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Katusha's pure climber Joaquim Rodríguez has been a disappointment at this Giro, but here's a chance to redeem himself. You know Alberto Contador will be near the top, but he isn't likely to go too deep to preserve himself for the tough final week. Stefano Garzelli won the steeper Plan de Corones course last year, but he probably spent too many bullets in his solo bid to win the Queen Stage before the rest day. Igor Anton, the Monte Zoncolan winner, will be looking to up the Euskaltel Euskadi stage winning streak to three. Michele Scarponi looked very solid on the finishing climb before the rest day and he'll be extra motivated given he's second on GC and hasn't won a stage so far. Rest assured, there will be some dead legs following the long slog on Sunday and Monday's day off. — Steve