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Stage Races Classics
Tour Down Under 2015 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

BMC took first and third on GC at the 2015 Tour Down Under as retiring Cadel Evans (3rd) passed the BMC torch to new signing Rohan Dennis (1st).
Big Photos from the 2015 Tour Down Under (so far) — sirotti
Big Photos from the 2014 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2013 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2012 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2011 Tour Down Undersirotti
Big Photos from the 2010 Tour Down Undersirotti

PSunday, January 1851 km 
People's Choice Classic - Adelaide
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
1Tuesday, January 20133 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
2Wednesday, January 21151 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
3Thursday, January 22143 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
4Friday, January 23145 km 
GlenelgMt Barker
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
5Saturday, January 24152 km 
McLaren ValeWillunga Hill
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
6Sunday, January 2590 km 
profile | map | timetable | preview | results | photos | video
  Total Distance865 km 

2015 Tour Down Under Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  1EVANS  CadelAUS
  2SCHÄR  MichaelSUI
  4WYSS  DaniloSUI

  11MEYER  CameronAUS
  12CLARKE  SimonAUS
  13HAYMAN  MathewAUS
  15IMPEY  DarylRSA
  17HEPBURN  MichaelAUS

  21KITTEL  MarcelGER
  24DE KORT  KoenNED
  26TIMMER  AlbertNED
  27HAGA  ChadUSA

  31PORTE  RichieAUS
  33ROWE  LukeGBR
  35PUCCIO  SalvatoreITA
  36THOMAS  GeraintGBR
  37SUTTON  ChristopherAUS

  41DE GENDT  ThomasBEL
  42BAK  Lars YttingDEN
  43DOCKX  GertBEL
  44DE HAES  KennyBEL
  47VALLEE  BorisBEL

  52HAAS  NathanAUS
  53HANSEN  Lasse NormanDEN
  54BAUER  JackNZL
  55HOWES  AlexUSA
  56MOSER  MorenoITA

  61ALAFACI  EugenioITA
  63DIDIER  LaurentLUX
  65NIZZOLO  GiacomoITA
  67WATSON  CalvinAUS

  71ROGERS  MichaelAUS
  72BRUTT  PavelRUS
  73BOARO  ManueleITA
  74JUUL JENSEN  ChristopherDEN
  75KOLÁR  MichalSVK
  76ZAUGG  OliverSUI
  77HANSEN  JesperDEN

  81POZZOVIVO  DomenicoITA
  84KADRI  BlelFRA
  85RIBLON  ChristopheFRA
  86BERARD  JulienFRA

  92BOOM  LarsNED
  96WESTRA  LieuweNED
  97DE VREESE  LaurensBEL

  101BELKOV  MaximRUS
  102CARUSO  GiampaoloITA
  103LAGUTIN  SergeyRUS
  104MACHADO  TiagoPOR
  105SELIG  RudigerGER
  106TCATEVICH  AlekseiRUS
  107ISAYCHEV  VladimirRUS

  111ROY  JérémyFRA
  113LE GAC  OlivierFRA
  114MANZIN  LorenzoFRA
  115PINEAU  CédricFRA
  116CHAVANEL  SébastienFRA

  127SANZ  EnriqueESP

  131ELMIGER  MartinSUI
  133HAUSSLER  HeinrichAUS
  134KLUGE  RogerGER
  135PANTANO  JarlinsonCOL
  136REYNES MIMO  VicenteESP
  137TANNER  DavidAUS

  144MEERSMAN  GianniBEL
  145SERRY  PieterBEL
  146VELITS  MartinSVK
  147BOUET  MaximeFRA

  151BENNETT  GeorgeNZL
  152LINDEMAN  BertjanNED
  153ROOSEN  TimoNED
  154MARKUS  BarryNED
  155KEIZER  MartijnNED
  157FLENS  RickNED

  161BONIFAZIO  NiccoloITA
  162BONO  MatteoITA
  163CIMOLAI  DavideITA
  164DURASEK  KristijanCRO
  165FERRARI  RobertoITA
  166MORI  ManueleITA
  167GRMAY  Tsgabu GebremaryamETH

