
 steephill txt updates
short updates on results, photos and video
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2016 Tour Down Under Route Map

Stage maps are posted in the race summary table.

2015 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2014 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2013 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2012 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2011 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2010 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2009 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2008 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage