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May 20 post: Some of the sting of this tough stage has been reduced with the elimination of the controversial Monte Crostis climb (and descent) before the Monte Zoncolan finish. Now there are just two cat 3 and a cat 2 before the HC Monte Zoncolan (profile) finish. The stage has been shortened by about a 45 km as a result.
This is the fourth time the Giro has finished on Monte Zoncolan with recently retired Gilberto Simoni having won the first two editions, once in 2003 and again in 2007. Last year, Ivan Basso won convincingly. Zoncolan has the sort of viciously steep profile a pure climber relishes; it averages 12% over 10 km with a max grade of 22%. Now that Simoni has retired and Basso has skipped the Giro this year, we'll have a new winner. It would be hard to bet against Alberto Contador with the way he's riding, but Joaquin Rodriguez might be a goodd alternative or yesterday's winner, Jose Rugano, who is clearly riding well. — Steve