  171WIPPERT  WouterNED
  172CLARKE  WilliamAUS
  173ROE  TimothyAUS
  174BROWN  GraemeAUS
  175KOHLER  MartinSUI
  176KERBY  JordanAUS
  177MEYER  TravisAUS

UniSA-Australia (UNI)
  182EDMONDSON  AlexanderAUS
  183HAIG  JackAUS
  184POWER  RobertAUS
  185VON HOFF  SteeleAUS
  187SCOTSON  MilesAUS

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Tour Down Under 2015

Also live this week,
2015 Tour de San Luis: race info, startlist, daily updates w/ highlights and photos, live video

January 26 update:
How The Race Was Won: Tour Down Under (04:35 English)cyclocosm/cyclingtips
Tour Down Under aims to resist any UCI calendar
Backstage Pass No. 250 - TDU Stages 5 and 6 (14:05 English)greenedge
2015 Tour Down Under Photossteve swayne

Stage 6 Post-Race Coverage

20 Big Photos from Stage 6sirotti
Stage 6 Results
1  WIPPERT, Wouter (DPC)             1:56:09
2  HAUSSLER, Heinrich (IAM)          
3  VALLEE, Boris (LTS)               
4  BRUTT, Pavel (TCS)                
5  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                
6  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (LAM)          
7  VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)            
8  TLEUBAYEV, Ruslan (AST)           
9  SELIG, Rudiger (KAT)              
10 CHAVANEL, Sébastien (FDJ)         
11 MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)            
12 NIZZOLO, Giacomo (TFR)            
13 DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)               
14 PANTANO, Jarlinson (IAM)          
15 SCHÄR, Michael (BMC)              
16 SANZ, Enrique (MOV)               
17 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)         
19 TCATEVICH, Aleksei (KAT)          
20 FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)            

Final General Classification
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)               19:15:18
2  PORTE, Richie (SKY)                 +    2
3  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                  +   20
4  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)                 +   22
5  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)              +   24
6  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)           +   31
7  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  +   35
8  IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (MOV)     +   52
9  PANTANO, Jarlinson (IAM)            +   53
10 BENNETT, George (TLJ)               +   57
11 GRMAY, Tsgabu Gebremaryam (LAM)     + 1:00
12 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                + 2:00
13 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)      
14 ROGERS, Michael (TCS)               + 2:14
15 BOUET, Maxime (EQS)                 + 2:28
16 HAIG, Jack (UNI)                    + 2:31
17 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)                  + 2:33
18 GESCHKE, Simon (TGA)                + 2:41
19 ROY, Jérémy (FDJ)                   + 2:43
20 BERARD, Julien (ALM)                + 2:46
Full Results from Stage 6 and Final GCbiciciclismo
Wippert wins final stage in Adelaidecyclingnews
Rohan Dennis seals overall victory as Wouter Wippert wins final stage in Adelaideskysports
Wippert claims biggest win of young careercyclingnews
Stage 6 Highlights (02:22 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 6 One-Minute Highlghts (01:27 English)sbs
Stage 6 Winner and GC Winner Interviews (03:39 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 6 Crash (01:24 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 6 - Recap (03:03 English)
20 Big Photos from Stage 6sirotti
Official Stage 6 Extended Highlights (05:42 English)tourdownunder
Stage 6 Race Report (03:48 English)gcn

Stage 6 preview: Adelaide, 90 km (circuit)

January 24 update:
Stage 6 Preview and Favoritesc-cycling
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 6 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 6 start time: Sunday 13:30 CDT (3:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Adelaide, Australia
Earliest live video: 13:30 CDT (3:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:30 CDT (5:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Adelaide, Australia

