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Coppi e Bartali (2013) Photos; Stage 3: Crevalcore → Crevalcore, 14.3 km

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Yup, you better have your sh*t together when you race Coppi and Bartali; Unitedhealthcare's Redant Hendrik and Roberto Damiani going through the race bible prior to Stage 3share this photo

The day's climbing started in Madonna di Puianello at km 60 share this photo
Narrow, twisty roads again todayshare this photo
Stefano Pirazzi (Bardiani Valvole - Csf Inox) loves a good solo attack seen here attacking at Lama Mocogno, a hill at km 100share this photo
He was joined by these ridersshare this photo
The 10 man break up the roadshare this photo

Filippo Savini (Ceramica Flaminia - Fondriest), attacking on Passo Cento Croci, the GPM at km 130share this photo
Lampre-Merida driving the chaseshare this photo
Stage 1a winner, Fabio Felline (Androni Giocattoli), now solo nearing the top of snowbank lined Passo Cento Crocishare this photo
Fabio Felline (Androni Giocattoli) checking his gapshare this photo
Race leader Diego Ulissi and Lampre-Merida teammate Damiano Cunegoshare this photo

Descending Passo Cento Crocishare this photo
Ivan Basso and Franco Pellizotti gingerly navigating the wet, narrow descentshare this photo
That's a narrow road!share this photo
On to the finishing climbshare this photo
The GC leader at the front of the chaseshare this photo

Mauro Santambrogio (Vini Fantini - Selle Italia) putting in a digshare this photo
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Unitedhealthecare's Lucus Euser about to be reeled in with 3 km to go.share this photo
The slight downhill finish after the climb to Piane di Mocogno (el 1303m) resulted in a closely contested sprint finish between Damiano CUNEGO (LAMPRE-MERIDA) and Mauro SANTAMBROGIO (VINI FANTINI - SELLE ITALIA)share this photo
This looks to close to call but Damiano Cunego got the nod share this photo

Finish perspective in Piane di Mocognoshare this photo
Definitely no time for a victory saluteshare this photo
After another tough stage, Diego ULISSI (LAMPRE-MERIDA) maintains his race leadshare this photo
Second win in a row for Lampre and they keep the leader's jerseyshare this photo
Damiano Cunego can now flash a victory salute, his first of the seasonshare this photo
Hold that smile. Your stage 3 podium: 2nd Mauro SANTAMBROGIO (VINI FANTINI - SELLE ITALIA), 1st Damiano CUNEGO (LAMPRE-MERIDA), 3rd Matej MUGERLI (ADRIA MOBIL)share this photo

Coppi e Bartali (2013) Photos; Stage 3: Crevalcore → Crevalcore, 14.3 km

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