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From Civitavecchia, this 187 km stage will head northeast past Viterbo and Terni on smooth, wide but lumpy roads (see photos above). Although there are no GPMs (categorized climbs) along the way other than the cat 4 climb at the finish, it is expected to be a lively stage.
The finishing climb to the town centre in Assisi (Umbria region, photo left) is typical of the finishes at the Tirreno-Adriatico race. The last 5 km are tricky with narrow and steep sections including the San Damiano “Wall”, a 1.5 km @ 11.2% climb with a maximum of 15%. From there, the race follows a 1 km slight descent then enters the old town center for the final uphill km on a stone-paved road via a narrow passage. It's a spectacular finish, see the Assisi recon video below.
Michele Scarponi (Lampre-ISD) and Joaquim Rodriguez (Katusha) will be the two main favorites for this stage. A win by Rodriguez would likely see him gain the Pink Jersey. — Steve
(Assisi photo credit: globetrotter)