Stage 5 Post-Race Coverage

21 Big Photos from Stage 5 sirotti
Stage 5 Results
1  PORTE, Richie (SKY)                 3:37:32
2  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                  +    9
3  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)               +   16
4  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                  
5  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)                 
6  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)            +   19
7  MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                 +   24
8  MOSER, Moreno (TCG)                  +   26
9  IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (MOV)      +   28
10 JEANNESSON, Arnold (FDJ)            
11 PANTANO, Jarlinson (IAM)            
12 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  
13 BENNETT, George (TLJ)                +   32
14 GRMAY, Tsgabu Gebremaryam (LAM)      +   38
15 ROGERS, Michael (TCS)                +   48
16 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)        
17 MEYER, Cameron (OGE)                
18 VILLELLA, Davide (TCG)              
19 FLENS, Rick (TLJ)                   
20 DE GENDT, Thomas (LTS)               +   58
21 CAPECCHI, Eros (MOV)                 + 1:02
22 HAIG, Jack (UNI)                     + 1:05
23 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)                   + 1:15
24 DE LA CRUZ MELGAREJO, David (EQS)    + 1:29
25 ROY, Jérémy (FDJ)                    + 1:54
26 GESCHKE, Simon (TGA)                 + 2:16
27 MORI, Manuele (LAM)                 
28 BOUET, Maxime (EQS)                 
29 BAK, Lars Ytting (LTS)              
30 WESTRA, Lieuwe (AST)                

General Classification after Stage 5
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)               17:19:09
2  PORTE, Richie (SKY)                   +  2
3  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                    + 20
4  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)                   + 22
5  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)                + 24
6  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)             + 31
7  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                    + 38
8  MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                  + 46
9  IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (MOV)       + 52
10 PANTANO, Jarlinson (IAM)              + 53
Porte wins atop Willunga Hillcyclingnews
Richie Porte wins on Willunga Hill but Rohan Dennis retains race lead by two secondsskysports
Porte repeats on Willunga Hillcyclingnews
Cadel Evans Retirement: Did He Jump Or Was He Pushed?
Dennis on cusp of Tour Down Under victorycyclingnews
Last 8 Km of Stage 5 (16:05 English)channel9
Last Km of Stage 5 (04:35 English)tourdownunder
Pre-Stage 5 Interviews (01:55 English)tourdownunder
Stage 5 Highlights (02:28 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Winner's Interview from Stage 5 (01:56 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Rohan Dennis Post-Stage 5 (02:10 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 5 - Recap (03:12 English)
21 Big Photos from Stage 5 sirotti
Behind the scenes with Jack Bobridge and Team UniSA on Stage 5 (01:35 English)UniSA
Scenery: South Australia Beaches (00:47 English/Music)tourdownunder
Rohan Dennis Post-Stage 5 (03:00 English)bmc
Cadel Evans Post-Stage 5 (03:00 English)bmc
Official Stage 5 Extended Highlights (07:49 English)tourdownunder
Stage 5 Wrap w/ Phil and Paul (01:47 English)tourdownunder
Richie Porte Post Stage 5 (00:32 English)sbs
Jack Bobridge Post Stage 5 (00:30 English)sbs
Stage 5 Race Report (03:54 English)gcn

Stage 5 preview: McLaren Vale → Willunga Hill, 152 km (uphill finish)

January 22 update:
Stage 5 Preview and Favoritesc-cycling
Old Willunga Hill 3D Interactive Profileveloviewer
Richie Porte ready to fight for Tour Down Under wincyclingweekly
The Right Race, The Wrong Time?inrng
Past photos from Old Willunga Hill: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 5 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 5 start time: Saturday 11:10 CDT (12:40:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for McLaren Vale, Australia
Earliest live video: 11:30 CDT (1:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:02 CDT (4:32:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Willunga Hill, Australia

Stage 4 Post-Race Coverage

23 Big Photos from Stage 4sirotti/swayne
Stage 4 Results
1  VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)     3:24:28
2  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)         
3  WIPPERT, Wouter (DPC)      
4  HAUSSLER, Heinrich (IAM)   
5  DUMOULIN, Samuel (ALM)     
6  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (LAM)   
7  SELIG, Rudiger (KAT)       
8  MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)     
9  ALAFACI, Eugenio (TFR)     
10 DE KORT, Koen (TGA)        

