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Tour of Flanders 2010 Photos; Page 2: Muur and the finish

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The start in Brugge. Having the worst looking kit gets Footon - Servetto a lot of extra attention.share this photo

The first half of the race is flat. The riders passing through after the rain has stopped.share this photo

Mikhail Ignatiev of Katusha leading the two-man escape up the Patersberg climb at km 180 wearing a flag of Flanders helmet capshare this photo

George Hincapie settled into the second chase group and eventually posted another good Tour of Flanders result finishing 6thshare this photo

Fans on the Mur de Grammont, the last big test with 15 km to goshare this photo

Saxo Bank's Fabian Cancellara hits the top firstshare this photo

Cancellara rode away from his breakmate, Tom Boonen, half way up the climbshare this photo

The Belgium National Champ, Tom Boonen, looked like he was pedaling squares compared to Cancellara, who quickly extended his leadshare this photo

About a minute later, Philippe Gilbert (OmegaPharma - Lotto) and Bjorn Leukemans (Vacansoleil) crossed the top. Gilbert would eventually finish 3rd for the second year in a row.share this photo

Fabian Cancellara had plenty of time to savior his first Tour of Flanders win. He won by 1'14"...share this photo

Tom Boonen crosses on his own for second as the best Belgian finisher.share this photo

After Gilbert and Leukemans finished, Tyler Farrar won the field sprint for 5th ahead of George Hincapie.share this photo

Cancellara gets an escort through the maze of cameras post raceshare this photo

Garmin's David Millar contemplates what could have been. At one point, he was third on the road behind Cancellara and Boonen.share this photo

Fabian Cancellara (Saxo Bank) celebrates his first Tour of Flanders win and becomes the first Swiss winner since the 1920s. 262 km in 6h52'32"share this photo

Your 2010 Tour of Flanders podium: 2nd Tom Boonen (Quick Step) @ 1'14", 1st Fabian Cancellara (Saxo Bank) and 3rd Philippe Gilbert (OmegaPharma - Lotto) @ 2'10"share this photo

Tour of Flanders 2010 Photos; Page 2: Muur and the finish

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