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107th Paris-Roubaix (2009) Photos; Page 2: 2009 Pavé d'Arenberg Pre-race Training

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Le Trouee d'Arenberg aka the Arenberg Trenchshare this photo

Chris Horner said several years ago: "...they plowed a dirt road, flew over it with a helicopter, and then just dropped a bunch of rocks out of the helicopter! That's Paris-Roubaix. It's that bad - it's ridiculous."share this photo

Recreational cyclists find out how horrible the ride is over the bumpy cobblesshare this photo

Last year's champion and two time winner, Tom Boonen (Bel) of Quick Step testing out how the pavé d'Arenberg feels this yearshare this photo

Not exactly his event, but Filippo Pozzato (Ita) of Katusha has been on great form the last two weeksshare this photo

Another Italian, Manuel Quinziato of Liquigas, is also on fine form with good showings at Tour of Flanders and Gent-Wevelgem. Here he is being interviewed by Davide Cassini of RAI Sport.share this photo

Le Carrefour de l'Arbre at km 242 is the 4th last cobble section extending for 2km and rated among the hardest. That namesake restaurant will be busy on Sunday.share this photo

The "Russian Global Cycling Project" has rolled inshare this photo

Inside the Katusha team bus, Filippo Pozzato is interviewed by the Italian press including Claudio Ghisalberti of Gazzetta dello Sport (also seated)share this photo

107th Paris-Roubaix (2009) Photos; Page 2: 2009 Pavé d'Arenberg Pre-race Training

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