General Classification after Stage 4
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)         13:41:34
2  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)              +  7
3  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)             +  9
4  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)              + 13
5  PORTE, Richie (SKY)             + 15
6  HAIG, Jack (UNI)            
7  ROGERS, Michael (TCS)       
8  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)      
9  BOUET, Maxime (EQS)         
10 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)   
Full Results from Stage 4biciciclismo
Von Hoff steels the stage in Mount Barkercyclingnews
Steele Von Hoff wins crash-marred stage fourtheguardian
Richie Porte ready for decisive battle after surviving crash on stage fourskysports
UniSA continues to punch above its weight at the Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Last 10 Km of Stage 4 (13:27 English)channel9
Last Km of Stage 4 w/ crash (00:53 English)sbs
Stage 4 finish crash (00:09 Ambient Noise)vine
Jens Voigt at the Tour Down Under (04:02 English)sbs
Stage 4 Highlights (02:19 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Winner's Interview from Stage 4 (01:47 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Pre-Stage 4 interviews w/ Dennis Evans, Porte, Kittel (02:44 English)tourdownunder
Stage 4 - Recap (03:15 English)
Bikecam footage of the Stage 4 finish crash via Jeremy Roy (00:32 Ambient Noise)jeremyroyvelo1
23 Big Photos from Stage 4sirotti/swayne
Bike Shorts: Stage 4 Analysis w/ Mike Tomalaris and Anthony Tan (03:42 English)sbs
Official Stage 4 Highlights (06:06 English)tourdownunder
Backstage Pass - Stage 4 (07:42 English)greenedge
Spectator footage: another angle of the Stage 4 crash (00:23 Ambient Noise)steve swayne
Stage 4 Race Report (03:55 English)gcn

Stage 4 preview: Glenelg → Mt Barker, 145 km (rolling)

January 21 update:
Stage 4 Preview and Favoritesc-cycling
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 4 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 4 start time: Friday 11:30 CDT (1:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Glenelg, Australia
Earliest live video: 14:00 CDT (3:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:20 CDT (4:50:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Mt Barker, Australia

Stage 3 Post-Race Coverage

22 Big Photos from Stage 3sirotti
Stage 3 Results
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                 3:35:08
2  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                     +  3
3  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)                 
4  BOUET, Maxime (EQS)                    +  5
5  ROGERS, Michael (TCS)               
6  PORTE, Richie (SKY)                 
7  HAIG, Jack (UNI)                    
8  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)              
9  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)           
10 GESCHKE, Simon (TGA)                   + 13
11 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)           + 15
12 GRMAY, Tsgabu Gebremaryam (LAM)     
13 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                
14 PANTANO, Jarlinson (IAM)               + 18
15 BENNETT, George (TLJ)               
16 BERARD, Julien (ALM)                
17 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  
18 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)                     + 21
20 HAAS, Nathan (TCG)                  
21 BAK, Lars Ytting (LTS)              
22 CAPECCHI, Eros (MOV)                
23 STETINA, Peter (BMC)                
24 MORI, Manuele (LAM)                    + 27
25 HERRADA LOPEZ, José (MOV)              + 35
26 ZAUGG, Oliver (TCS)                    + 42
27 HANSEN, Jesper (TCS)                
28 WESTRA, Lieuwe (AST)                
29 BOBRIDGE, Jack (UNI)                
30 JEANNESSON, Arnold (FDJ)            
32 DIDIER, Laurent (TFR)               
33 LAGUTIN, Sergey (KAT)               
34 TANNER, David (IAM)                 
35 ROY, Jérémy (FDJ)                   
36 VILLELLA, Davide (TCG)              
37 HESJEDAL, Ryder (TCG)                  + 50
38 MCCONNELL, Daniel (TFR)             
39 VELITS, Martin (EQS)                
40 MALACARNE, Davide (AST)             

General Classification after Stage 3
1  DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)               10:17:06
2  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                    +  7
3  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)                   +  9
4  PORTE, Richie (SKY)                   + 15
5  HAIG, Jack (UNI)                  
6  FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)            
7  ROGERS, Michael (TCS)             
8  BOUET, Maxime (EQS)               
9  POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)         
10 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                    + 22
11 GESCHKE, Simon (TGA)                  + 23
12 SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)          + 25
13 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)              
14 GRMAY, Tsgabu Gebremaryam (LAM)   
15 IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (MOV)       + 27
16 BENNETT, George (TLJ)                 + 28
17 BERARD, Julien (ALM)              
18 PANTANO, Jarlinson (IAM)          
19 HAAS, Nathan (TCG)                    + 31
20 HANSEN, Adam (LTS)                
Full Results from Stage 3biciciclismo
Rohan Dennis wins in Paracombecyclingnews
Rohan Dennis stuns team-mate Cadel Evans by taking lead with stage three winskysports
Lemond: doping era denied Cadel Evans his best
LeMond on Armstrong: ‘If anybody deserves a lifetime ban, it’s this guy’velonews
Last 10 Km of Stage 3 (14:05 English)channel9
Stage 3 Highlights (02:15 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Winner's Interview after Stage 3 (02:33 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Santos Tour Down Under Crowds (01:37 English/Music)tourdownunder
Stage 3 One-Minute Highlights (00:58 English)sbs
Stage 3 - Recap (02:37 English)
22 Big Photos from Stage 3sirotti
Cadel Evans Post Stage 3 (02:55 English)sbs
Winner's Interview from Stage 3 (01:48 English)sbs
Richie Porte Post Stage 3 (02:00 English)sbs
Bike Shorts: Stage 3 Analysis w/ Mike Tomalaris and Anthony Tan (02:59 English)sbs
Official Stage 3 Highlights (05:56 English)tourdownunder
Stage 3 Race Report (03:31 English)gcn
Backstage Pass - Stage 3 (04:27 English/Music)greenedge
Stage 3 wrap with Phil and Paul (01:52 English)tourdownunder

Stage 3 preview: Norwood → Paracombe, 143 km (hilly)

.@CadelOfficial has told @9NewsAdel today is crucial to @tourdownunder result. Expect a big move. #9newscomau

— Edward Godfrey (@EdwardGodfrey9) January 22, 2015
January 21 update:
Stage 3 Previewc-cycling
Phil and Paul look ahead to Stage Three (01:26 English)tourdownunder
Jim Ochowitz talks about Cadel Evans' race plan (02:57 English)sbs
Richie Porte Pre-Stage 3 (01:33 English)sbs
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 3 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 3 start time: Thursday 11:00 CDT (12:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Norwood, Australia
Earliest live video: 13:30 CDT (3:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 15:00 CDT (4:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Paracombe, Australia

Stage 2 Post-Race Coverage

16 Big Photos from Stage 2sirotti
Stage 2 Results
1  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   3:42:24
2  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  
4  DUMOULIN, Tom (TGA)                 
5  EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                  
6  SANCHEZ GIL, Luis Leon (AST)        
7  PORTE, Richie (SKY)                 
8  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (LAM)            
9  HAAS, Nathan (TCG)                  
10 DUMOULIN, Samuel (ALM)              
11 FERNANDEZ, Ruben (MOV)              
12 MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)              
13 GESCHKE, Simon (TGA)                
14 POZZOVIVO, Domenico (ALM)           
15 THOMAS, Geraint (SKY)               
16 MACHADO, Tiago (KAT)                
17 LAGUTIN, Sergey (KAT)               
18 ROGERS, Michael (TCS)               
19 DENNIS, Rohan (BMC)                 
20 BOBRIDGE, Jack (UNI)                

General Classification after Stage 2
1  BOBRIDGE, Jack (UNI)                6:41:55
2  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)      +  3
3  WESTRA, Lieuwe (AST)                   +  4
4  IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                     +  7
5  IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Gorka (MOV)        +  9
6  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (LAM)               + 13
7  MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)              
8  DUMOULIN, Samuel (ALM)              
9  HAAS, Nathan (TCG)                  
10 EVANS, Cadel (BMC)                  
Full Results from Stage 2biciciclismo
Lobato wins in Stirlingcyclingnews
Lobato continues Movistar's love affair with Australiacyclingnews
Last 12 Km of Stage 2 (18:15 English)channel9
Stage 2 Highlights (02:22 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 2 Winner's Interview (01:10 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 2 Recap (02:32 English)
Stage 2 One-Minute Highlights (01:02 English)sbs
Bike Shorts: Stage 2 Analysis w/ Mike Tomalaris and Anthony Tan (03:22 English)sbs
Jack Bobridge post stage 2 interview (02:19 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Daryl Impey Post Stage 2 (01:15 English)sbs
Jack Bobridge Post Stage 2 (03:38 English)sbs
Cadel Evans Post Stage 2 (01:01 English)sbs
Nathan Haas Post Stage 2 (02:15 English)sbs
16 Big Photos from Stage 2sirotti
Stage 2 Race Report (03:09 English)gcn
Official Stage 2 Highlights (06:26 English)tourdownunder
Cadel Evans w/ Joey pre Stage 2 interview (01:20 English)tourdownunder

Stage 2 preview: Unley → Stirling, 151 km (lumpy)

January 19 update:
Stage 2 Previewc-cycling
Phil and Paul look ahead to Stage Two (01:42 English)tourdownunder
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 2 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 2 start time: Wednesday 11:00 CDT (12:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Unley, Australia
Earliest live video: 13:30 CDT (3:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 14:56 CDT (4:26:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Stirling, Australia

Stage 1 Post-Race Coverage

18 Big Photos from Stage 1sirotti
Stage 1 Results
1  BOBRIDGE, Jack (UNI)                2:59:44
2  WESTRA, Lieuwe (AST)                
3  DURBRIDGE, Luke (OGE)               
4  BELKOV, Maxim (KAT)                 
5  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (LAM)            
6  MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)              
7  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   
8  HAUSSLER, Heinrich (IAM)            
9  VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)              
10 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  

General Classification after Stage 1
1  BOBRIDGE, Jack (UNI)                2:59:31
2  WESTRA, Lieuwe (AST)                   +  4
3  DURBRIDGE, Luke (OGE)                  +  6
4  BELKOV, Maxim (KAT)                    + 10
5  BONIFAZIO, Niccolo (LAM)               + 13
6  MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)              
7  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   
8  HAUSSLER, Heinrich (IAM)            
9  VON HOFF, Steele (UNI)              
10 IMPEY, Daryl (OGE)                  
Full Results from Stage 1biciciclismo
Bobridge wins Tour Down Under opening stagecyclingnews
Last 10 Km of Stage 1 (10:21 English)channel9
Bike Shorts: Mike Tomalaris and Cameron Wurf Analyze of Stage 1 (03:14 English)sbs
Stage 1 Recap (02:30 English)
Stage 1 Winner's Interview (01:37 English)sbs
Stage 1 Highlights (02:23 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
Stage 1 Winner's Interview (02:29 English, restricted to U.S.)universalsports
18 Big Photos from Stage 1sirotti
Official Stage 1 Highlights (06:05 English)tourdownunder
Inside the UniSA Team Car During Bobridge's Winning Ride (05:19 English)SubaruAustralia
Stage 1 Race Report (03:24 English)gcn

Stage 1 preview: Tanunda → Campbelltown, 133 km (rolling)

January 19 update:
Stage 1 previewc-cycling
Phil and Paul look ahead to Stage One (01:14 English)tourdownunder
See the race summary table (right) for the Stage 1 profile, map and timetable.

Stage 1 start time: Tuesday 10:30 CDT (12:00:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Tanunda, Australia
Earliest live video: 12:00 CDT (1:30:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 13:49 CDT (3:19:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Campbelltown, Australia

Prologue Post-Race Coverage

15 Big Photos from the People's Choice Classicsirotti
People's Choice Classic Results
1  KITTEL, Marcel (TGA)                1:02:41
2  LOBATO DEL VALLE, Juan Jose (MOV)   
3  WIPPERT, Wouter (DPC)               
4  SUTTON, Christopher (SKY)           
5  HAUSSLER, Heinrich (IAM)            
6  MEERSMAN, Gianni (EQS)              
7  SELIG, Rudiger (KAT)                
8  DUMOULIN, Samuel (ALM)              
9  RENSHAW, Mark (EQS)                 
10 HENDERSON, Greg (LTS)               
Marcel Kittel wins People's Choice Classiccyclingnews
Marcel Kittel is de snelste in Adelaide (02:00 Dutch)sporza
Last Lap of the People’s Choice Classic and Winner's Interview (03:25 English)tourdownunder
People's Choice Classic Highlights (02:28 English)universalsports
People's Choice Classic Highlights (05:00 Ambient Noise)gazzetta
15 Big Photos from the People's Choice Classicsirotti
People's Choice Classic Official Highlights (04:48 English)tourdownunder
Backstage Pass - People's Choice Classic (05:17 English)greenedge
Deflated arch threatens to halt cyclists, spectators ensure race stays on

Prologue preview: People's Choice Classic - Adelaide, 51 km (flat)

January 16 update: The warm up race (Down Under Classic) before the official stage race starts. It's a one hour circuit race around Adelaide and there may be live video coverage. — Steve
See the race summary table (right) for the Prologue profile, map and timetable.

Prologue start time: Sunday 19:15 CDT (8:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for People's Choice Classic - Adelaide, Australia
Earliest live video: 19:15 CDT (8:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 20:15 CDT (9:45:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for People's Choice Classic - Adelaide, Australia

2015 Tour Down Under Teams Presentation

January 18 update:
18 Big Photos from the Teams Presentationsirotti
Teams Presentation Clip (00:58 Ambient Noise)BMCProTeam

2015 Tour Down Under Preview

50 Big Photos - Pre-Race Training and New Team Kitssirotti

January 17 update:
Overall Preview & Favoritesc-cycling
Pro Cycling 2015 Team Kits (04:23 English)gcn
Evans focused for final Tour Down Under appearancecyclingnews
Haussler targeting Tour Down Under stage wins in green and gold jerseycyclingnews
Kittel ready to open 2015 account in Australiacyclingnews
Simon Gerrans injury leaves door wide open in Tour Down
Official Startlist w/ bib
50 Big Photos - Pre-Race Training and New Team Kitssirotti

January 16 update:
Porte: I want to have a big Tour Down Undercyclingnews
Evans’ swan song part of Tour Down Under battlevelonews
Orica turns to Impey to lead Tour Down Under squadvelonews
Gallery: Riders train in Adelaide before Tour Down Undercyclingnews

January 15 update:
Top 5 riders to watch (03:02 English)cyclingnewstv
Luis Leon Sanchez back at Tour Down Under ten years after breakthroughcyclingnews
TDU countdown: Phil Anderson talks racingcyclingnews
TDU count down: Race director talks about TDU favouritescyclingnews

January 8 update:
Tour Down Under 2015 previewcyclingweekly
Ferrari leads Lampre at the TDU, Santambrogio to fight doping casecyclingnews

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
Top riders skipping Tour Down Under for Tour de San Luisvelonews

December 25 update:
Evans to lead BMC at Tour Down Undercyclingnews

Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

January 18 update: A work in progress for Tour Down Under 2015 live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
Australia; Live video from Channel Nine for some of the stages plus highlights.

   live video ($ english)
  tv schedule
United States; Universal Sports online streaming to your computer, mobile device or TV without a cable, satellite or telco contract. See the details and link to the right for more access
   live videom (english)
  tv schedule
United States; Online streaming only for those that subscribe to a cable, satellite or telco video tier, or package, that includes Universal Sports Network. See the ad to the right or below for accessing Universal Sports without cable.
   live videom (english)
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
UK/Europe; Sky Sports 1 live coverage.
live text updates
English updates from the official site; live text and photo updates suitable for any smartphone.
live text updates English,
 steephill txt updates
short updates on results, photos and video
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link
January 15 update: Watch Universal Sports live on your computer, mobile device or TV without a cable, satellite or telco contract. Only $10/month (no contract) for the Sports Package which includes Universal Sports and bein Sports. U.S. offer only, SD not HD quality. Click below for further details and to sign up:

(online access to Universal Sports and bein Sports for U.S. residents)

2015 Tour Down Under Route Map

Route Map (Large Version)
Stage maps are posted in the race summary table

2014 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2013 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2012 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2011 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2010 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2009 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage

2008 Tour Down Under Archived Coverage